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No more political discussions for me


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Sep 9, 2014
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After how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act thread went, I decided that I am done with my involvement in political threads on this site. But I’m not done with this site in general. If the site shuts down, Animal Crossing dies, or the site starts to get more corrupt, then that’s when I’m out for good. That’s how attached I am to this site. But I will no longer be involved in the political discussions.

My main reason was that some of the members on this forum are not just being mean or rude to me over my political opinions, but they are treating me like I’m an outcast. There’s still a lot of members on my side, even the left wingers/liberals. It’s the ones that get angry at me for taking sides with the right wing or mock on me for what I said or what I believe. I believe the bathroom issue should be left up to the businesses and schools to decide on and not let the law get involved, but it got some members accusing me of being transphobic. I was against national anthem protests and blame inequality on human nature, and some members accuse me of being racist. They even villified me for opposing both Obamacare and Universal Healthcare. And they’re letting that give an excuse to bully me while getting defensive about it. In reality, whatever you believe doesn’t determine what you are. It’s what you do that determines what you are, whether if it’s verbal, physical, or even planned. Regardless of reason, it is never acceptable to do something bad. While many people get this, others will never get this. There are a lot of dangerous beliefs out there, but even using violence or injustice to stop these beliefs is just as bad as possessing these dangerous beliefs yourself. If you think it’s morally right to bully or harass people for supporting Trump or any other person you don’t like, then you have a problem. It’s an act of evil to do anything like that. In fact, I approve of Trump, yet I would not support his disgusting behavior towards some people, his defense for Roy Moore, or his Twitter behavior. I just support his domestic policy and foreign policy. Again, many people get this, but others do not. Usually, the ones that don’t get it either have not matured enough, are bad on the inside, or are desperate to get what they want.

It’s also worth mentioning that I got my second warning in over two years (my first warning was in October). The shameful part about it is that I knew it was wrong to do what I just did. After several warnings on Little Big Planet Central over calling other members out, as well as incidents on the old What’s Bothering You thread that resulted in the second rule on the new What’s Bothering You thread, I knew that it was wrong to call out other names or even allude to a specific member when it comes to pointing fingers at someone in a negative light. But I ended up doing it, and it’s because I lost patience in others over their behavior. I try to avoid going this far, but I was already fed up. If I want to abide with the rules while avoiding anymore backlash, I should stay out of all future political discussions. This includes creating them, joining others, or even bringing them up in threads like the General Discussion or the Bell Tree Direct. Besides, people already get it that I am conservative. I don’t need to keep bringing it up.

Just to summarize what I said here:

  • I was treated like an outcast.
  • Whatever you believe is one thing, but whatever you do is what you really are. Even believing in what’s right, yet being violent is a bad thing.
  • You have to respect or tolerate others, regardless of opinions.
  • I got a warning for calling someone out, knowing that it’s wrong.
  • I broke the rules because I lost patience in others.
So yep, I’m pretty much done with the political discussions on this site. If I want to talk about anything on Brewster’s Café, it can be anything other than politics.
yeah political threads really do suck, when there's so many people with different opinions and they fight. that's all it really feels like with politics on this forum.

better to stay away. i'd rather not see you getting banned. animal crossing is fun so just enjoy the main point of this forum too :lemon:

but, i still like you political or not. (like how people still somehow like me despite what i've said in the past....idk how lol)
When you made that thread, before it got any comments on it, I thought "oh boy this is gonna be another bad one isn't it". Sure enough, it was.

There's honestly no point in trying to get people to see your views. Political-minded people are some of the most close-minded people you'll ever meet. I, personally, am not political-minded; I don't even like to associate with political parties due to the social stigma that comes along with it. I'm willing to listen to others' views and consider them, but most people aren't like that. Especially people on the internet.

It would have been better if you decided to stay away from political threads from the start, but I'm glad you finally realize they're not worth it.
~Unicorn~;bt14640 said:
yeah political threads really do suck, when there's so many people with different opinions and they fight. that's all it really feels like with politics on this forum.

better to stay away. i'd rather not see you getting banned. animal crossing is fun so just enjoy the main point of this forum too :lemon:

but, i still like you political or not. (like how people still somehow like me despite what i've said in the past....idk how lol)

Yes, it is true. I have said/done worse in political discussions before, but whatever I did last night was the worst I have done on any political discussion on Bell Tree Forums. About being banned, I’m one of the lucky members to never been banned from this forum, and I’ve been a member for three years. I did get banned on TV.com permanently, and faced suspensions/silencing on other forums, but not once from this forum.

xSuperMario64x;bt14641 said:
When you made that thread, before it got any comments on it, I thought "oh boy this is gonna be another bad one isn't it". Sure enough, it was.

There's honestly no point in trying to get people to see your views. Political-minded people are some of the most close-minded people you'll ever meet. I, personally, am not political-minded; I don't even like to associate with political parties due to the social stigma that comes along with it. I'm willing to listen to others' views and consider them, but most people aren't like that. Especially people on the internet.

It would have been better if you decided to stay away from political threads from the start, but I'm glad you finally realize they're not worth it.

Agree. Political people are genuinely more angry than non-political people in general. From my past experience, as well as what I read on the news, liberals are a lot more agressive and intolerant than conservatives, despite popular belief. It doesn’t make conservatives any better, but since social media is more dominated by liberals than conservatives, I should definitely stay out of politics on this site.

I might write an entry on why I oppose national anthem protests, but that’s the last political straw in my expanding blog.
You have to respect or tolerate others, regardless of opinions.

Yes and no. Considering you pretty much argued against mine and others without giving valid reasons for it and just "lol i hate black lives matter"(?? wtf are you even into history. yes they have gotten criticism but it's basically saying "lol i am a racist"..sure everyone's lives matter but.. dude) or "i am a pro-life" without giving more valid reason behind it. It's a bit hard to take you seriously when you throw things in the air randomly and always try to turn things the wrong way, or against the person you attacked.
Sheila said:
Yes and no. Considering you pretty much argued against mine and others without giving valid reasons for it and just "lol i hate black lives matter"(?? wtf are you even into history. yes they have gotten criticism but it's basically saying "lol i am a racist"..sure everyone's lives matter but.. dude) or "i am a pro-life" without giving more valid reason behind it. It's a bit hard to take you seriously when you throw things in the air randomly and always try to turn things the wrong way, or against the person you attacked.

The reason why I'm against Black Lives Matter is because they aren't really doing anything to benefit African Americans. Instead, they are anti-police. They're even against the police that do not target African Americans because of their race, but target every criminal regardless of race. And some of these guys (not all) are engaged to looting or vandalizing others' businesses. It's not worth destroying someone else's property over police shootings, court cases, or elections, especially if the property owner is irrelevant to the situation. Some Civil Rights activists have engaged in violence as well and went against morals, but that's okay because they lived through worse. But BLM was captivated by the lies of the left-wing media and defended criminals, which is why their behavior is inexcusable.

The reason why I mentioned that I will not befriend or do business with BLM supporters on this forum is because there's another member on this forum who is extremely liberal biased, as I had a bad experience with her because of her strong and upsetting biases. If you think violence, trolling, or constant complaining is acceptable by any means, then you are biased.

I don't think Black Lives Matter or their objective is evil, but what they really did was evil or at least disrespectful while some (if not most) of the cases in point don't have police brutality or racial profiling. In these cases, they were defending people that broke the law and tried to resist their arrests.

I hope that was enough reasoning about why I oppose BLM.
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Alolan_Apples;bt14643 said:
From my past experience, as well as what I read on the news, liberals are a lot more agressive and intolerant than conservatives, despite popular belief.
That statement alone sounds pretty biased to me. The conservative media wants you to believe that liberals are aggressive, just like the liberal media wants you to think that conservatives are aggressive. I seriously doubt that all political-minded people are rude, but simply being politics-centered can make you sound close-minded and mean.

Personally I don't believe anything the media says. I judge things from my own perspective and experience.
Yeah you are right you should not vandalize, and yeah your reasoning is fair enough. Although;

But BLM was captivated by the lies of the left-wing media and defended criminals, which is why their behavior is inexcusable.

Why are they more lies than "right wing" media? I mean yeah I don't really support what actions with violence they do and violence against somewhat not-so, or random targets. However I can feel their frustration with being ignored and police people being obviously racist a lot of times.

They are showing righteous indignation for a system that does not value their humanity.
From an article in Washington Post, this however is probably more true. And since all they know is probably violence from what they see and learned, they probably never read up on the 1950s-60s movement (although women were a bit exlcuded not counting the activists themselves.
With that, they have rights to be frustrated since they ARE being neglected, abused, called slurs etc. every day and it doesn't help police think it's a legit action to kill them because "lol black people with possible gun". But yeah no reason to pick random targets.

It's like, though, they(police) claim it's okay to treat them like a POW and claim they treat them in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

Never the less, they could both sides learn one or two things from the hippies and feminist/human rights people. Seems to be a lot of male perspective into BLM as well which kinda annoys me as well.
Sheila said:
With that, they have rights to be frustrated since they ARE being neglected, abused, called slurs etc. every day and it doesn't help police think it's a legit action to kill them because "lol black people with possible gun". But yeah no reason to pick random targets.

There’s one case that I’m siding with the police and against BLM on. The Michael Brown case. I did believe that Michael Brown got into a fight with Darren Wilson and grabbed for the officer’s gun. I do not believe the whole “Hands up, don’t shoot” myth. The amount of shots Wilson gave was excessive, but you should never ever grab for a cop’s gun. This is serious business. You should also not throw in race into every subject. If it’s legitimately racist, then that’s when you can bring it up.

Anyway, so when I said…

You have to respect or tolerate others, regardless of opinions.

…I would like to let you know that you are right that an explanation is needed rather than just post and nothing else. I would also like to let you know that when I said “regardless of opinions”, this does not count racist opinions, other intolerant opinions, or opinions that okay doing objectively bad things. This counts all of the other opinions, including on healthcare or if you support or oppose Trump. This is what some members are failing to accept. But since it’s getting out of hand, and since the moderators are failing to address my problems, I will not participate in any future political discussion.
Well you shouldn't treat them like lower-class animals because you are a police and abuse your power either. I don't know 100% details, but regardless of what unless they get dangerous for a valid reason no need to shoot. I don't throw it in every subject but tbh polices tend to be pretty bias sometimes.

Well, I think your opinions can be pretty intolerant sometimes because you apparently looked down on people having it less good and maybe needs Obamacare or cheaper treatment etc.
Point is, even if opposing universal healthcare or welfare programs means caring for the poorer people less, there is no reason to bully people or get rude at them for siding against it. That's what some members failed to realize. I'm all about getting other people to be nice again, not to start respecting everyone's opinions. You seem to be pretty nice, but some members refuse to be nice because of what I believe. The reason why I ended up being rude to someone because of their negative treatment towards me in the past.

And yes, I do appear to be biased. But I do not accept backlashes. This is why I written a blog entry that made the users who gave me a backlash over my yellow candy rejection look like bullies, hence provoking very angry comments from two of the users. It was very controversial to continue bringing that up, but I did it because I am sensitive to backlashes. Some may tell me that if I can't accept backlashes in political discussions, I shouldn't even bother posting there. And they are right. So I am out. I'm not even going to talk behind someone's back again, especially if done off-site.
I have to be honest here. As I am staying away from political discussions on this site, I’m also done reading the news. So I’m pretty much out of politics. But I still have not forgiven the members that gotten rude to me on the tax cut discussion. In fact, I wouldn’t mind reminding these users of what they did to me on that thread. I was told not to bring up past drama, but I won’t listen to that because of how hurtful some members were.
I mean you prob shouldnt stop watching the news, my government teacger told me its always good to stay up to date on whats going on in the world...

But then again I wouldn't be watching one news network to 've politically brainwashed by them. I personally read news stories from multiple sources and use common sense to decipher bias from real news.