Shop New Horizons Item Ordering Service! 🌠Roxie's Odds n' Ends🌠 Sanrio, Seasonal, Wedding, Art, Models, Mom's and MORE! + FREE Crafting!

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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
Probably more than I said lol is 5-6 set okay? With an extra pillar for each set? I’ll be getting on in a min. No rush but just letting you know I’ll be around when you’re ready. 😊
Sure that's no problem! To be clear, by pillars do you mean castle tower?
Hi! Can you please craft me the following?

1) log shelf
2) maple pond stone
3) cherry pond stone

I can give you a stack of hardwood and a stack of stone but don't have any leaves. You can keep any leftovers. How much do I owe you?
Hi! Can you please craft me the following?

1) log shelf
2) maple pond stone
3) cherry pond stone

I can give you a stack of hardwood and a stack of stone but don't have any leaves. You can keep any leftovers. How much do I owe you?
Heya! It'll be just 3 tbt. I'll be available for a few hours now let me know when you're ready :)
hey! could i get your warm painting for 5 tbt? it's the last one i need for my museum :]
Hi @Firesquids !

I would like to use your crafting skills. I would like:

1 cherry blossom bonsai
1 cherry blossom pond stone
2 cherry blossom branches
2 cherry blossom petal pile

I am pretty sure I did the math right, and have the materials. I will also be donating bells for your time.
Hi @Firesquids !

I would like to use your crafting skills. I would like:

1 cherry blossom bonsai
1 cherry blossom pond stone
2 cherry blossom branches
2 cherry blossom petal pile

I am pretty sure I did the math right, and have the materials. I will also be donating bells for your time.
Heya I'm available now!