New Ranks?

If they were recreated into Ninty themes, I would want Fireball to be one. I want to be a fireball. Or a Hylian rank. Wait, I'm already a Hylian. Oh well.
Well, to make this more organized, each eprson may submit two ranks to go on to the next round. (Staff and sages may not submit through this thread).
Please do so in the following posts.
I'll post the 2nd round on Friday.
Please have all ideas submitted by then...thanks!
Jacobs Ladder
Shooting Star

(I think those were the best, incase you don't switch Shooting Star with Dandelion Puffs)
If the ranks will be based on Nintendo..There should be:

Shy Guy

Sky Guy
Forest Guy (the coolest) :lol:

Island Guy

Family Guy

:p j/k
Flower Guy

btw..if you want to use these as avatars or something else ask for permission.
Or else! The green guy gets it! :angry: