New Years Resolutions and Plans

What Are Your Daily Activities/ What Do You Still Do?

  • Total voters
-collect all my dreamies
-talk to all my villagers at least once every 2 days
-gift presents to my villagers so I can get their photos
-finish terraforming on my island
-finish decorating my island (especially the cliffs)
-do more online play (so I can get my online membership money worth)
-upload my dream address
-finish collecting all DIY recipes
-I’m going to attempt finish catalog all furnitures but not committing to it fully yet
-play everyday but limit daily play time to 2 hours max
-collect all my dreamies
-talk to all my villagers at least once every 2 days
-gift presents to my villagers so I can get their photos
-finish terraforming on my island
-finish decorating my island (especially the cliffs)
-do more online play (so I can get my online membership money worth)
-upload my dream address
-finish collecting all DIY recipes
-I’m going to attempt finish catalog all furnitures but not committing to it fully yet
-play everyday but limit daily play time to 2 hours max

What is the theme of youe island if you dint mind me asking?
The main goal that comes to mind for me is to figure out some items to use as permanent decoration around the island so that I can store and/or sell the Halloween items that are still adorning my island so that I can consistently maintain my 5 Star rating. I'm not much for decorating the island, I'm more into the nature aspect, so I find it a bit of a challenge to find things that I would want sitting around outside all year long.

I should also finally get around to culling some of my hybrid flowers in the new year, as there are simply too many of them around and it makes things look a bit too cluttered. I should probably save like 2-5 of the ones that don't currently have any use in my island's aesthetic and then sell the rest or something.

If I think of any other goals, I'll make another post.
I love the idea of exercising with the villager you see. Every time I see one doing yoga or working out I feel guilty. 😆

To be honest I should probably be playing Animal Crossing a lot less than I do. I’m hoping for the new year that I will get out more and go on hikes and exercise as well as do projects I’ve been putting off, like cleaning and organizing areas of my house that desperately need it.
personally my resolution is to finally get the nose stud ive been wanting for almost 10 years now. back in 2014 i finally got the courage to get a bar in my right ear (i fainted a bit but hey i got it done) so why not finally get my nose stud? im thinking for 2022 to finally get a small tattoo

oh and every year my goal is to loose weight but ive stopped saying it because its depends on my mental health (though i got new meds this year so we'll see!)
That seems so cool. I dont know what theme I will aim for yet.
Trust me I struggled quite a bit on this as well- i love so many different aesthetics it was a really difficult decision to pin down to one only. (I still think I might end up dedicate a small area of my town to more of a zen themed area because I love a lot of the asian style furnitures in the game)Definitely take your time to think through things a bit more as there’s no rush to commit.
this is a neat thread!

honestly, i don’t think that i have any new year’s resolutions for my island; there’s a lot that still needs to be done, of course, but trying to force a timeline on myself stresses me out a bit aha. however, now that i’m thinking about it, i think that i might have at least 2 resolutions that i might work on;
go at my own pace. looking at all of the gorgeous and finished islands that get shared online can be really intimidating for me and i find that i’m constantly beating myself up for not having made much progress in terms of island decoration. but honestly, there’s no due date for when i should have things done; i can take until 2023 if that’s what i want. realizing that i can and should go at my own pace is important and i want to work towards fully understanding that this upcoming year.
complete something. this one sort of goes hand-in-hand with my above resolution. while i don’t want to rush myself, i would like to complete at least one area of my island; doesn’t matter which one or how big or small it is. as long as i finish something, i’ll be happy. :’)

every year, i come up with new year’s resolutions and then never follow through on them but i’ll share a few, anyways; who knows, maybe this year will be different aha.
exercise. your resolution about exercising alongside your villagers is honestly a great idea and i might even steal that one! i think my problem is is that every year, i try to force a whole workout routine on myself and that just,, doesn’t motivate me to do anything lmao. but exercising with my villagers for 5-10 minutes sounds simple enough that i might actually stick with it!
practice better hygiene. this one’s gross but my hygiene honestly suffers a bit due to my depression and i really want to improve on that.
work on getting myself into therapy. while i really don’t like talking about my problems, i desperately need to be in therapy. it’ll probably be a bit of a process to get myself in but the goal is to be in therapy by the end of 2021 which i think is uh,, doable. :’)
strengthen my friendships + form new ones! my social anxiety is atrocious but i really would like to make new friends. i also want to strengthen my bond with the friends that i already have as they’re honestly all incredible and i’d love to become closer with them. <3
start sticking up for myself + be honest with people. i have a habit of letting people walk all over me and staying quiet, which has led to a lot of bottled up feelings and resentment. so, even though it’ll definitely take a while, i really want to work towards getting better about that this year.

and i think that’s it! my resolutions are probably pretty cliche aha but they’re important to me :’). i wish everyone luck with their resolutions, too! <3
i really like this idea!!

i've been sparcely picking up the game and working on my island, but I wanna start playing more during 2021!!

- i wanna try to create a scenic fjord near the back-side of my island!
- i'd love to work on improving my scenery in general (trying to impliment new items, stunting trees, etc, to create more variety)!
- inspired by @xara, but def. going at my own pace! i feel like i lose a lot of inspiration and motivation to play when i realize that my island is nowhere near done. if i take things one step at a time and complete my projects at my own pace, i think i'll be a lot happier! the game isn't all about completion - i wanna enjoy my projects and the process of developing my island~!
- i think that i would also benefit from planning a bit of my island out- maybe by creating some pinterest moodboards or something else to create my aesthetic. i've been shifting between cottagecore, ghiblicore, foresty, japanese, etc! although i dont need to follow an aesthetic, if i have a general vibe i'm going for i think that it would benefit me when coming up with projects!

anyways, i hope you all have a great new year, and that you achieve your goals! <3
-Island goals or just Aninal Crossing goals lol-
To stop having everything so prefect on my island, I always want to restart my island and done it twice, always regretting it. I miss Hazel :(
-Stop watching 5 star island videos, I seems to always look down on my island after watching them.

-I just think stop using social media like Instagram and Twitter, I spend way to much time on them in negative ways.
-Try to just only drinking water, I have a bad habit of drinking surgery drinks like Coca Cola and Dr Pepper...

Here's to 2021 lol
this is a neat thread!

honestly, I don’t think that I have any new year’s resolutions for my island; there’s a lot that still needs to be done, of course, but trying to force a timeline on myself stresses me out a bit, aha. However, now that I’m thinking about it, I think that I might have at least 2 resolutions that I might work on;
go at my own pace. Looking at all of the gorgeous and finished islands that get shared online can be intimidating. I find that I’m constantly beating myself up for not having made much progress in terms of island decoration. Honestly, there’s no due date for when I should have things done; I can take until 2023 if that’s what I want. Realizing that I can and should go at my own pace is important, and I want to understand that this upcoming year fully.
complete something. This one sort of goes hand-in-hand with my above resolution. While I don’t want to rush myself, I would like to complete at least one island area; it doesn’t matter which one or how big or small it is. as long as I finish something, I’ll be happy. :’)

every year, I come up with new year’s resolutions and then never follow through on them, but I’ll share a few, anyway; who knows, maybe this year will be different, aha.
exercise. Your resolution about exercising alongside your villagers is honestly a great idea, and I might even steal that one! I think my problem is that every year, I try to force a whole workout routine on myself, which doesn’t motivate me to do anything lmao. But exercising with my villagers for 5-10 minutes sounds simple enough that I might actually stick with it!
practice better hygiene. This one’s gross, but my hygiene honestly suffers a bit due to my depression, and I really want to improve on that.
work on getting myself into therapy. While I wouldn’t say I like talking about my problems, I desperately need therapy. it’ll probably be a bit of a process to get myself in, but the goal is to be in therapy by the end of 2021, which I think is, uh, doable. :’)
strengthen my friendships + form new ones! my social anxiety is atrocious, but I really would like to make new friends. I also want to strengthen my bond with the friends I already have as they’re honestly all incredible, and I’d love to become closer with them. <3
start sticking up for myself + be honest with people. I have a habit of letting people walk all over me and staying quiet, which has led to many bottled up feelings and resentment. Even though it’ll definitely take a while, I really want to get better about that this year.

And I think that’s it! My resolutions are probably pretty cliche, aha, but they’re important to me :’). I wish everyone luck with their resolutions, too! <3

On Exercise: I actually got the exercise idea from someone else here. I tried it once yesterday; it worked out nicely. Annabella was doing yoga. So I set my character to do the poses, got up, followed along until the end of one cycle, and then went on my way. This happened twice that day, which meant it forced me to get up and try it out. Anything that can start getting you up and going is great. I also got the Ring Fit Adventure; I tried it out yesterday to be familiar with it. It was actually enjoyable, and I worked up a light sweat, so I defiantly say it will work.

-Island goals or just Animal Crossing goals lol-
To stop having everything so perfect on my island, I always want to restart my island and done it twice, always regretting it. I miss Hazel :(
-Stop watching 5-star island videos. I always look down on my island after watching them.

-I think to stop using social media like Instagram and Twitter, I spend way too much time on them in negative ways.
-Try to just only drinking water; I have a bad habit of drinking surgery drinks like Coca-Cola and Dr. Pepper...

Here's to 2021, lol

Water - One thing that helped me is to up a bottle of water by my bed and drink it first thing in the morning when I woke—a great way to get at least two cups in and hydrate me. Start small; when it becomes a habit, add another area to drink water. Tea can also be hydrating; try adding less sugar or use a healthy sugar substitute like Stevia to help with calorie intake. Or try infusing - mint, lemon, cucumber water is one of my favorites; I also like lemon and watermelon or strawberries.
this is such a cute thread!
- slowly ease myself back into regular playing. i played so intensely during quarantine that now I don't have much left to do lol, so maybe I'll flatten some areas of my island and try again. we'll see.
- get the rest of the DIYs!
- try a bit harder with gifting villagers and getting their pictures
- actually plan things before jumping into them! as fun as it can be to dive in sometimes I lose steam halfway bc I don't know what I'm doing lmao and then it remains unfinished forever

- main goal is just to get into uni 😭 if I do nothing else this year let it be that
- jumping on the exercise train but the aim of it this time is just to make me feel good!
- read a wider variety of book genres. i read quite a lot as is so not worried about a certain book goal (completely destroyed mine this year lol) but I stick to very similar types of books so I'd love to branch out more!
Whoah, from half of these I didn't even know people did that everyday! Like checking up the recycling bin and cleaning up the beach (Shells keep coming back anyway?) I only voted for 'check mail' and 'participant in event'. All of the others I don't really do everyday but just whenever I feel like it. I also don't have any resolutions for my in-game. I might need to do some more trading to get some of the items I want, though. But mainly I just want to continue building up my island in a relaxed way so I don't have to change much!

For my personal goals, I have some:
- Don't buy any new clothing items. I want to purchase only vintage/second hand items.
- Be more organized, i.e.: actually do my to-do lists so I can have a peace of mind afterwards, I'm getting so tired of the constant "OMG I still have so much to do!!"-state of mind.
- Be more active, I never work out. Once the gyms reopen I want to become a member and go at least 3 times a week for an hour.
- Finish my master's degree: I'm getting close. I have my final exams in January, and from February on I found an internship where I can write my thesis so so far it's looking good! I just have a lot to do for my deadlines in January.
this is a neat thread!

honestly, i don’t think that i have any new year’s resolutions for my island; there’s a lot that still needs to be done, of course, but trying to force a timeline on myself stresses me out a bit aha. however, now that i’m thinking about it, i think that i might have at least 2 resolutions that i might work on;
go at my own pace. looking at all of the gorgeous and finished islands that get shared online can be really intimidating for me and i find that i’m constantly beating myself up for not having made much progress in terms of island decoration. but honestly, there’s no due date for when i should have things done; i can take until 2023 if that’s what i want. realizing that i can and should go at my own pace is important and i want to work towards fully understanding that this upcoming year.
complete something. this one sort of goes hand-in-hand with my above resolution. while i don’t want to rush myself, i would like to complete at least one area of my island; doesn’t matter which one or how big or small it is. as long as i finish something, i’ll be happy. :’)

every year, i come up with new year’s resolutions and then never follow through on them but i’ll share a few, anyways; who knows, maybe this year will be different aha.
exercise. your resolution about exercising alongside your villagers is honestly a great idea and i might even steal that one! i think my problem is is that every year, i try to force a whole workout routine on myself and that just,, doesn’t motivate me to do anything lmao. but exercising with my villagers for 5-10 minutes sounds simple enough that i might actually stick with it!
practice better hygiene. this one’s gross but my hygiene honestly suffers a bit due to my depression and i really want to improve on that.
work on getting myself into therapy. while i really don’t like talking about my problems, i desperately need to be in therapy. it’ll probably be a bit of a process to get myself in but the goal is to be in therapy by the end of 2021 which i think is uh,, doable. :’)
strengthen my friendships + form new ones! my social anxiety is atrocious but i really would like to make new friends. i also want to strengthen my bond with the friends that i already have as they’re honestly all incredible and i’d love to become closer with them. <3
start sticking up for myself + be honest with people. i have a habit of letting people walk all over me and staying quiet, which has led to a lot of bottled up feelings and resentment. so, even though it’ll definitely take a while, i really want to work towards getting better about that this year.

and i think that’s it! my resolutions are probably pretty cliche aha but they’re important to me :’). i wish everyone luck with their resolutions, too! <3
I can also be a doormat, and something that has helped me is being with folks who could read me and realize when I wasn't being honest about my opinion to avoid conflict. It doesn't help that I have a high tolerance with people, until I blow up that is. XD

A psychiatrist/Twitch streamer recently uploaded this video about how to stop being a doormat, and it provided me with a really unique perspective on what "being a doormat" really means. I'm not sure if you'll come to the same realization as I did, but I hope it helps you out. His content is fantastic, and he is so skilled at explaining things; he has also made a lot of content about depression, which may be a great supplement to therapy.
as i just started my adventure a couple days ago, i obviously have LOTS to do this year but i definitely want to have a final terraformed island by the end of the year that i hopefully won't have to change any time later. i also want to have completed the entire museum, as i love collecting stuff in games. hunting most nook mile achievements is lots of fun too, but i doubt i'll ever complete them all as there are too many and some of them are just too tiresome.

i try not to set any goals for upcoming years as time is an illusion and planning ahead too much doesn't really work out for me, but what i do need to is find a new job as a web designer as i am tired and exhausted of working at the post office 😅
- Finish art exhibit. I’ll probably buy most of the stuff I’m missing because I just want to complete it at this point.
- Catch my last bug, the walking stick. I’ll have to time travel or try catching it at a friend’s SH island in January.
- Change my living room and bathroom to one of the rooms I designed at Harvey’s.

Other than that I don’t really have resolutions. I don’t plan on playing the game much in the beginning of the new year because I don’t enjoy winter and I’ll likely gain interest again when spring comes around.
I guess just wait and see what the last batch of updates, for the months before the launch, will have in store for us. And probably buy any seasonal diy they decide to give us through balloons, because that stuff isn't fun.

Oh and shake trees.