New Years Resolutions and Plans

What Are Your Daily Activities/ What Do You Still Do?

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I can also be a doormat, and something that has helped me is being with folks who could read me and realize when I wasn't honest about my opinion to avoid conflict. It doesn't help that I have a high tolerance for people until I blow up; that is. XD

A psychiatrist/Twitch streamer recently uploaded this video about how to stop being a doormat. It provided me with a really unique perspective on what "being a doormat" really means. I'm not sure if you'll come to the same realization as I did, but I hope it helps you out. His content is fantastic, and he is so skilled at explaining things; he has also made a lot of content about depression, which may be a great supplement to therapy.

That was a great share; I will have to check out the video myself. I tend to let a lot of stuff go or try to because I hate conflict, but as you said, that is only until I blow up one day, which is not a healthy way to deal with it.

as I just started my adventure a couple of days ago, I obviously have LOTS to do this year. Still, I definitely want to have a final terraformed island by the end of the year that I hopefully won't have to change any time later. I also want to have completed the entire museum, as I love collecting stuff in games. Hunting most nook mile achievements is lots of fun too, but I doubt I'll ever complete them all as there are too many, and some of them are just too tiresome.

I try not to set any goals for upcoming years as time is an illusion and planning too much doesn't really work out for me, but what I do need to is find a new job as a web designer as I am tired and exhausted from working at the post office 😅

Time is an illusion, but I personally still need some direction or nothing gets done.

- Finish art exhibit. I’ll probably buy most of the stuff I’m missing because I want to complete it at this point.
- Catch my last bug, the walking stick. I’ll have to time travel or try catching it at a friend’s SH island in January.
- Change my living room and bathroom to one of the rooms I designed at Harvey’s.

Other than that, I don’t really have resolutions. I don’t plan on playing the game much at the beginning of the new year because I don’t enjoy winter, and I’ll likely gain interest again when spring comes around.

I get the burnout, which led to several restarts this year; it is also why I am limiting my playing time in general.

I guess wait and see what the last batch of updates, for the months before the launch, will have in store for us. And probably buy any seasonal DIY they decide to give us through balloons because that stuff isn't fun.

Oh, and shake trees.

I get the balloon thing and even understand it; it is not fun. However, I also understand the developers reasoning for doing it. I don't think we are really meant to grind for hours and hours to get all the recipes. Then what would there be to collect in the following years, when they eventually stop updates. I am not saying that will happen anytime soon, but they will stop adding new items. It's not a question as to if, more so as when. There could be a better balance with the system, though.
Few plans for my island adventures next year!

- I completely abandoned my island journal back in April, so I plan to revive it with my current desert oasis island project

- Focus less on island decorating and more on interacting with villagers, continuing to catch fish/bugs for the museum, doing Nook Miles achievements. I've only been playing when I have a build idea and my villagers miss me...probably

- Obtain the rest of my wish list items. I'm currently missing about 10 DIYs I really want, and my clothing, wallpaper, and flooring catalogs are a bit bare

- Decorate the inside of my house at some point so that it's not a secondary dumping ground for random items
I get the balloon thing and even understand it; it is not fun. However, I also understand the developers reasoning for doing it. I don't think we are really meant to grind for hours and hours to get all the recipes. Then what would there be to collect in the following years, when they eventually stop updates. I am not saying that will happen anytime soon, but they will stop adding new items. It's not a question as to if, more so as when. There could be a better balance with the system, though.
I understand what you are saying, but most Animal Crossing games have a shelf-life of 4 months-1 year for the average player and me. I've come back to play all the other games over the years, but it's not at a daily rate. I don't grind for them to begin with since I've been deemed essential during this pandemic. I wanted to decorate my island in Xmas stuff and not have to just wait for the following year because who knows if I will even have the interest or desire to a year from now. My interest may change to another game or whatever.
I understand what you are saying, but most Animal Crossing games have a shelf-life of 4 months-1 year for the average player and me. I've come back to play all the other games over the years, but it's not at a daily rate. I don't grind for them to begin with since I've been deemed essential during this pandemic. I wanted to decorate my island in Xmas stuff and not have to just wait for the following year because who knows if I will even have the interest or desire to a year from now. My interest may change to another game or whatever.
I get that too. Thats why I said a nice balance is needed.
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Few plans for my island adventures next year!

- I completely abandoned my island journal back in April, so I plan to revive it with my current desert oasis island project

- Focus less on island decorating and more on interacting with villagers, continuing to catch fish/bugs for the museum, doing Nook Miles achievements. I've only been playing when I have a build idea and my villagers miss me...probably

- Obtain the rest of my wish list items. I'm currently missing about 10 DIYs I really want, and my clothing, wallpaper, and flooring catalogs are a bit bare

- Decorate the inside of my house at some point so that it's not a secondary dumping ground for random items

I have just started island journaling, I never thought it would be as fun as I had with it last month. What all do you track?
It's probably easier to say what I won't continue doing...

I haven't bothered with the money rock/hole/tree in months. I have more bells than I'll ever need, just feels tedious to go out of my way for that. Sometimes I dig up the 1,000 bells and don't bury anything else...just because, money. Sometimes I also do the money rock while looking for resources (especially gold nuggets)...but I never really go out of my way for that either. Fruit and fossils are also something I don't really bother with. Sometimes I do fruit as gifts for villagers...but never a full shakedown for the sake of selling or anything. Same deal with fossils. I dig them up sometimes just to get rid of the cracks. I know you can hide them all behind a building or whatever...but, I don't care for that method. I just let them pop up and occasionally sell a bunch. Everything else on the poll...yeah, I'll probably keep doing most of that (assuming the updates are regular and I actually keep playing daily)...(it's getting tough now).
For my island:
-I've been keeping a physical daily journal since March so I'd like to keep working on it through the end of February (it'll feel weird to stop it though)
-Decorate to a point where I feel satisfied. I just started doing major renovations to my island. Before I just did some minor changes to the layout and did some sections but now I'm going in with more of a vision. I'm not TTing though so to move all of the houses/buildings will take some time but I just play a bit each day anyways
-Interact more with villagers. Because I don't like the dialogue (imo it's worse than NL) I don't talk with them very much, gift them gifts, or send letters like in past games. I'd like to start enjoying the game in that way and get some pictures

For my personal life:
-Get a job lol. I'm leaving my current job next summer
-Get better at keeping my house clean
-As Corona starts to get better do the social things I felt motivated to right right before it got started
-Put more time into things I care about but maybe give me some anxiety (YouTube channel, drawing, studying) rather than things that don't matter
-EDIT forgot about this one engage more with Japanese media e.g. anime (try MAL challenge again?), drama, TV, YouTube, etc.
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Oehh i love this thread! I stole some (if not all) ideas of previous repliers, but these stood out to me the most and are important to me :)

AC Resolutions:
  1. Talk more to my villagers. I tend to only talk to the ones I still need a picture from, but even if I play everyday it happens a lot that a villager will mention they haven't talked to me in over a week.... ooops! Definitely don't wanna ghost my villagers in 2021! I also want to interact with them more, and giving them presents, check if they're making DIYS or are being sick etc.

  2. Completing my museum. Or at least put a little more effort into catching critters lol. In previous games I liked catching a bit more since it didn't have the stress of breaking tools. But even swimming I rarely do. I don't necessarily need to complete my encyclopedia this year, but I do want to make more effort catching stuff. Or just catch and chill in the evening hours :)

  3. Make more custom designs. I tend to get a lot of designs online, which is fine. But I'm a really creative person so I would like to be able to make some proper designs myself. Dusfar I only made 'merch' out of the same patterns i use for my town flag and museum sign. But I want to make more personalised stuff as well, for me but also for my villagers to wear :) So i would need to look up some pixelart tutorials and get crackin!

  4. Play acnh consistently. New leaf i got bored after 3 or 4 months, because I bored/burned out myself by timetraveling and *not* hacking. I will definitely not do that this time, and hopefully will keep the pace I have going on now. Playing almost daily around holiday events, but in low seasons (such as september) at least play 1 or 2 times a week :) I love my little island and will do my best not to neglect it. If i keep changing little area's according to season I think that might help as well.

Real life resolutions:

  1. I want to watch a 100 NEW movies. I tried that in 2020 but covid tempered my motivation because I couldn't see a lot of movies in the cinema, so I only got to 70 (which is still respectable i think)
  2. Read 5 new books (I watched lotr for the first time this year so i definitly wanna read the books, so thats already 4 haha)
  3. Start live drawing classes again (as soon as covid allows) and keep improving my artistic skills
  4. Start screenprinting again, but on small scale. So I can maybe start up selling some stuff again so I wont be focused (and stressed out) as much on my main job
Seems like a reasonable list to me :)
Oehh i love this thread! I stole some (if not all) ideas of previous repliers, but these stood out to me the most and are important to me :)

AC Resolutions:
  1. Talk more to my villagers. I tend to only talk to the ones I still need a picture from, but even if I play everyday it happens a lot that a villager will mention they haven't talked to me in over a week.... ooops! Definitely don't wanna ghost my villagers in 2021! I also want to interact with them more, and giving them presents, check if they're making DIYS or are being sick etc.

  2. Completing my museum. Or at least put a little more effort into catching critters lol. In previous games I liked catching a bit more since it didn't have the stress of breaking tools. But even swimming I rarely do. I don't necessarily need to complete my encyclopedia this year, but I do want to make more effort catching stuff. Or just catch and chill in the evening hours :)

  3. Make more custom designs. I tend to get a lot of designs online, which is fine. But I'm a really creative person so I would like to be able to make some proper designs myself. Dusfar I only made 'merch' out of the same patterns i use for my town flag and museum sign. But I want to make more personalised stuff as well, for me but also for my villagers to wear :) So i would need to look up some pixelart tutorials and get crackin!

  4. Play acnh consistently. New leaf i got bored after 3 or 4 months, because I bored/burned out myself by timetraveling and *not* hacking. I will definitely not do that this time, and hopefully will keep the pace I have going on now. Playing almost daily around holiday events, but in low seasons (such as september) at least play 1 or 2 times a week :) I love my little island and will do my best not to neglect it. If i keep changing little area's according to season I think that might help as well.

Real life resolutions:

  1. I want to watch a 100 NEW movies. I tried that in 2020 but covid tempered my motivation because I couldn't see a lot of movies in the cinema, so I only got to 70 (which is still respectable i think)
  2. Read 5 new books (I watched lotr for the first time this year so i definitly wanna read the books, so thats already 4 haha)
  3. Start live drawing classes again (as soon as covid allows) and keep improving my artistic skills
  4. Start screenprinting again, but on small scale. So I can maybe start up selling some stuff again so I wont be focused (and stressed out) as much on my main job
Seems like a reasonable list to me :)
Wow 100 movies? I dont know if I could watch that many. I tend to watch things in spurts, indo know I want to finish all the Marvel movies this year. So far pther than the Avengers titles I jave only seen a scattering so I am trying to watch them in chronological order.
Wow 100 movies? I dont know if I could watch that many. I tend to watch things in spurts, indo know I want to finish all the Marvel movies this year. So far pther than the Avengers titles I jave only seen a scattering so I am trying to watch them in chronological order.
I already tend to watch 1 or 2 movies a week, but re watch a lot of them. So if i jusr push myself to watch 2 new movies every week or so, and do a little marathon from time to time it's not that hard :)
But not gonna lie, there are weeks (or months... dang you 2020) where i really dont feel like it, so it will remain a good challenge haha.

I never really watch super hero movies 🙈 but i keep a list of every *unwatched* movie someone talks to me about, so now I will have to add avengers haha! They are no. 103 tho. 😅
I already tend to watch 1 or 2 movies a week, but re watch a lot of them. So if i jusr push myself to watch 2 new movies every week or so, and do a little marathon from time to time it's not that hard :)
But not gonna lie, there are weeks (or months... dang you 2020) where i really dont feel like it, so it will remain a good challenge haha.

I never really watch super hero movies 🙈 but i keep a list of every *unwatched* movie someone talks to me about, so now I will have to add avengers haha! They are no. 103 tho. 😅

True that, just be aware that Avengers is part if a whole movie series. XD. My dad is really into Marvel movies so I watch them with him.
- I use alot of flowers to decorate and they can get pretty out of control. I'll clean them up and then use a transparent custom pattern to keep them from spreading once and for all

- Go to bed earlier, and wake up earlier, get 8 hours of sleep each night
- Meditate for 15 min in the morning, journal for 15 min before bed
- Start practicing yoga from home since I can't attend the studio
- Keep my space clean and tidy, donate the things I don't use anymore
- Read instead of watching shows and movies
The biggest one for me on the list is to CHECK MY MAIL!! I always let it go too far and it turns into a hot dumpster fire. I would really really like to keep decorating until I get to the point where I feel like I can upload my island. I've been working really hard and think it looks nice but I'm only like... 10% done. Ugh.
- I use a lot of flowers to decorate, and they can get pretty out of control. I'll clean them up and then use a transparent custom pattern to keep them from spreading once and for all

- Go to bed earlier, and wake up earlier, get 8 hours of sleep each night
- Meditate for 15 min in the morning, a journal for 15 min before bed
- Start practicing yoga from home since I can't attend the studio
- Keep my space clean and tidy, donate the things I don't use anymore
- Read instead of watching shows and movies

Yeah, I wish there was a happy medium on the way lowers spread; I think we all do at one point or another. For me, Sunday is my dedicated go around and clean up my flowers day. Maybe I will break down and try the transparent pattern thing.

On waking up earlier, try it in fifteen or half-hour increments. If you adjust your wake up time first, it will your going to bedtime will naturally follow. I am a natural morning person, but I was able to train myself to start making up at 430 or 5 this way to start getting in a morning workout since I am the most productive in the mornings.

The biggest one for me on the list is to CHECK MY MAIL!! I always let it go too far, and it turns into a hot dumpster fire. I would really really like to keep decorating until I get to the point where I feel like I can upload my island. I've been working really hard and think it looks nice, but I'm only like... 10% done. Ugh.

I just have started mine, but then it snowed, so I am thinking of waiting till the snow goes away before I do anything major. So I know the feeling.
My new year resolutions are:
  • I will play for at least an hour on a work day
  • Play at least for 2-3 on my day off
  • Decorating my house I have had the game since launch and not spent any time at all on my house
  • Terraform a bit more in areas
  • Spend time trying to breed flowers
  • Collect all the DIYs
  • Try to finish the nook mile checklist
  • Actually let people come visit my island cause it is almost done
  • Believe that my island looks amazing cause it does
My new year resolutions are:
  • I will play for at least an hour on a work day
  • Play at least for 2-3 on my day off
  • Decorating my house I have had the game since launch and not spent any time at all on my house
  • Terraform a bit more in areas
  • Spend time trying to breed flowers
  • Collect all the DIYs
  • Try to finish the nook mile checklist
  • Actually let people come visit my island cause it is almost done
  • Believe that my island looks amazing cause it does

I know about the island thing. It can be hard when you see all these great images to think your island is great as well.
I know about the island thing. It can be hard when you see all these great images to think your island is great as well.
It has really been annoying me lately I have only had 4 people I know IRL come visit and they all loved my island. Other than that the only time people come to my island is to drop trades off and I get complimented on how my island looked as they flew over and how my entrance looks but I still worry its not good and haven't let anyone come see it.

So that can be another I can add to my list let others come see and enjoy my island
I just have started mine, but then it snowed, so I am thinking of waiting till the snow goes away before I do anything major. So I know the feeling.
Yeah, I really liked the snow at first but then realized how different the entire vibe is. I've been time travelling to summer now and then just to make sure what I'm doing is going to look okay once it melts!!
I still do most of them, but stopped shaking trees, gathering resources and hitting rocks. I check my lost and found a couple times a week.
It has really been annoying me lately I have only had 4 people I know IRL come visit and they all loved my island. Other than that the only time people come to my island is to drop trades off and I get complimented on how my island looked as they flew over and how my entrance looks but I still worry its not good and haven't let anyone come see it.

So that can be another I can add to my list let others come see and enjoy my island

I think it is important to just remeber if you like it, that is all that matters.

Yeah, I really liked the snow at first but then realized how different the entire vibe is. I've been time travelling to summer now and then just to make sure what I'm doing is going to look okay once it melts!!

Yeah me too, that's why I am going to wait tillnit melts and gather things to decorate in the mean time, and come up with a few ideas as well.
I still do most of them, but stopped shaking trees, gathering resources and hitting rocks. I check my lost and found a couple times a week.

I always find it intresting what people still do and rank important.
Sounds fun, so here my resolutions:

  • I want my favourites villagers to be my best friends
  • Collect all villager photos
  • Decorate better my island
  • keep growing pumpking for money purpose ^^

  • Read books and not only manga lol
  • Learn to meditate and do Yoga and want to make progress continually ^^
  • Stop my addiction for sugar/ sweets
  • Eat healthier
  • work out regularly