New censor bypass rule

it's okay . But i remember once I posted a message here about some animes and I wrote the japanese name for Assasination classroom , which is Ansatsu no Kyou****su , and it censored a part of it .
I have accidentally bypassed the filter myself, due to a long habit from playing league of legends, but I always (or at least tried) edited the post afterwards to fix it.

Also a lot of people said "kids will learn it anyway" and "kids already know them" is not the point. Swear words can make people of any age feel uncomfortable because of any reason ranging from religion to family life. I am very vulgar, but I have never sworn around my group of friends who are very religious, and my friends who are a handful of years younger than me. I just don't think it appropriate for the demographic of this forum, as the audience is on the younger side. This is because your brain is developing the most around these points of your life, and don't stop developing until well into your 20's. If a 12 year old is seeing swear words consistently, they will be desensitized to it and use them in inappropriate situations. It's not a matter of "knowing" them, but using them.
Now I gotta start saying heck and frick more often. Time to get creative with new curse word replacements people!

Gunna heck you up so bad!

I cringe whenever I see or hear those words. If you're gonna swear, just do it. Don't use similar sounding words to try to swear without swearing.

I have accidentally bypassed the filter myself, due to a long habit from playing league of legends, but I always (or at least tried) edited the post afterwards to fix it.

Also a lot of people said "kids will learn it anyway" and "kids already know them" is not the point. Swear words can make people of any age feel uncomfortable because of any reason ranging from religion to family life. I am very vulgar, but I have never sworn around my group of friends who are very religious, and my friends who are a handful of years younger than me. I just don't think it appropriate for the demographic of this forum, as the audience is on the younger side. This is because your brain is developing the most around these points of your life, and don't stop developing until well into your 20's. If a 12 year old is seeing swear words consistently, they will be desensitized to it and use them in inappropriate situations. It's not a matter of "knowing" them, but using them.

I disagree with censoring words because some religions don't like it. If a person is really religious and gets offended by swear words, that person can go somewhere else. Being respectful of one's religion means to not deliberately insult someone for their religion; it does not place an obligation on others to follow a religion's rules.
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What does religion has to do with it. If you are that religious and scarce to see certain words, or as of now censored ones... wrong place bud.

Also in regards to my earlier post(s), I think this "adjustment" or should I say stricter enforcement is a bit gullible considering it only shifts focus to looking at small "errors" from your filter side and takes time from looking at actual trolls or flamers, but I guess you have the time. Considering how easy it is to actually bypass in lots of ways (not gonna type out how but go imagine if you are a bit smart) this thing sounds more encouraging to do it rather than leave it be, really, I don't think the bypass is that overly over the forums? To me they are just, maybe powerful words we need something and who really cares if someone bypass once or twice. If it becomes an insulting/flame problem that's another thing and then it's fair to warn/ban/whatever maybe.

Also yea kids know, from real life or just random videos from the internet, I don't think it makes people that uncomfy to be honest. And if they are using it 24*7 then there is something else.. parenting maybe or they have no self-control or whatever issue.

Lastly, I don't know if the coding for the site allows it but since it's so focused on now there should be a proper filter, not one that you can write around way too easily imo.
I cringe whenever I see or hear those words. If you're gonna swear, just do it. Don't use similar sounding words to try to swear without swearing.

Don't make me heck you up!
Is saying "that is disgusting as f" bypassing the censor?
That's extremely discriminatory to say someone's not allowed here because of their religion. Are they simply not allowed to use the internet because they are uncomfortable around these words? And actually, if that's the case, this site would be perfect for them since, wow wow wow, guess what, swearing is against the rules. If someone came here because they enjoyed the fact that swearing is not allowed, why would you tell them to leave?

Also, I disagree, Shiela, I was VERY uncomfortable with swear words until I was maybe 13, and I didn't swear myself until 14 or so. So there are definitely kids who get uncomfortable with swear words.

I also think the filter is fine. Can you imagine how long it would take to figure out all the go-arounds? It would be a massive waste of time, and could potentially break a lot of other things on the site making people complain about that.
I didn't mean it as being offensive and gtfo the place but really some people are way too sensitive and then they should fix the letter or space workaround with the words, but I don't get why they have to bring religion into this crap; that grinds my gears. Also I assume a lot of people are bi, tri etc. -lingual on the site so they can always write these words to do it anyways if they don't like the asterisks.. I don't encourage or promote it but tbh I think the filter is a bit lame. And not saying we should have it stupid like neopets where they block words in words, eg. you can't write grape or skill because kill and rape but tbh why not go Gaiaonline if you wanna be so tolerant?
Everyone saying "well the internet is full of swears, what's the point in having a filter" confuse me.

The internet is also full of porn. Lots and lots and lots of porn. Should we complain that posting that is against the rules too? They're going to see it anyway so why not?

My suggestion? Make the swear filter optional. Give us an option on our settings page to let us turn off the swear filter - that way nobody will be looking to bypass it and anybody who is uncomfortable with swearing doesn't have to see our filth. It's a win/win situation.
Everyone saying "well the internet is full of swears, what's the point in having a filter" confuse me.

The internet is also full of porn. Lots and lots and lots of porn. Should we complain that posting that is against the rules too? They're going to see it anyway so why not?

My suggestion? Make the swear filter optional. Give us an option on our settings page to let us turn off the swear filter - that way nobody will be looking to bypass it and anybody who is uncomfortable with swearing doesn't have to see our filth. It's a win/win situation.

Yeah, I think some other sites have an option filter as well where you can choose to see it or not. Also there are a nice difference between porn and random words, but fine drag it that far lol.
I didn't mean it as being offensive and gtfo the place but really some people are way too sensitive and then they should fix the letter or space workaround with the words, but I don't get why they have to bring religion into this crap; that grinds my gears. Also I assume a lot of people are bi, tri etc. -lingual on the site so they can always write these words to do it anyways if they don't like the asterisks.. I don't encourage or promote it but tbh I think the filter is a bit lame. And not saying we should have it stupid like neopets where they block words in words, eg. you can't write grape or skill because kill and rape but tbh why not go Gaiaonline if you wanna be so tolerant?

It was a real life example of a position I've been in. Also, I said "ranging from" meaning 'can include, but not limited the two following things'. This means that there could be tens of thousands of different reasons why people would be uncomfortable around swear words. I brought in religion as an example, because of the 5+ years I didn't swear around my personal friends. Their culture was different, so I respected that.

And you sound like those people who go "you can be gay, just not around me", but with religion. Gaia online is a cesspool of offensive things as well as trolls. Of course, there are specific forums you can go to forums that might not have that, but it's a lot worse than a site like this.
Yeah, I think some other sites have an option filter as well where you can choose to see it or not. Also there are a nice difference between porn and random words, but fine drag it that far lol.

Alright, not porn. Nudity. Dialing it back quite a bit. The example still stands.
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Alright, not porn. Nudity. Dialing it back a bit. The example still stands.

Yeah, I guess there are borderlines between Ecchi/H things and pure hentai just to drag it as an example so that I have understanding for if we are not allowed to post freely or just nude pics or porn in general as they have in rules.

@Lulu: How do I sound like that? I have respect for people's sexual orientation and I just thought it seemed sneery for the person above me to drag religion in as an argument like "lol ban all cuss people still" or likewise. And I just mentioned Gaia's filter examples not that TBT is like that site (with an exception of some trolls here). And to be honest I don't think bringing your religion in here even in regards to what you've posted is a good idea, it's like "ban all pig meat pictures, ban all cow pictures, ban all prophet pictures etc." and very nicely not offend anyone. Not that people post these things but it's literally the same "respect" level in some ways if we were to consider that topic in everything.

And I don't swear in every post and sometime I type out asterisks, I just find it silly to ban people who bypass it because you can, that's obvious people are going to challenge it since the space/letter things is not so well done.
"nice difference between porn and random words"

Not for everyone. I've never been offended by porn/nudity, but there are single words that I absolutely CANNOT tolerate.
"nice difference between porn and random words"

Not for everyone. I've never been offended by porn/nudity, but there are single words that I absolutely CANNOT tolerate.

We all have those, but I don't go around curse people for it :rolleyes:
Yeah, I guess there are borderlines between Ecchi/H things and pure hentai just to drag it as an example so that I have understanding for if we are not allowed to post freely or just nude pics or porn in general as they have in rules.

Could you reword that? I can't understand what you're saying.
Could you reword that? I can't understand what you're saying.

Like for example there are difference between a ecchi/fanservice pic showing some bikini girls or swimming trunks boys (as long as it's not loli or shota, then it's mostly illegal of course) and some drawing a lady with big boobs and no clothes on, just to make the example clearer. And as for non-fiction or real pictures there are differences between a random playboy nude shot and a hardcore porn video.
Yeah, I guess there are borderlines between Ecchi/H things and pure hentai just to drag it as an example so that I have understanding for if we are not allowed to post freely or just nude pics or porn in general as they have in rules.

@Lulu: How do I sound like that? I have respect for people's sexual orientation and I just thought it seemed sneery for the person above me to drag religion in as an argument like "lol ban all cuss people still" or likewise. And I just mentioned Gaia's filter examples not that TBT is like that site (with an exception of some trolls here). And to be honest I don't think bringing your religion in here even in regards to what you've posted is a good idea, it's like "ban all pig meat pictures, ban all cow pictures, ban all prophet pictures etc." and very nicely not offend anyone. Not that people post these things but it's literally the same "respect" level in some ways if we were to consider that topic in everything.

And I don't swear in every post and sometime I type out asterisks, I just find it silly to ban people who bypass it because you can, that's obvious people are going to challenge it since the space/letter things is not so well done.

I didn't bring religion as my sole argument. You simply tunnel visioned on it.
I also didn't know Gaia had a filter, at least I never encountered it. I assume it's an option in the settings and I simply forgot. Also when did I ever say my religion? I don't have a religion. The "ban all x pictures" would apply to a very, VERY small portion of the site, probably less than 1% if I had to guess. However, people being offended by swear words could be a lot higher, I'd gamble around 30% because of the age range of the demographic. This includes, but not limited to religion, family life, past experiences, trauma, bullying, personal beliefs, superstition, etc, etc.
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