• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Nintendo Email on Animal Corssing 3D

Well, I can see this is not the place for the frustrated few to vent those frustrations, because so many think we are in the wrong. I apologize, and will now fall back into the background because nothing I say is going to be right for all you young-uns.
I must apologize for this thread. I didn't intend for it to get out of hand. -.-
Off Topic: I can't wait for some other titles as well as Animal Crossing Jump Out. The Nintendo series Scribblenauts is bringing out a squeal to it's predecessor Super Scribblenauts. Scribblenauts Unlimited:

I have to say I really enjoyed the previous titles of this series and can't wait for a release date. What's great about the new title is that you get to literally create anything instead of just typing in the word and seeing what shows up. On the last one if you wanted a, e.g., Bidoof it wouldn't allow it because it wasn't a real thing but now you can create a Bidoof which is pretty cool. And yes. You can make in fly and shoot rainbows -_-;

why are you discussing that game on this thread? go to the game section -.-
Off Topic: I can't wait for some other titles as well as Animal Crossing Jump Out. The Nintendo series Scribblenauts is bringing out a squeal to it's predecessor Super Scribblenauts. Scribblenauts Unlimited:

I have to say I really enjoyed the previous titles of this series and can't wait for a release date. What's great about the new title is that you get to literally create anything instead of just typing in the word and seeing what shows up. On the last one if you wanted a, e.g., Bidoof it wouldn't allow it because it wasn't a real thing but now you can create a Bidoof which is pretty cool. And yes. You can make in fly and shoot rainbows -_-;

If you want to discuss this make your own thread, this is for AC3DS

He was trying to convey that we have other things to look forward too than just animal crossing. Its not completely off topic.
No it actually is, this is in the AC3DS board...
just because you didnt like animal tracks doesnt mean everyone hated it.
"Animal Crossing game is awful is quite rare"

CF was the third of the AC series out of Japan, you cant say it's rare for the game to be bad when there's only been 2 other prior to the series... WW is worse than CF imo

LOL I got a completely different email but only because i full raged at them. I feel accomplished :)


Thanks for contacting us. I can certainly understand your disappointment that Animal Crossing was not talked about further at the recent E3 conference. I’ll be certain to document your feedback about Animal Crossing and about your lack of interest in any of the games presented at E3. This will include your feedback on us releasing too many Mario games, and will be sent to the appropriate departments here at Nintendo.

While I'm not sure why it wasn't discussed at E3, I want to assure you that Animal Crossing will be released at some point. While I wish I could tell you more about the game, I'm afraid that our game developers haven't given us any information about it.

I can assure you that we don't hate Animal Crossing fans. The Animal Crossing franchise and its fans are very important to us. This is why an Animal Crossing game is featured in the upcoming Nintendo Land game for the Wii U (http://e3.nintendo.com/games/#/wiiu/nintendo-land). Animal Crossing for the Nintendo 3DS is also important to us as a company.

While I can't speculate on why we announced the game back in 2010 and haven't released any information since then, you can be sure that our game developers are highly talented and will release a high quality game only when it is ready. I can assure you that the game has not been cancelled.

Believe me, we are every bit as excited as you are to learn more about what’s coming. Eventually, we will pull back the curtain and share all the new and exciting details on our website (www.nintendo.com), but I’m unable to say when we might release more details to the public.

While I know this wasn’t the answer you were hoping for, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the Animal Crossing series and hope for your patience and understanding.


Ben Weekly
Nintendo of America, Inc.

"This will include your feedback on us releasing too many Mario games.." & "I can assure you that we don't hate Animal Crossing fans.." were my favorite parts XD
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LOL I got a completely different email but only because i full raged at them. I feel accomplished :)


Thanks for contacting us. I can certainly understand your disappointment that Animal Crossing was not talked about further at the recent E3 conference. I’ll be certain to document your feedback about Animal Crossing and about your lack of interest in any of the games presented at E3. This will include your feedback on us releasing too many Mario games, and will be sent to the appropriate departments here at Nintendo.

While I'm not sure why it wasn't discussed at E3, I want to assure you that Animal Crossing will be released at some point. While I wish I could tell you more about the game, I'm afraid that our game developers haven't given us any information about it.

I can assure you that we don't hate Animal Crossing fans. The Animal Crossing franchise and its fans are very important to us. This is why an Animal Crossing game is featured in the upcoming Nintendo Land game for the Wii U (http://e3.nintendo.com/games/#/wiiu/nintendo-land). Animal Crossing for the Nintendo 3DS is also important to us as a company.

While I can't speculate on why we announced the game back in 2010 and haven't released any information since then, you can be sure that our game developers are highly talented and will release a high quality game only when it is ready. I can assure you that the game has not been cancelled.

Believe me, we are every bit as excited as you are to learn more about what’s coming. Eventually, we will pull back the curtain and share all the new and exciting details on our website (www.nintendo.com), but I’m unable to say when we might release more details to the public.

While I know this wasn’t the answer you were hoping for, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the Animal Crossing series and hope for your patience and understanding.


Ben Weekly
Nintendo of America, Inc.

"This will include your feedback on us releasing too many Mario games.." & "I can assure you that we don't hate Animal Crossing fans.." were my favorite parts XD

what was the email you sent them? haha
what was the email you sent them? haha

LOL it's a bit embarrassing. I think some parts of it don't even make sense :L

Your e3 this year was by far the most disappointing conference that I've seen out of all the conferences. I was looking forward to at least a brief mention of animal crossing on the 3DS, you didn't even have to release a date or a video though it would've been nice. But you chose to not even acknowledge that the game even existed. Why? Why does your company seem to hate us animal crossing fans? I don't get it. We're not demanding for a release date or even the game this year. We just want to hear some news or even a brief mention of how the game is developing but not even a whisper. You can't imagine how long we've waited for some news of this game. E3 this year was meant to be the event in which we were expecting for alot of news about it. You don't even mention it, is the game not important to your company? Your company has released so many mario titles this year that I'm pretty sure most of everybody is getting sick of it. Get your act together Nintendo. You can't imagine how disappointing your conference was this year. Why would you even announce animal crossing in 2010 if it meant that the game is getting delayed all the way to 2013? I don't get your company. We animal crossing fans aren't asking for a release date or even the game, if it's taking this long to perfect the game then I'm extremely happy. But you didn't even talk about it, no videos or trailers or gameplay, no official title, not even a brief mention of the game. I am so angry at your company. At least tell us that the game still exists or did you cancel it and couldn't be bothered telling us? Get your act together seriously. If you weren't going to share to release this game until next year then don't announce it so early and get our hopes up. We as fans and customers also have a line between patience and loyalty. If this is how you treat us then I might as well sell my 3DS and buy a Vita because at least Sony announced and talked about ANTICIPATED games coming this year. But not for you guys, you announce some stupid 3ds games that people don't even know or care about. Nobody cares about batman or transformers. I doubt people care about mario either. You've released enough mario games to last 5 years. Stop. Stop milking off an originally good franchise to the point where it's milked dry already. Think about your other franchises. Franchises that only get to release one game every 3 years. Think about those games and think about how their fans are feeling. Nintendo you disappoint me and anger me. I hope you read this long email and start doing something to fix your company.
...you announce some stupid 3ds games that people don't even know or care about. Nobody cares about batman or transformers...

Couldn't of said it better myself.

The only people who would buy transformers or Lego batman would be in the age group of 6-10 possibly 4-12.

Now Animal Crossing, that could easily sell between 4-Adults.
Poor Nintendo

I know :p

Couldn't of said it better myself.

The only people who would buy transformers or Lego batman would be in the age group of 6-10 possibly 4-12.

Now Animal Crossing, that could easily sell between 4-Adults.

yeah i LOLed when they announced lego batman. No offense to all lego fans but i think they're better off as just toys not video games.

Haha, would you like some aloe vera Nintendo? Cause' you just got BURNED!

LOL teehee
If Animal Crossing was actually delayed, wouldn't it be on the first page from certain Gaming news sites with a simple google search? Or from the mouth of Nintendo, instead of being assumed by rabid fans?
If Animal Crossing was actually delayed, wouldn't it be on the first page from certain Gaming news sites with a simple google search? Or from the mouth of Nintendo, instead of being assumed by rabid fans?

LOL and why would it be announced in "certain gaming news sites"? What makes you think gaming sites would know? Oh wait, gamespot should know since they announced the release date was May 2nd? Do you really think Nintendo would tell them? Do you really think they would even tell us it's being delayed when we've waiting for almost 2years? Make that almost 3.
The progress on Animal Crossing 3DS is coming well smoothly, it slated for a release in Japan this fall. Let's not forget the release of this game has been delayed probably because of the Japan Earthquake in 2011. Everyone calm down. Nintendo just didn't announce any titles that haven't been completed.
The progress on Animal Crossing 3DS is coming well smoothly, it slated for a release in Japan this fall. Let's not forget the release of this game has been delayed probably because of the Japan Earthquake in 2011. Everyone calm down. Nintendo just didn't announce any titles that haven't been completed.

yes this