So uh I thought you could close the game when a campsite villager wants to kick someone you like out and they will pick someone else when you go back but... mine keeps picking the same person?
Yeah it didn't autosave I closed as soon as I read the nameDid you make sure to close the game before the autosave? It only works if you exit out before the game autosaves; most people close the game immediately while still in the conversation, with the dialogue box showing the villager's name.
If the game has already autosaved, then you're locked into that one villager.
Yeah it didn't autosave I closed as soon as I read the namestill going to keep trying to see if it changes
It was bad RNG, he literally asked 10 times in a row for pompom to move out. I was about to just give up thinking I missed the autosave somehow but... he finally said scoot! Lol. Thanks for at least answering so I knew this wasn't patched!Hm... then I'm afraid that I don't know if something is going wrong or if it's just really bad RNG, or if I'm just not thinking of something.
I'm sure that if this mechanic got changed so that save scumming didn't work, we'd have heard about it by now.
Sorry I couldn't help! If you haven't done too many resets already, I'm hoping it's just bad RNG.
Is it true that you now get K.K. Birthday on your birthday, no matter what day it is? I just asked for K.K. to play it and he wouldn't (it's the Saturday just before my bday), but I don't want to request an alternate song until I'm sure I won't miss out.
I believe so! My birthday was on Wednesday, and he was on my island that day and gave me K.K. Birthday~
it trigged, I needed to get to 5am to get isabelle's announcement lolyall when the game triggers the wedding event??
You can invite anyone you want on any day you want including your birthday. Just be careful not to invite any shady people who may ruin your birthday.My birthday is today! Is it ok to invite anyone on this site to my island on that day?
I am so confused right now. I invited Lucky to my campsite and he requested a Mic Stand. Thankfully I had one around since I can't craft it and Lucky didn't give me a recipe. HOWEVER when I returned with the item he has not asked for it and I have no way to give it to him. HELP?
The mic stand is a regular furniture item. I got one from a balloon today. Could it have been something similar that you do have the recipe for? I don’t know if he’ll repeat the name of the item.