Nintendo closing 3DS online servers

Everyone is talking about getting their train-station remodelled before the servers shut down. Can this be achieved with local play or does it have to visits from online players? I have terrible wifi connection, getting the station to even open takes half an hour of fighting with it.
Everyone is talking about getting their train-station remodelled before the servers shut down. Can this be achieved with local play or does it have to visits from online players? I have terrible wifi connection, getting the station to even open takes half an hour of fighting with it.
yes local play works, and like I said earlier doesn't matter the visitor but only the number of visits, so if you have another ds with ACNL you can reach 100 visits by yourself
I'd like to get my train station remodeled before the services shut down, but it seems like such a tedious process for both parties that I'm not sure if it's worth it, I haven't had anywhere close to 100 visitors in my town so it'd probably take forever
I'd like to get my train station remodeled before the services shut down, but it seems like such a tedious process for both parties that I'm not sure if it's worth it, I haven't had anywhere close to 100 visitors in my town so it'd probably take forever
guys @TheThomas5252 and @kakapo if you want the subreddit of New Leaf is quite active and there is an associated discord server very helpful too. I think you can manage to reach 100 visits without too much stress if you spread them among various people!
News of the 3DS server shutdowns has put me into a dilemma. I might need your answers.

Should I exploit this opportunity and start one last town in ACNL just so I can experience it a final time before I could no longer play online, or should I move on and say it isn’t worth it? It’s been six years since I last played ACNL, and I sold both of my copies to GameExchange. Having one more town could give me a taste of nostalgia, but I can remember how frustrating it is, and it’s hard to go back after three years of playing ACNH.
I think you should, but even with the shutdown you should still be able to play the game :3
It's sad online play wont be a thing anymore, I'll miss it.
i'm playing ACNL again and i think there's no real reason to fret!! because AC in general is so popular, someone out there is totally gonna make their own server for it like people have done with WW and CF! it may take a little bit, but i am sure there will be a way to play online eventually!
I think you should, but even with the shutdown you should still be able to play the game :3
It's sad online play wont be a thing anymore, I'll miss it.
Seconding this! In the sense that, even if online play won't be possible anymore, you'll still be able to enjoy the game and a lot that comes with it!

Honestly, I plan on investing in amiibos because online play and trading won't be possible anymore. It won't ever be the same as going to someone's town directly to pick up said items, but, as someone who still wants access to amiibo items at all, there's not much else I can do aside from buying them outright. :')
Seconding this! In the sense that, even if online play won't be possible anymore, you'll still be able to enjoy the game and a lot that comes with it!

Honestly, I plan on investing in amiibos because online play and trading won't be possible anymore. It won't ever be the same as going to someone's town directly to pick up said items, but, as someone who still wants access to amiibo items at all, there's not much else I can do aside from buying them outright. :')
I dont know how much I can say here, hehe but if you have a phone with NFC, you dont need to buy amiibo cards and such (if you dont want). I was looking at some old cards last year and was shocked a lot of them are still fully priced or even more - for acln stuff!! crazy.

So I just... uhm, get them somehow else hehe
I dont know how much I can say here, hehe but if you have a phone with NFC, you dont need to buy amiibo cards and such (if you dont want). I was looking at some old cards last year and was shocked a lot of them are still fully priced or even more - for acln stuff!! crazy.

So I just... uhm, get them somehow else hehe
I don't know how much I can say too! About 1 month ago I discovered this and I purchased 10 nfc chips from a famous shopping site and thanks to my phone I was able to obtain my amiibos to plot resetting for my perfect layout in New Leaf without paying a fortune. In my country specific original amiibo cards cost about 5€ in second hand. And amiibo figures... (if you find them!)
I only wanted my dreamies🥲
(but I know it isn't right to do)
I think you should, but even with the shutdown you should still be able to play the game :3
It's sad online play wont be a thing anymore, I'll miss it.

Online play will still be a thing. Just not sanctioned by Nintendo. Certain emulators can emulate wifi.
Online play will still be a thing. Just not sanctioned by Nintendo. Certain emulators can emulate wifi.
That may be true, but you won’t be able to upload dream towns or use Club Tortimer, essentially making these features pointless.
you won’t be able to upload dream towns or use Club Tortimer
It's too early to say yet. There's a group that's planning to find a way to support the dream suite on their server in the future, and they've already made backups of all the dreams that are currently on Nintendo's servers. I'm not sure about club tortimer, but it doesn't seem too far fetched for them to find a way to make it work.
It's too early to say yet. There's a group that's planning to find a way to support the dream suite on their server in the future, and they've already made backups of all the dreams that are currently on Nintendo's servers. I'm not sure about club tortimer, but it doesn't seem too far fetched for them to find a way to make it work.

I think that would be amazing if they manage to do that, without running afoul of Nintendo.

If they can pull off Dream Suite I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do Club Tortimer. Hell, that one seems easier to pull off.

I'd like to get my train station remodeled before the services shut down, but it seems like such a tedious process for both parties that I'm not sure if it's worth it, I haven't had anywhere close to 100 visitors in my town so it'd probably take forever
I think it's absolutely worth it.
stupid question in old thread, lol. can i still join the "tortimer club" ? or rather, my question is - are there items I will not get on my island shop rotation when I am not a club member? I never ever tried the club tortimer thingie. I only used the island for bug hunting and doing the tours.
stupid question in old thread, lol. can i still join the "tortimer club" ? or rather, my question is - are there items I will not get on my island shop rotation when I am not a club member? I never ever tried the club tortimer thingie. I only used the island for bug hunting and doing the tours.
The items at the shop on the island will still rotate daily, even if you weren't a Club Tortimer member. It is still possible to visit the island with the Wi-Fi off, but it is no longer possible to become a member of Club Tortimer.