New Horizons - Share your Friend Code

TBT Username: karleraven
In-game name: Raven
Friend Code: 2194-7278-7411

I added some of you already, im not a time jumper but definitely dont mind visiting islands that have ^_^
TBT Username: Hikari
In-game name: Jordan
Friend Code: 7494-5803-7697

I'd love to come visit as many towns as possible, I love exploring! :D
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my friend code

TBT Username: Laufeia
In-game name: Laufeia
Friend Code: 5064-5196-1041

Grownup gamers only please!
Friend code:

TBT Username: Isay
In-game name: Isay
Friend Code: 8192-2861-7614

Welcome all!
Here's me

TBT Username: SilverRath21
In-game name: Brandon
Friend Code: 0482-7383-3717

My island is pretty new cause I'm playing the game day to day, but I'd like to see how creative you guys have been :)
TBT Username: emmigrace9
In-game name: Emmi Grace
Friend Code: 4457-2823-7305
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TBT Username: Chickaboom
In Game Name: Maddie
Friend Code:0866-

Add me if you like. I play daily.
TBT Name: Matth
In Game Name: Matt
Friend Code :SW-8523-1822-7705

Looking forward to meeting you all and seeing your islands.

I don't time travel, nothing against it, just enjoying playing day to day. Also open to trading or just sending random little gifts back and forth. Always find to have mail. :)
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TBT Username: StiX
In game name: Joël
Friend Code: 2006-0457-3718 (Chelone)

Looking for friends to just send letters/gifts with and randomly visit eachother. If you add me please pm me your switch name^^

20+ only please
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TBT Username: HappyTails
In Game Name: Raven
Switch FC: 1621-0373-1341

I only have 3 Switch friends, sad as it is. I have room for plenty more. I'm on the game every day so I'm always up for visits, trading and just hanging out.
TBT Username: Rapture
In-game name: Stevie
Friend Code: SW-6485-3430-3620
TBT Username: zammey12
In-game name: Vince
Friend Code: SW-5726-5257-5985

Northern Hemisphere, Peaches

Looking for people that play a lot, go to each others islands, trade items, etc. :)
TBT Username: Izuku Midoriya
In-game name: Deku
Friend Code: 1119-7626-0996

UA Academy. Northern hemisphere, apples.

Would love to become friends with more people! :)
TBT Username: R3i
In-game name: Rei⭐
Friend Code: SW-6394-8766-3690
TBT Username: Rosebaygal
In-game name: Katie
Friend Code: 8521-2468-5702
Add me, I do not time travel.

TBT Username: Jesshorizons
In-game name: Jess
Friend Code: SW-4609-1427-6300
Add me

Hey everyone! I'm Keito and i'm looking for people to enjoy ACNH with. Feel free to add me!

In game name: Chloe from Nintenland

Friend code: 6392-5908-1207

PS: If you or anyone has Judy is willing to let me trade, buy, or have her, LET. ME. KNOW! Please and thanks.
TBT Username: Alyfantis
In-game name: Suzanne
Friend Code: 1850-0117-4526

Hi! I'm new here and just started playing today. Looking for friends for this and other games. I've got peaches. :p