I have no issues with this discussion as it stands, so yes, comments about how this thread will be closed soon don't really have a place here. I always encourage people to report something if they feel it needs attention rather than posting comments such as these, as they tend to derail the thread and are never on-topic. 
I also want to touch upon a few things being mentioned here. The reason we implemented this rule in the first place is because we actually do have a bank of filtered words, and it was getting so chock full of censor bypasses and workarounds that it literally wasn't feasible to continue adding to it. Every word has to be manually added, and since people are always coming up with new variants of curses and words with obscure symbols, it got to the point where we realized that it's simply not at all possible or realistic to keep adding every word people came up with, thus why the rule came to be. Swearing has NEVER been allowed on TBT; people just found ways to go around that by adding a "?" or "?" to their words after finding that the site automatically filtered the actual word. This always seemed rather counterintuitive to me, as I'd assume people would realize something isn't allowed after seeing that it's filtered, but it obviously didn't quite happen that way as the amount of posts that bypassed the censor had risen exponentially over the last few months.
I understand the argument of "kids already know the word" or "they're going to learn eventually!", but that doesn't mean they need to see/learn these words here. We want the site to be relatively family friendly, and dropping f-bombs in every post doesn't fit into the long-term ideals we see for the site. There are more than enough sites out there that have no guidelines whatsoever about what you can or can't post, so it shouldn't be necessary to curse on a site that actively tries to prevent it with a filter. It's not hard to get your point across without employing the use of prohibited words.
I'll admit that I have no issues with cursing or when people curse around me in general conversation, but I can understand that there are certain venues where it's not appropriate or allowed, and it's not hard to respect that or adjust to what's expected when there's a rule in place. The TBT userbase is full of intelligent and verbose folks, so it shouldn't be too hard to think of an alternate word when you're feelin' the urge to spew expletives.
I also want to touch upon a few things being mentioned here. The reason we implemented this rule in the first place is because we actually do have a bank of filtered words, and it was getting so chock full of censor bypasses and workarounds that it literally wasn't feasible to continue adding to it. Every word has to be manually added, and since people are always coming up with new variants of curses and words with obscure symbols, it got to the point where we realized that it's simply not at all possible or realistic to keep adding every word people came up with, thus why the rule came to be. Swearing has NEVER been allowed on TBT; people just found ways to go around that by adding a "?" or "?" to their words after finding that the site automatically filtered the actual word. This always seemed rather counterintuitive to me, as I'd assume people would realize something isn't allowed after seeing that it's filtered, but it obviously didn't quite happen that way as the amount of posts that bypassed the censor had risen exponentially over the last few months.
I understand the argument of "kids already know the word" or "they're going to learn eventually!", but that doesn't mean they need to see/learn these words here. We want the site to be relatively family friendly, and dropping f-bombs in every post doesn't fit into the long-term ideals we see for the site. There are more than enough sites out there that have no guidelines whatsoever about what you can or can't post, so it shouldn't be necessary to curse on a site that actively tries to prevent it with a filter. It's not hard to get your point across without employing the use of prohibited words.
I'll admit that I have no issues with cursing or when people curse around me in general conversation, but I can understand that there are certain venues where it's not appropriate or allowed, and it's not hard to respect that or adjust to what's expected when there's a rule in place. The TBT userbase is full of intelligent and verbose folks, so it shouldn't be too hard to think of an alternate word when you're feelin' the urge to spew expletives.