🍀 best of buddies 🌸
Coming right up! Your total will be 45 TBThi! i need 3 of the real warrior statues!
140 TBT is correcti am once again askin for flowers lol
can i get the following?
i think the total is 140 tbt?
- hyacinths: x10 purple, x10 blue, x10 pink = 30 tbt
- roses: x10 blue, x10 black, x10 pink, x5 purple = 65 tbt
- mums: x5 purple, x5 pink = 10 tbt
- windflowers: x5 purple, x5 blue, x5 pink =15 tbt
- pansies: x5 purple, x5 blue = 10 tbt
- tulips: x5 purple, x5 black = 10 tbt