Never have I ever...

Neither have I!

Never have I ever broken a bone.
I haven't either. I did get close one day in 6th grade when my friends were being idiots to me.

Never have I ever been able to walk 5 miles.
Really? I have, you should try it!

Never have I ever woken up after 12PM.
Neither have I!

Never have I ever played BoTW.
I haven't, and I don't ever plan on doing it

Never have I ever left the continent I was born on
Like, how lost? I’ve never LOST lost (as in, had to buy a new one) a phone but it has gone missing around the house occasionally.

never have I ever broken a bone.
I have, and yes they're ugly as sin, but they're so functional. I try never to wear them outside the house lol!

Never have I ever owned a horse.
Me neither, though I think my mom had one when she was way younger (I dont remember 100%).

Never have I ever watched a wrestling match.