New Update Coming 4/28!

Lol another meh update but I'm not surprised. I have no expectations for E3 either.

Honestly at this point the feeling I'm getting is that Nintendo thinks they made enough money from ACNH, and that they probably can't make any more from this game anyways (I feel like by now, the majority, if not everyone who wanted to play this game now have the game), so they're just gonna do the bare minimum for updates from now on since they've already maximized profits.

Like at the beginning of covid I could understand the delays/slow/lackluster updates, but it's been over a year now, and it's not like ACNH wasn't already in production for a long time before release.

Hope I'm proven wrong though :)
To people hyping up the house that doesn't belong to a current villager, unfortunately it most likely isn't pointing to a new villager.
In a few previous trailers they also showed "villager houses" that didn't belong to any villagers. I guess it's a common thing for them.

White fences, cliffside trees, bushes on top of paths, unused houses... they really need to avoid things like this because people (like me) will think that it has some sort of significance.
Even if it's not much and there's major updates I fear we'll never see I'm glad that they did mix up the events a bit. I'll definitely try them again this year for that reason
It’s the same events they had last year. The only thing “new” about this is some pieces of furniture and slight changes to already existing events. To those hoping for a massive e3 update, I feel sorry for you.
When I think of a new update, I think of new features that adds changes to the game to make it better and new content that is surprising and not seen before. Last year for example when we got the Turkey Day/Toy Day update back in November 2020 when had more than just items. We had a new feature where we can get new emotes for our characters to Sit down, a new way to expand our storage when talking to Tom Nook, and of course the new DIYS for items that are coming for that certain event.

I guess because I've been so used to last year where I wanted to see new DIYS for items since this game is all about crafting. However, since the Festivale in 2021 there has barely been any new DIYS added. I mean there was one DIY added for the Rainbow Feather but none for the Festivale items to craft. Also when Bunny Day came back there was no new DIYS either just the same ones from last year, I know there was Bunny Day items at the Nook shop, but still.

Since then updates have follow this trend where they bring back old events, add new items and thats it. No new DIYS, No New Gameplay Features, and No improvements. Its really something I've noticed this past 4 months and I really am not liking this trend I'm seeing. This is a trend I'm seeing with this game and its really making me worried. If Nintendo is going to keep giving us smaller updates where its nothing but new items and the events are still the same from last year its going to really kill the playerbase. So many people have a right to be upset because they really wanted to see new features and new content being added to this game, but it fails to deliver. It just feels like it stuck in a time loop where everything is the same as last year and not much has even changed or improved.
Unfortunately, that’s how I think it will be the rest of the year. Maybe there will be a big update to bring back Brewster and some old furniture sets or amiibo villagers but the rest of the year will probably be just incremental updates to events with a couple of new furniture.
for everyone speculating, the "mystery" villager home was just a mistake.



Updated on April 27: Since it was found that the screenshot introducing the "Children's Day" items showed a house that cannot appear in the actual game, the screenshot was replaced. I'm very sorry.
4/27 update: The screenshot posted at the time of publication was replaced because the house shown was one that cannot appear in the actual game. I'm very sorry.
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I love May Day so I’m excited for that. Everything else is just a bit lackluster. I’m hoping there will be a big E3 announcement that looks like an owl and has a name rhyming with Cooster. I really expect not a ton haha.
So they ACCIDENTALLY used a footage of a house exterior that’s not in the game?? I can’t with this game anymore. Nothing against the creative team etc. I’m sure they have plenty of pressure and stress. I’m more angry at the CEOs of Nintendo at this point and their weird decisions.

To events being recycled:
I don’t mind that at all personally. It’s been like this in the older games too. I think people are frustrated in general because the game is lacking in content. If they actually filled the game with at least stuff that was in previous games I think fewer people would complain about events being recycled.
I don’t need bunny day, museum day etc to be reinvented personally.
But I’d like club tortimer/ mini games, special tree stumps, carnations, tropical fruit & perfect fruit, the roost and the police stations back. :<
So at this point I’m just sad. Even with the new items I already dread ordering them Bc we STILL have the 5 items a day limit.
since i was new to this game before now & didn't play new leaf at all & only WW *no way, i'm playing it now though... don't want to go backwards* *i started nh on 3/2/21 but then i restarted on 15/2/21*, i'm looking forward to any & all updates ^^
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Definitely not surprised that it's a pretty boring update. A new May Day maze will be fairly entertaining though. The carp streamer is a pretty cool addition too. Hopefully a noteworthy 2.0 update comes early summer... but I wouldn't be surprised if it was mid or late summer.
for everyone speculating, the "mystery" villager home was just a mistake.


Might mean something still
Might not

Seems random to me that they would have put together a house that isn't in the game by mistake. It might have been put in the picture by mistake, but they could still be working on something.

All their retraction of it means is that it wasnt a purposeful hint to something coming in a later update.
Ha, they actually noticed it wasn't a house in the game and replaced it!

Is this similar to the things that've been datamined and since removed (where it's a sign of Ooh, Potential Future Content but it's not finished yet so they don't want it to show), or is this a genuine mistake with a random house they put in for screenshot purposes? Eh, idk.

I'm still kinda worried about the game's future, especially because of this update, but at the same time there seems to be enough that's unfinished that shows that the game's still got stuff to come... it's just taking a very long time to come out.

I think I would like to try the events again this year. I wonder if we will get a new item from Rover, or if it’ll be the suitcase again. If the wedding event has the same items I’ll probably skip it this year.

Even though the update may seem disappointing, Mario Party just got a huge update after 2 years so this gives me hope for NH.
I think I would like to try the events again this year. I wonder if we will get a new item from Rover, or if it’ll be the suitcase again. If the wedding event has the same items I’ll probably skip it this year.

Even though the update may seem disappointing, Mario Party just got a huge update after 2 years so this gives me hope for NH.
Oh yeah I just saw that on Twitter just now. Seriously why did it take Nintendo so long to release anything for Super Mario Party? I Forgot that game existed.

Anyways on topic I am only hoping Rover gives us a different item instead of the Briefcase from last year. If he doesn't then I might skip it.
I think I would like to try the events again this year. I wonder if we will get a new item from Rover, or if it’ll be the suitcase again. If the wedding event has the same items I’ll probably skip it this year.

Even though the update may seem disappointing, Mario Party just got a huge update after 2 years so this gives me hope for NH.
You raise a good point! This isn't the first Nintendo game that was empty upon release but they added to later (Kirby Star Allies, now Super Mario Party).
for everyone speculating, the "mystery" villager home was just a mistake.


This is just hilarious to me lol. They can be pretty bad with communicating with the fanbase and one of the few times they do it's over something like this. The fact they went through the effort to put together a whole new scene/screenshot for it too.. just lol
This is just hilarious to me lol. They can be pretty bad with communicating with the fanbase and one of the few times they do it's over something like this. The fact they went through the effort to put together a whole new scene/screenshot for it too.. just lol
I think thats the issue here. Nintendo is not really good at communicating with their fanbase on what is going on with the game. They just seem to do their own thing by releasing updates when they feel like it.