Nintendo Consoles Tierlist

S: NES (started it all and has that 8bit charm), 3DS, Switch
A: GameCube (good graphics, controller and games), SNES, GBA
B: DS (nice concept but the 3D graphics aged horribly), Wii
C: N64, Gameboy (meh to both)
F: Wii U (too slow and clunky)

Gamboy Advanced SP would be the best impo. So the Standard will have to be the stand in. I also really like the GBA library. The Gamecube was nice too but the library I felt wasn't very big. But as far as I know, at least it worked. The Switch has a really nice library and this system is portable and isn't plagued by two screens. I disliked the two screens of the Ds/3Ds era. However, games don't always run properly on the system. GBC is mostly nostalgia and those systems, like the GB worked for a long time.
I do think if I had the wii/wiiU or used them at a friends house, this list would probably be very different.