My tag is danielkang2
Ohh, what gender is the Clefable? And is it able to be nicknamed? c:
Oh! I would love the Clefable then! Whenever the Nintendo Network is back up, I'd love to trade with you
I wasn't aware the network was down, thanks for telling me! What would you like the nickname to be?
Edit: The network isnt down for me, maybe you're able to get online now?
wHOA it's up now! Sweet, yes I can get online now. Could you nickname the Clefable "Luna"? I'll add your FC and send over the TBT shortly.
Can we trade the gts way? You put up a random person and ask for a Clefable, and then leave a message?
Hey . Can I have a shiny calm eevee ?
Hey, could I buy the pokemon center online opening Pikachu? The surfing and flying one. C:
I'd still like it please! ^^