New Update Coming 4/28!

Hmm... That's intriguing. I tried talking with my villagers again yesterday 4-5 times in a row each and the first 3 were exactly the same as they always were, but Cherry immediately launched into 2 different unique dialogues I've never heard after her generic greeting followed up by asking me to do a treasure hunt. Maybe I got unlucky with my first villagers, but if they did in fact change it to be more like that last one I certainly would not mind! I'll have to try again when I get on later today.
Just a warning for those who are about to do the May Day Event today. If you did not do the event last year you will not be able to obtain
Rover's Photo
, instead you will receive Rover's Briefcase from the event that occurred last year, this is only for new players who did not play the event last year. If you're a returning player and have played the event last year you don't have to worry too much.
Just a warning for those who are about to do the May Day Event today. If you did not do the event last year you will not be able to obtain
Rover's Photo
, instead you will receive Rover's Briefcase from the event that occurred last year, this is only for new players who did not play the event last year. If you're a returning player and have played the event last year you don't have to worry too much.
If you sold the briefcase, can you still get the photo anyway or do you have to have the item on hand?
If you sold the briefcase, can you still get the photo anyway or do you have to have the item on hand?
Well if you lost the Briefcase or sold it for whatever reason you should still be able to get the Photo as long as you played the event last year. Also if you were wondering how to get back the Briefcase even though you played the event already you need to create a new user on your island so that way they will be able to obtain Rover's Briefcase.
I’m loving the news about the dialogue! The hardest part about this game for me has been lack of strong attachment to villagers—I’m really excited to check in tonight and see if things have improved.
If the dialogue is not new, then I think my statement is still viable at least for me, because every villager I've talked to today has given me new dialogue (or, I guess in better wording, dialogue I've never seen before, but I guess that's still "new" for me).
Probably already in the game, but never encountered because I don't like having to speak to my villager a lot to get something new. Granted, I did talk to my villagers but not often when I played, maybe like 4 times a day?

But considering they've retweaked it to get the deeper stuff without having to speak to them like 6 times in a row, I think that's an amazing improvement!

Also, the dialogue for when you stop playing for a while seems to be new, or at least I've never seen it before?

You used to get the classic "waiting outside your house" from lazies, or "screaming in the basement" from smug, etc. But I got none of this today! Beau and Biskit said different things as well. Beau told me I should speak to others because everyone would get worried, and Biskit said he's glad to see me again and that we should chat more!
I must talk to my villagers a lot more than most of you, because I've already seen all of this dialogue I'm seein'...
I've not noticed any change in how villagers talk and I remember seeing the vast majority of the stuff people are saying is new to them.
To me everything seems exactly the same as pre update.

However I'm glad people are seeing the villagers the same way I do now so I can't complain. I just really have no idea what people mean.

Perhaps the order of dialogue has changed and I've not noticed due to bad RNG or just being used to seeing different dialogue as I talk to my villagers multiple times a day anyways?

Main thing is people are happy, change or no change.

Editing in the fact I just got my first line I don't remember seeing before.
I think it's more that the unique dialogue rng has been tweaked to be more easily obtained. Because my normal villager couldn't shut up about what I was wearing, did the other day, was holding, where we were, ect...but the others gave me newish dialogue and some of the other dialogue I've seen but only once through the entire year.

I also had two of my villagers talking to each other, which I hadn't seen in ages. So I think they changed the rng on that as well.

Thank you Rngesus.
I think it's more that the unique dialogue rng has been tweaked to be more easily obtained. Because my normal villager couldn't shut up about what I was wearing, did the other day, was holding, where we were, ect...but the others gave me newish dialogue and some of the other dialogue I've seen but only once through the entire year.

I also had two of my villagers talking to each other, which I hadn't seen in ages. So I think they changed the rng on that as well.

Thank you Rngesus.
Of course it had to be bad RNG no wonder the villagers kept repeating the same topics. Idk what Nintendo was thinking, but they at least fixed it to where it would not be so repetitive so I will give them credit for that. Sure it took a long while for them to noticed this, but still better late than never.
They're heavily hinting Rover will eventually be able to be invited. He's using those taglines villagers have so often like "It's fate we met here." "Your island sure sounds great!" and the like. It won't be this year mind you, but in the upcoming ones it won't surprise me if he eventually asks to finally settle down and move to your island.
. . . Oh Sorry I Couldint Find Them Anywhere And Of Course It Was In The ONE Place I Didint Check
Do not feel bad. I Forgot they was there and came cross it when i was checking nook taps and came cross it. It easy to forget they are there. lucky i got the newspaper hat and Wind whatever in the last day of april.