New Horizons - Share your Friend Code

TBT Username: bandida
In-game name: Ashley
Friend Code: 5625-4359-9494
New to the Forum

TBT Username: Suki
In-game name: Suki
Friend Code: SW-0770-5482-9032
Looking for new friends :D

TBT Username: Cathedral
In-game name: Emman
Friend Code: 8240-0335-6243
Looking for a friend without oranges :)

TBT Username: Vexul
In-game name: Ran
Friend Code: 2397-5337-9109
TBT Username: Irisdaen
In-game name: Iris
Friend Code: 7561-2872-3900
Looking for friends to exchange furniture

TBT Username: Irisdaen
In-game name: Iris
Friend Code: 7561-2872-3900
TBT Username: Fang's_Fangirl
In-game name: Wolfy
Friend Code: SW-4409-9739-2968
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Nautilus Friend Code

TBT Username: budgetzendaya
In-game name: Natalie
Friend Code: 1854-2724-3600
Sandy Feet

TBT Username:RUSerious
In-game name:Joe
Friend Code:6379-4533-6696

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Hi there

TBT Username: GuNnM23
In-game name: KatPeach
Friend Code: 8499-5077-7395
TBT Username: Crynal
In-game name: Les
Friend Code: sw-6638-4478-1295

Native fruit and flowers: Oranges, windflowers, and tulips. Pansys in the store.
Hello everyone!

I'm Salvatore from Switzerland, happy new pirate of Tortuga :lemon:

I hope to meet you in game, have a nice day!

TBT Username: PlankThor
In-game name: Thor
Friend Code: 8090-2794-4326

Native fruit and flowers: Peaches and Lilies.
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Hello guys please add me too.

TBT User name: SeraphicOrder
Ingame name: Daniel
Island Name: East Isles
Friend Code: 6311-7578-6701

Native fruit and flowers: Peaches and Lilies

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Need cherry apples and peaches

I Want to make friends !

My friend code is 6958 5160 3603
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TBT Username: kotinni
In-game name: Rena
Friend Code: 0614-6284-0328

Native: Apply & Tulip
Add me :)

In-game Username: Asobru
Island: BuddhaLand
Just started the game, add me :)
Friend code:6566-3801-6213

Gates open from:10:00 A.M-1:p.M (MST)
Fruit Trees: Peaches (native), Cherries, Coconut
Hemisphere: North
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Still need oranges and pears

TBT Username: Freyja
In-game name: Freyja
Friend Code: SW-2443-7710-6523
TBT Username: Jusi
In-Game Username: Justine
Friend-Code: 2219-8674-1018