New Horizons feels like a discount New Leaf

New Horizons is a great game on its own, but it definitely fails to deliver on content and characters. There's just too much missing, particularly furniture types—where is the counter/table top space?—and special characters like Brewster, Katrina, Kapp'n, etc., etc. I even consider Resetti as missing since we don't see him nor really interact with him.

If I had to rank the mainline AC titles, I'd say New Horizons would be third as of right now.
You're proving my point. They are tiny QoL improvements. Actually, some of these "improvements" arguably make the game worse. Part of the charm and appeal for Animal Crossing, for me, was the world itself. The fact that you could only cut your hair at certain times was part of the charm. Being stuck with a face the game gave you - part of the charm too.
This is how I felt with the hair and face customization. The idea of there being a shop you go to to get stylized was a part that always felt unique. It filled out the shop area and made the AC world feel complete. Like it was real in its own way. The idea of face puttying yourself feels superficial.

So I get you on that charm that the shops like that made the place feel alive. It's a game with codes and generated images, but this kind of stuff brought it to life. I never did like the idea of the face/hair change whenever/wherever when it was introduced. But I'm a minority, I know that.
New Horizons is a great game on its own, but it definitely fails to deliver on content and characters. There's just too much missing, particularly furniture types—where is the counter/table top space?—and special characters like Brewster, Katrina, Kapp'n, etc., etc. I even consider Resetti as missing since we don't see him nor really interact with him.

If I had to rank the mainline AC titles, I'd say New Horizons would be third as of right now.
Oh, I totally miss the brick counter!!!!

And plate armor, and oh, hundreds of other items.

Dead trees! :(
I definitely don’t feel like New Horizons is like a “discount” New Leaf. I think New Horizons is better in pretty much every way! At least for me. I’ve played every Animal Crossing, and New Leaf was the only one I didn’t really like all that much.

This might sound weird, but I don’t think of Animal Crossing as a “game.” For me, it’s more of an “experience.” It’s not a traditional video game in that it’s intended to hold the player’s attention with lots of content for hours at a time. It’s an atmospheric experience... the player is meant to log in for twenty minutes a day, maybe an hour here or there, and just enjoy some simple tasks and fun music and bright colors and friendly atmosphere. It’s a short, positive mental break from daily life, but it’s not really meant to be a content-packed “game.” That’s how I interpret Animal Crossing, at least.

I think one of the reasons I didn’t really like New Leaf was that it tried too hard to be a “game” instead of an “experience.” It had a lot of content, but it didn’t feel very atmospheric to me. The world didn’t feel “alive.” The music was kinda sad. The villagers had the worst dialogue! It was trying so hard to be a content-packed game that the atmosphere itself was just sort of empty. It didn’t feel like a real, breathing little world like GameCube, Wild World, and City Folk did.

For me, New Horizons brings back that feeling that my town is a living breathing little community. New Horizons feels so alive! It feels really deep and rich and homey. There’s enough to do to give me a nice little mental break every day, maybe for 30 minutes or an hour, and just immerse myself in another world, and that’s plenty of content for me!
i feel its great the NH tried to move forward from what animal crossing has been, but in doing so they have taken away so many of the good things. Look, i miss the old themed furniture, i miss brewster and the gyroids. i may be a sucker for all the old stuff, but i feel like they replaced all the furniture with new stuff and its so hard to decorate cos most fo the furniture i loved is gone. i would enjoy the game a lot better if we had some old stuff as well, a better balance. That being said, i do enjoy NH, i play like 15 min a day atm, but the only reason ive been playing is cos im tting to redo my bedroom and bathroom. i completely gave up on my island cos it just made me tired so ive left that. im honestly considering resetting at this point, because i am so tired.
New Horizons is a great game on its own, but it definitely fails to deliver on content and characters. There's just too much missing, particularly furniture types—where is the counter/table top space?—and special characters like Brewster, Katrina, Kapp'n, etc., etc. I even consider Resetti as missing since we don't see him nor really interact with him.

If I had to rank the mainline AC titles, I'd say New Horizons would be third as of right now.

This, right here. In a vacuum it's an excellent game. Ignoring history and progress in the series. It's really amazing - which is probably why so many new fans are enjoying it so much. Putting it into perspective though, a lot of the flaws start to show.

I'd agree with your ranking as well... I'd say:

1. New Leaf (in terms of content, GCN was FAR superior in terms of atmosphere/feel)
2. GCN
3. New Horizons
4. City Folk
5. Wild World
I know that people often complain about video games getting easier but NH is possibly the first game where this has bothered me. I'd be willing to put in more time if I felt like there was value in it, right now I'm just a little over 200 hours in, but IMO because the game is made to appeal to a wider audience I feel like I get everything I can from it just by playing casually. There's nothing wrong with being a casual player and it definitely brought in new fans this way but I wish that they weren't so afraid of adding in aspects that take more commitment for more dedicated players too, especially when it comes to holidays. Also I wish it was more balanced instead of catering only to decorating especially when the items are a bit lacking for that.

I'm okay with a lot of smaller things being missing because I think that each AC game can have its own identity but I wish things in general like mini-games, having larger holidays be more involved + more smaller holidays, better villager interactions (I like the NL dialogue/varied things they'd do), and more stylistic furniture/clothing were still in the game.

Ooh ranking the AC games? That's tough... I think I'd have to split it up between my enjoyment at the time that I was into it vs how willing I would be to play it now in 2020

Ranking for how I felt playing when it came out/when I got it :
1. Wild World
2. New Leaf
3/4 (tie). GCN/New Horizons
5. City Folk

Ranking for playing in 2020:
1. New Leaf
2. GCN
3. New Horizons
4. City Folk
5. Wild World

I got GCN in 2006 after WW to bide my time before CF, I enjoyed it but in part because it's on the TV and the timing probably put the least amount of time into it. I was really into WW largely because it was my first AC game, I was still a kid, and I spent a lot of time WiFi-ing. However the graphics are hard to get past now and the lack of appealing holidays (I'd take the ones in NH over WW any day) make it hard to get into now.
my big issue is just the sheer amount of stuff they dropped between NL and NH. i don't think that much has ever been removed between entries, and especially not without adding just as much new stuff to make up for said removal. i made a list on my phone just to put it into perspective and it's... insane. if they hadn't removed as much as they had, my disappointment with the game would almost definitely be slimmer.

it's easy enough to say "it's a different game" or "it's not NL" but, frankly, every new game in a franchise like this should expand on the last instead of all but ignoring it. (and they have, until now.) there is no real reason or need for most of the previous features to have been removed instead of carried over. every game has its own gimmick (CF had the city, WW had no holidays, NL had the mayor), and crafting/exterior decorating/landscaping is arguably that for NH but then... that's it. what else of substance was there, really? nothing, and two of them largely only apply to those who enjoy the decorating aspect of the game. (which, personally, i think they've leaned way too heavily into with this title.) for the most part, features were either removed or simplified/downgraded.

do i enjoy the game? sure, it's alright, but it's no NL, even after several updates, and i'm still bitter that i paid over double for NH when it at least feels like it has less than half the content.
New Horizons is the only AC game I've played. I love it but when people post about all the interesting features of New Leaf that are missing, I feel envious of people who have had both. I can't afford to buy an old system just to play New Leaf so I hope the New Horizons developers team keeps adding content to the current game.
Just my opinion

They’re both different games which share the same genre, but the focus being different with each instalment. This keeps each game fresh and allows new features to be added.

New Horizons from my playing, has been designed to give the player the freedom to create their own island in whatever way they want. Sure there’s areas that cannot be moved, but you can change the mountains, rivers and bridge placements. To allow for a one of a kind island, designed in the way that you want. It isn’t randomly generated and you’re basically stuck with it for life, without much changing.

It also allows you to place furniture outside and decorate more, allowing your island to represent certain themes or places, without using the limited work projects. It allows you to craft and customise items.

It’s something entirely different from the previous game and I’m happy for that. Since if it was just a port of new leaf with a couple of new features, it would just be rehashing the same game again. (Lets go to the city/city folk had some issues with that.)
Plus New leaf is still playable and has a community for it, so people can easily go back and play that game if New Horizons isn’t for them. Which is totally fine.

New Horizons has problems, the cut content is always going to be an issue until they implement it in some way. I also find some of the new mechanics frustrating (cliffs and water scaping ) from how they were implemented. Plus some QOL touches.

However I still enjoy the game and I honestly don’t regret buying it. I do prefer it over new leaf because the design aspect really interests me and having friends which enjoy new horizons too (plus being able to help and send each other things aswell), makes the experience aswell.
I could not disagree more.
I feel like people idealize New Leaf and forget just how much of a leap this is from the last game. They don’t stop and think about just how much more they put in (more to the miles type system, more fish, more bugs, better models, more customization, terraforming, better swimming and diving, crafting, new weather system, etc), and that’s where the long-lasting gameplay value is. They also forget *how much stuffwas added on later*, and they are not giving New Horizons that opportunity.
New Horizons is vastly superior. You can do so much more, be so much more creative in every way, etc. it builds upon it. You can now terraform, more clothes, they have new kinds of items, new functions, etc. they removed some things, yes, but the overall thing is that you could literally rearrange your island a million different, more unique ways than you ever could before. Nobody is giving New Horizons much time to get us even more than they did before. It is such a massive game even with less, so they have to put out the game and add dlc as time goes on.
New Horizons isn’t discount anything. They put so much work into what they have, and it shows. It just hasn’t had the proper time to give us even more, and they will. I feel like this is severely under appreciating just how much work went into what we’ve seen. New Leaf became horribly repetitive and unfun because of the customization restrictions, and that’s why New Horizons is so much better to me.
I wouldn't say its a discount NL per say, since the graphics quality is significantly better, I would instead call it a half finished game, because that's what it is. We will never know NH's true potential until the last update is released, possibly a year or two from now. I originally didn't think this was a bad thing but now experiencing one disappointing update after the other I wish the entire game was just released at launch. It sucks waiting all month for an event (like Toy Day) only to be massively disappointed. If the updates aren't adding that much new content they shouldn't be hyped up like they are. I still enjoy NH (specifically the design aspect/terraforming and outdoor decorating) but I would definitely say it feels a bit empty.
I could not disagree more.
I feel like people idealize New Leaf and forget just how much of a leap this is from the last game. They don’t stop and think about just how much more they put in (more to the miles type system, more fish, more bugs, better models, more customization, terraforming, better swimming and diving, crafting, new weather system, etc), and that’s where the long-lasting gameplay value is. They also forget *how much stuffwas added on later*, and they are not giving New Horizons that opportunity.
New Horizons is vastly superior. You can do so much more, be so much more creative in every way, etc. it builds upon it. You can now terraform, more clothes, they have new kinds of items, new functions, etc. they removed some things, yes, but the overall thing is that you could literally rearrange your island a million different, more unique ways than you ever could before. Nobody is giving New Horizons much time to get us even more than they did before. It is such a massive game even with less, so they have to put out the game and add dlc as time goes on.
New Horizons isn’t discount anything. They put so much work into what they have, and it shows. It just hasn’t had the proper time to give us even more, and they will. I feel like this is severely under appreciating just how much work went into what we’ve seen. New Leaf became horribly repetitive and unfun because of the customization restrictions, and that’s why New Horizons is so much better to me.

genuinely don't think there's any need to come in here and dismiss/discredit people's fair criticism and/or opinions by accusing them of not being able to "stop and think" just because they disagree with you. i've played literally every game other than GC (PC and HHD included), and i always found the next mainline installment better than the last until now. it's got nothing to do with "idealizing" NL and "forgetting how much of a leap this is from the last game" as if i don't see or use the features in NH everyday as i play lmao.
genuinely don't think there's any need to come in here and dismiss/discredit people's fair criticism and/or opinions by accusing them of not being able to "stop and think" just because they disagree with you. i've played literally every game other than GC (PC and HHD included), and i always found the next mainline installment better than the last until now. it's got nothing to do with "idealizing" NL and "forgetting how much of a leap this is from the last game" as if i don't see or use the features in NH everyday as i play lmao.

Sorry, that did come off as horribly dismissive wasn’t it. But I was just trying to say I - in my opinion- believe a lot of people forget how much was added and don’t really see all the work. That isn’t saying that nobody here can’t see it and still come to the same conclusion.

I was genuinely trying not to say that you guys can’t think for yourselves, I’m just merely saying think a lot of people don’t think about a lot of the stuff added.

I really wasn’t trying to say you can’t have your own thoughts or you don’t have valid points or thoughts, because you all do. I was just feeling that I think it’s sort of unfair to call it a discount game when they were trying to build on top of it.

I was more trying to get across that I feel way too many people aren’t giving it enough of a chance for the future, and that they really did try. I really am not trying to dismissive of criticisms when there is room for it. It is NOT a perfect game, and there is LOTS to improve on!
Sorry, that did come off as horribly dismissive wasn’t it. But I was just trying to say I - in my opinion- believe a lot of people forget how much was added and don’t really see all the work. That isn’t saying that nobody here can’t see it and still come to the same conclusion.

I was genuinely trying not to say that you guys can’t think for yourselves, I’m just merely saying think a lot of people don’t think about a lot of the stuff added.

I really wasn’t trying to say you can’t have your own thoughts or you don’t have valid points or thoughts, because you all do. I was just feeling that I think it’s sort of unfair to call it a discount game when they were trying to build on top of it

you're totally fine to disagree with us and have your own opinion, i was just saying i didn't think it was necessary to act like everyone (or even most people) are just blinded by NL. i'm happy to admit that game had its own faults, but they're certainly few and far between compared to those in NH for me, at least. i can respect that people (probably) worked hard on NH, but hardwork doesn't always equal an amazing product. i'm sure i could make a list of all the genuinely brand new stuff added to NH, and it would still be dwarfed by what was removed after NL which is my biggest issue with the game and will continue to be going forward. even if they were trying to "build on top of it", the point is that they failed to do so in a lot of people's eyes, hence some feeling it's a downgrade (discount isn't the right word) or unfinished.

i'm happy for you if you don't feel that way, and i'm sure nobody else feels ill will to those who genuinely enjoy the game or prefer it to NL either. personally, i'm just disappointed that they charged me over twice the amount for less than half the content because of... what? HD graphics? NL's graphics were considered high quality for the time, and they didn't charge me £60.
my big issue is just the sheer amount of stuff they dropped between NL and NH. i don't think that much has ever been removed between entries, and especially not without adding just as much new stuff to make up for said removal. i made a list on my phone just to put it into perspective and it's... insane. if they hadn't removed as much as they had, my disappointment with the game would almost definitely be slimmer.

it's easy enough to say "it's a different game" or "it's not NL" but, frankly, every new game in a franchise like this should expand on the last instead of all but ignoring it. (and they have, until now.) there is no real reason or need for most of the previous features to have been removed instead of carried over. every game has its own gimmick (CF had the city, WW had no holidays, NL had the mayor), and crafting/exterior decorating/landscaping is arguably that for NH but then... that's it. what else of substance was there, really? nothing, and two of them largely only apply to those who enjoy the decorating aspect of the game. (which, personally, i think they've leaned way too heavily into with this title.) for the most part, features were either removed or simplified/downgraded.

do i enjoy the game? sure, it's alright, but it's no NL, even after several updates, and i'm still bitter that i paid over double for NH when it at least feels like it has less than half the content.

100% agree with everything here.

They’re both different games which share the same genre, but the focus being different with each instalment. This keeps each game fresh and allows new features to be added.

Yes... They are different games. But they don't exist in a vacuum. Nintendo fans should be allowed to criticize Nintendo and call them out for their laziness in recent titles. To say that "the reason NL features don't exist in NH is to keep things fresh" is ridiculous - especially when data mines reveal certain things like the Roost (or as the past showed, art/diving/bushes) are coming in future updates.

I could not disagree more.
I feel like people idealize New Leaf and forget just how much of a leap this is from the last game. They don’t stop and think about just how much more they put in (more to the miles type system, more fish, more bugs, better models, more customization, terraforming, better swimming and diving, crafting, new weather system, etc), and that’s where the long-lasting gameplay value is. They also forget *how much stuffwas added on later*, and they are not giving New Horizons that opportunity.

I don't put New Leaf on a pedestal. Actually, there's a lot I dislike about New Leaf in contrast to the GCN game - but that's another discussion. To throw a bone to anyone who thinks that I am a big New Leaf fanatic, one thing that NH does a vastly superior job at is the music. The hourly tracks in NH give off a GCN vibe, and I'd take it any day over NL's hourly themes.

Ah, I forgot about the miles system. It's fun, and reminds me of daily achievements on mobile games. I like it. It gives objectives. The issue is, after a point I think the miles are really useless. I haven't used them after buying everything I want. The catalogue doesn't change.

And here's something else that's lost in the museum! The museum no longer gives you descriptions of the fish/bugs on the little plaque. I loved going in the museum and reading all the descriptions but it's gone. Is this to "keep each game fresh"? Hmmm..

And yeah, the diving is a big improvement from New Leaf. I enjoy it a lot more now - but still, it's a QoL improvement. By and large, it's the same idea from New Leaf.

I wouldn't say its a discount NL per say, since the graphics quality is significantly better, I would instead call it a half finished game, because that's what it is.

That's what I'm implying by me hyperbolic choice of words. Other than graphics and the other major points everybody knows, New Leaf just has more content.

But I was just trying to say I - in my opinion- believe a lot of people forget how much was added and don’t really see all the work.

Any game made takes tons of work on part of the development team. I'm sure it took a lot from the development team, and kudos to them for making a game as polished as they have made (except for when the game drops frames on crowded islands...). However, just because it's what we are given doesn't mean we should just "appreciate what we have". Of course, we are all Animal Crossing fans, and no one would vote with their dollars and boycott the game for not having tropical fruit. Nintendo's standards have been dropping off recently and to call it out is good - even if they will never lay eyes on this thread.
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i'm sure i could make a list of all the genuinely brand new stuff added to NH, and it would still be dwarfed by what was removed after NL which is my biggest issue with the game and will continue to be going forward.

This is basically my thought in a nutshell. One step forward, two steps back.
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hence some feeling it's a downgrade (discount isn't the right word) or unfinished.

The word choice was hyperbolic and was mostly to capture attention.
you're totally fine to disagree with us and have your own opinion, i was just saying i didn't think it was necessary to act like everyone (or even most people) are just blinded by NL. i'm happy to admit that game had its own faults, but they're certainly few and far between compared to those in NH for me, at least. i can respect that people (probably) worked hard on NH, but hardwork doesn't always equal an amazing product. i'm sure i could make a list of all the genuinely brand new stuff added to NH, and it would still be dwarfed by what was removed after NL which is my biggest issue with the game and will continue to be going forward. even if they were trying to "build on top of it", the point is that they failed to do so in a lot of people's eyes, hence some feeling it's a downgrade (discount isn't the right word) or unfinished.

i'm happy for you if you don't feel that way, and i'm sure nobody else feels ill will to those who genuinely enjoy the game or prefer it to NL either. personally, i'm just disappointed that they charged me over twice the amount for less than half the content because of... what? HD graphics? NL's graphics were considered high quality for the time, and they didn't charge me £60.

The reason it costs 60 dollars is simply because of how much development costs are these days for games like this. The costs for games like this are much, much larger than they used to be because games are much bigger graphics wise and more complicated (terraforming, setting stuff up outside, etc)., and they worked on this for many years. Games like this cost in the hundred millions and they have to have a certain cost or else they won’t make back their money, and they have to make investors happy. If the game only barely made a profit, investors wouldn’t think the series would be worth it. Now, we all know how beloved animal crossing is so it was a guaranteed best seller, but the standard across the field is 60 to 69 dollars now for a reason. These massive AAA games cost so much money that companies will make it that much money to buy.

I do hope that everyone will eventually get a lot more content and can feel satisfied, because it is sad to see the community is disappointed for a lot of legitimate reasons. I really do want more things added and know it’s not perfect yet.

I wasn’t thinking people were necessarily being unappreciative or should be completely content - as there is a lot missing from the past that I believe can be added back - and want more in the future. I just feel like I see a lot of threads where it seems people just flat out hate this game sometimes.
Ah, I forgot about the miles system. It's fun, and reminds me of daily achievements on mobile games. I like it. It gives objectives. The issue is, after a point I think the miles are really useless. I haven't used them after buying everything I want. The catalogue doesn't change.

not going to lie, but i always thought that NL did this system better with the MEOW coupons. granted, you could only do three tasks a day, but that stopped them from stacking up so quickly and becoming as obsolete as they have in NH. there were also (i'm pretty sure) vastly more items for them to be spent on. you had harvey's rotating two daily items, the guaranteed daily NPC RV, and then any other RV you decided to invite with an amiibo card or figure. imo if they wanted to keep NMTs and the related tasks relevant as time went on, they should've continued adding more items or perks that could be bought with them.
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The reason it costs 60 dollars is simply because of how much development costs are these days for games like this. The costs for games like this are much, much larger than they used to be because games are much bigger graphics wise and more complicated (terraforming, setting stuff up outside, etc)., and they worked on this for many years. Games like this cost in the hundred millions and they have to have a certain cost or else they won’t make back their money, and they have to make investors happy. If the game only barely made a profit, investors wouldn’t think the series would be worth it. Now, we all know how beloved animal crossing is so it was a guaranteed best seller, but the standard across the field is 60 to 69 dollars now for a reason. These massive AAA games cost so much money that companies will make it that much money to buy.

I do hope that everyone will eventually get a lot more content and can feel satisfied, because it is sad to see the community is disappointed for a lot of legitimate reasons. I really do want more things added and know it’s not perfect yet.

i think you misunderstand. my issue isn't the cost itself, it's charging a higher cost for arguably less content and/or a game that comes across as unfinished or rushed. like you said, they had years to develop this game, and yet it's certainly never felt that way to me.
No, but this isn't a series like The Legend of Zelda. It's Animal Crossing. It's a relatively simple game, and other than with Wild World, every game to this point had improved on each previous entry.
Apologies, I have heard so many different opinions about previous games that I didn't really see a linear improvement. People often cite the original game having the best dialogue and later entries being worse for example; or City Folk being a step back from WW. Watching that from afar is why I never put on the table that each entry improved upon the latest one, for example. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from :p

It's big for the first month of the game, and maybe for events. Other than that, I rarely, if ever, find the need to craft. For fences and stuff... maybe? For the breakable items - sure, but I can always just buy them too. Terraforming is probably bigger than crafting. Crafting was underdeveloped.
For you and others, it can be big only at times. For me and others, it's big all around. What does that mean? That the mechanic is huge, and the amount of work behind it is massive. It's too bad if you feel it wasn't great, but that doesn't make it a minor mechanic.

I have heard people say Brewster and the working at the café are little things that get boring but I'm not going to treat that as a fact and disregard the amount of care put on it and the activity it represents for past games.

And yes, terraforming is also bigger. It's not only the fact that you can build anything, but also how it affects villagers' walking AI. That's why I'm talking about, just these three features are huge. And let's add HD development on top of that. And like all the others things that are there but people choose to focus on what isn't there.

You're proving my point. They are tiny QoL improvements. Actually, some of these "improvements" arguably make the game worse. Part of the charm and appeal for Animal Crossing, for me, was the world itself. The fact that you could only cut your hair at certain times was part of the charm. Being stuck with a face the game gave you - part of the charm too.

Improved storage... Well, that was long overdue. QoL improvements. Does waiting 7 years warrant that? I also kinda miss the natural paths, the new ones feel too angular. Tanning was cool. I don't like that I can change the colour of my skin, my hair, my gender, and my facial features at the press of a button. That's not how things work in real life. At the very least create new characters/buildings for me to do these.
Those are not tiny QoL... but I kind of understand we may have different concepts of what is big then haha It's ok to miss those old mechanics, other appreciate them being overhauled. That again, doesn't make a game "a discount" one.

However, I strongly disagree with the tanning part. It was absolutely appalling (and racist) that a black person could only represent themselves by "getting burnt by the sun".

I "like" NH. I play it regularly and I do have fun with it. I just feel as if there was a big missed opportunity for further improvement here. I think my feedback is constructive and logical.
I was speaking in general about the community giving better feedback. But just to say, thinking a feature is lame just because you don't like it is not constructive criticism. There are some feedbacks or so that are kind of confusing from the outside, you know? Like you say there are no room on the museum for you to decorate, but you don't address that on the other hand we get a full house at Harvey's to decorate (where we can even invite villagers and do photoshoots and whatnot). It's like the same thing, but one isn't being counted?

It's like people complaining about shorter dialogue and then accepting they ignore Blather's or they ignoring the heavy dialogue present on Toy Day today. It's... confusing haha (and to clarify, it's not that you said this, I'm only trying to point out why lots of "they should have listened" is weird). Or thinking games should cost the same "because we're geting less content" when that's not how pricing, development and the world in general work. The game, as everything, has lots of flaws and content that can/should be added, but most of the great feedback is lost on the waves of bad complaining.

You misunderstood. I said Splatoon 2 was "Splatoon.... 2". That's what it felt like. (Like the original Splatoon, but more refined) Yes, I know there are a lot of small improvements, similar to NH, but a sequel (especially one that isn't a frequent release) shouldn't have to need hardcore fans to outline the tiniest of improvements or changes as warranting its existence.
Welp, I think we just different concepts of what a sequel is then.

Overall, I also find kind of... sad? that many people use the "new players don't understand" card. It's like the meme of "oh, you think you are a fan of a band? Tell me the names of 150 songs by them" haha. You're telling me that if I played "x" game of the series I wouldn't like this one as much because I'll be seeing the truth? Come on xD

Anyways, Happy Toy Day everyone. Hope you can enjoy playing the games you like the most!
not going to lie, but i always thought that NL did this system better with the MEOW coupons. granted, you could only do three tasks a day, but that stopped them from stacking up so quickly and becoming as obsolete as they have in NH. there were also (i'm pretty sure) vastly more items for them to be spent on. you had harvey's rotating two daily items, the guaranteed daily NPC RV, and then any other RV you decided to invite with an amiibo card or figure. imo if they wanted to keep NMTs and the related tasks relevant as time went on, they should've continued adding more items or perks that could be bought with them.
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i think you misunderstand. my issue isn't the cost itself, it's charging a higher cost for arguably less content and/or a game that comes across as unfinished or rushed. like you said, they had years to develop this game, and yet it's certainly never felt that way to me.

Oh, I did misunderstand you lol. That makes sense. They probably felt they couldn’t delay it due to pressure, or because they didn’t want to say last minute “hey, we’re delaying it a year and a half” when the pandemic was coming out and so many people were begging for it to help them feel better. Twitter was full of people saying they needed it to get through the year.

if they added in the RV thing that would be cool. Like it came via ferry. Or just a personalized Tent selling stuff for miles like before