Never Have I Ever

I haven't.

Never have I ever done commissions for real money(I haven't)
I haven't.

Never have I ever set a crazy goal like the one in your signature(100 a day!? Geez man)
I haven't.

Never have I ever been in a near death situation(thank God I haven't)
I have

Never have I ever ridden on a motorcycle (I have, I've driven one! Technically illegal, but it was out in the country....)
My step-dad was gonna get me one, but my mum was all "you'RE NOT RESPONSIBLE ENough"
Can't say I disagree tho

Never have I ever kissed someone rOmAntIcallY uwuwuuwu
I have (Worst 3 minutes of my life! I have a fear of roller coasters and heights...)

Never have I even eaten frog legs!