šŸŒ³šŸŒ™ć€Ž Non-hacked Dream Towns 怏šŸŒ™šŸŒ³

Thank you for the update Morino and I definitely agree that a lot of people have found this thread helpful and enjoyable! :D I hope finals go well for you and I look forward to seeing you around more afterwards my friend (maybe we can meet in-game sometime?)! :)

Thank you, M64! Yes, definitely, haha. :>
Thank you, M64! Yes, definitely, haha. :>

You are absolutely welcome my friend, sounds like a plan! :D

Everyone feel free to continue posting/updating your Dream Towns while Morino is busy wrapping up university stuff, I will try to review towns to help her out! :D
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To Kera of Clover

Paths and Town Landscaping:

The path design you chose to go with is very cute and colorful! Itā€™s simple and isnā€™t flashy, which I like for towns that arenā€™t trying to be too Christmas-y. However, the areas that donā€™t have any flowers or paths seem very bare or stand out because the ground is still a dead brown color. Maybe you could use a white brick path or some natural snowy path for these areas? (Hereā€™s a link to some: I would use ā€œWinter Path 1.ā€ https://m.imgur.com/a/CYvXt).

As for the trees, you have some nice structure with those and I can see you were very purposeful with your placements. Again, the white brick path would really help those tree paths stand out! Oh, and try to use more cedars in your town; almost as much as the regular saplings. Itā€™s very fitting for Christmas. I do like the cedars youā€™ve planted already. :>

If you feel like your tree lines are becoming too linear, then try to ā€œcurveā€ some of the pathways of your trees. This sounds a bit confusing, so if you need an example then Iā€™ve done this in a couple of areas in my town Komorebi. It helps to give a little break in the landscaping. Experiment by planting fruits until you like how it looks, then slowly start re-planting with cedars and regular saplings. Snowesqueā€™s town, Flowert (which is on the list), has fantastic, natural landscaping and itā€™s set in winter. Check her town out for inspiration as well!

One major aspect (or lack thereof) I noticed was that there were no bushes :[. This can be very obvious in a town and not in a very appealing way. One of the really great parts of bushes is that they can separate areas, but make them seem apart of everything else in town because you can still see the structures. Even though towns can look very nice without bushes, I would say please, please try experimenting with them (especially Holly Starts).


Alright, I love interior design, so Iā€™m going to be a little critical with your houses (particularly because you have a Christmas theme). This is just the impression I got and I hope itā€™ll be helpful to you! >w<

My favorite house was definitely Roseā€™s; the hues are very reminiscent of a fancy restaurant/party room decorated for the holiday season. Although, I would try to make the exterior a little more fancy or colorful (I think you have to add the second floor though). This fits really well and makes it a little different then your typical winter wonderland. I would like to see maybe a few more chairs or a different placement around the tables. I understand if thatā€™s difficult because of the size you chose for the room. Itā€™s a perfect size, by the way! But it wouldnā€™t be too bad if you decided to add the upstairs room. (Roseā€™s outfit doesnā€™t seem to match the house at all though, but Merryā€™s style matches it WAY better. I would give Merryā€™s style to Rose and change Merryā€™s outfit to all white.)

With that being said, my least favorite house was Merryā€™s. It feels so different from the town entirely. The only aspect I liked was her exterior, and there were still parts of it that didnā€™t match either. I would use the White Fence for her house, change the walls with the Cobblestone or Blue Exterior, and leave the rest. This way it looks like a snowflake-inspired design and fits with your theme. I would gut the interior of the house and start anew. If you like the ā€œgameā€ aspect of the rooms, then make the furniture, walls, and carpets blue/white; matching the snowflake style.

The one I was feeling torn with was your mayorā€™s house; some parts were very Christmas-themed and others just seemed like a normal house. This is fine if you arenā€™t going for a specific theme (like if you just wanted a winter/random season town, you could combine a bunch of furniture colors and it would still match in some way). However, if you spread out the Christmas furniture or added speckles of red/green/yellow to other rooms, then it would match more. The nativity scene is very adorable and a specific part of Christmas, so it doesnā€™t necessarily have to match the rest of the house color-wise. I really love the main room and all of Keraā€™s house exterior, so they donā€™t need any changing either.

Public Work Projects (PWP):

Iā€™m going to split the positives and negatives of your PWP placements since it can be a bit confusing to try to talk about all of them in paragraphs. Iā€™ll explain why I either liked or disliked the PWPs.

[ Positive Placements ]
- All of your Permanent Buildings (Honestly, great job with your permanent buildings and projects! I love their placements. <3)
- The Bus Stop (The set-up to your bus stop is beautifully done. I would place more cedars around it though,especially closer to that bare-strip of area behind Plaza. It looks like you canā€™t plant right behind that area, so use flowers or the white brick QR code.)
- Tire Toy (Very cute and I like your idea of a park.)
- Jungle Gym (Again, very cute and I like your idea of a park.)
- The Metal Bench (LOVE this placement!)
- The Fountain (Really nicely put near Brewsterā€™s Caf?.)
- The Modern Streetlight near the Train Station (Iā€™m a little conflicted about this one. I like that itā€™s near the park, but I was going to recommend placing two Modern Streetlights on both sides of the Flower Clock that ā€œwould beā€ in front of your Town Hall.)
- The Square Topiary (This actually looks good across from the Chair Sculpture. If you get rid of both Chair sculptures and do the other option, the topiary still looks good where itā€™s at.)
- The Flower Topiary (It fills space in the right way, but maybe add some more flowers around it.)
- The other Illuminated Trees (I like that you placed the other trees along the cliff. It would be really cute if you spread out a few more along the ā€œemptyā€ cliff spaces.)

[ Negative Placements ]
- The two Illuminated Trees (The ones up in the top left corner seem out-of-place. I would personally put both of these in the exact places of the Flower Arch and the Flower Clock.)
- The Face Cut-Out Standee (I love the pattern and the project itself, but it blocks the message board. Place it in your park area or near Merryā€™s house if youā€™re going with that playful, winter game-theme.)
- The Bell (It seems like you randomly shoved it in a corner to fill space. I love this PWP, so I would place it next to Brewsterā€™s Caf?.)
- The two Chair Sculptures (I would tear them down and actually place one in your park area. If thatā€™s too expensive, I would keep the one near Re-Tail only.)
- The Flower Clock (I actually have this in my winter town Hayfon, but I think it should be placed in front of Town Hall.)
- The Flower Arch (In my opinion, this project works well in every other season but winter, haha. Itā€™s too colorful with the pink flowers.)
- The two Modern Streetlights in front of your Campsite (These donā€™t make sense to have placed near a camp area. Too modern and defeats the purpose of a campsite.)
- The Fire Pit (I would place this near your Campsite. Itā€™s a bit cliche, but it always looks good and itā€™s better-suited than your current placement.)​

[ Other PWPs (that would look great in your town) ]
- The Illuminated Arch (Would look great near a house or part of an entrance, especially the Police Station since itā€™s a little barren.)
- The Illuminated Clock (Could replace the Flower Clock.)
- Statue Fountain (This is very elegant and could look lovely anywhere.)
- Fountain (maybe adding one more to the other side of town? Not necessary, but just an idea.)
- Log Bench (Possibly for the Campsite area.)
- Hammock (Possibly for the Campsite area.)
- Metal Bench (Another one: maybe near Re-Tail.)
- Modern Streetlights (Love your modern structures, so try spreading more lights throughout town. Either these of the Illuminated Trees.)​

The Beach:

I understand the idea of placing the same pathway on your beach, but I personally would not use it because it looks out-of-place in that area. I recommend using a completely different QR path (something more natural or plain), or just filling your beach with white, red or purple flowers (mix them too if you want!).

But, I really enjoy the placement of your banana trees! Just spread out a bit more of the trees; you donā€™t need a whole lot for a Christmas town, but a couple can help fill the beach space. Also, the shells leading down to the beach are ill-fitting for your theme (even if itā€™s on a beach), so I would simply get rid of them.


I normally donā€™t give really long and detailed feedback to towns, especially since I feel like people should design it how they like. And, sometimes it can be really hard to read/hear what others have to say about your work.

Overall, I hope you didnā€™t take the constructive feedback as me picking apart your town. I know you mustā€™ve been putting your heart into this and I see a lot of promise, as well as a lot of aspects that could really make your town stand out. (ą¹‘ĖƒĢµį“—Ė‚Ģµ)
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Thank you for such a detailed and thoughtful response! You have given me a lot to think about. When it comes to bushes, frankly, I don't really know what to do with them, haha. They would look good, though, so I'll see what I can do. I removed the beach path; I agree with you that it looks out of place after a second look. I kept the white roses where they were; I can add some other plants or maybe seashells in the gap where the path was. I love the exterior of the arcade, but it definitely does stand out in a way I don't know how to fix. I may plop a tent into that area, or perhaps a small cabin.

What feels a little gross on my end is that I'm in the process of reworking Clover into a Japanese forest town and you gave me such specific advice for the Christmas theme. I hope you don't feel like you wasted your time! :c Regardless of theme, I can definitely apply some of this advice and have already done so, as you can see! :3 Thank you again!
Thank you for such a detailed and thoughtful response! You have given me a lot to think about. When it comes to bushes, frankly, I don't really know what to do with them, haha. They would look good, though, so I'll see what I can do. I removed the beach path; I agree with you that it looks out of place after a second look. I kept the white roses where they were; I can add some other plants or maybe seashells in the gap where the path was. I love the exterior of the arcade, but it definitely does stand out in a way I don't know how to fix. I may plop a tent into that area, or perhaps a small cabin.

What feels a little gross on my end is that I'm in the process of reworking Clover into a Japanese forest town and you gave me such specific advice for the Christmas theme. I hope you don't feel like you wasted your time! :c Regardless of theme, I can definitely apply some of this advice and have already done so, as you can see! :3 Thank you again!

Oh, darn. I shouldā€™ve asked you about your theme more! Haha. Iā€™m glad some advice was helpful to you though. If you ever get stuck on inspiration for forest towns/Japanese forest towns, a lot of people usually have some variant of that theme. You can come here and ask for advice whenever. :>
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Everyones towns are so cute im a lil nervous to submit mine ;;
Everyones towns are so cute im a lil nervous to submit mine ;;

Do it! *adds to list for you*

Jk, jk. But, I do encourage you to submit! Iā€™m sure your town is lovely and I see from your signature that itā€™s a Japanese/Zen-themed town? Those are always really calming and beautiful to look at!

What I do ask or require is the percentage of completion for your town though. I can always visit and check myself, however I donā€™t really enjoy doing that since Iā€™m basically judging whether your town is (in what I view as) 80-100% complete, haha. Otherwise, I add towns to a W.I.P Section. :>
ok here goes! i finally finished my town to a place im ok with leave it for awhile :D im nervous but tell me what you think?

ā˜¾ Kanagawa ā˜¾ 5C00-010E-BB3C ā˜¾ Mayor HaJi ā˜¾

Japanese Zen Forest , Forest Winter towns

Mainland :Red carnations, White carnations, Black roses ,Gold roses
Beach: Pink Carnation and red roses


Red and white carnations/roses : Red signifies happiness and paired with the white references the red and white found in wedding receptions in Japanese culture.
Gold roses: Signs of prosperity ! All the once wilting flowers find new life in Kanagawa :D
Black roses: Small reminders of the dreary past of Kanagawa but dont fear! the villagers dont see this as a bad thing anymore!

Enjoy the vibrant red carnations and kind villagers in this peaceful Zen town run by a determined Mayor. Stop by GaJi's shop for the town's best cusine and stop by Ma's home to take a step in the past and discover a bit of Kanagawa's past!

somewhat of a small reminder that even though bad things happen in out lives we can overcome and prosper!
** For an added experience I recomend grabbing a shovel and looking by some of the major characters homes and important pwp c:


Centures ago an Evil force plagued Kanagawa, Making it impossible to grow even a weed and dried up all but one well. For as long as the the villagers could remember they lived in fear until a woman by the name of Ma came and drove the evil force into hiding!
Everyone cheered and crowned her Mayor for bringing peace to the little town. Though she except she foretold that one day a Mayor would be born and travel to their humble town to bring a new level of prosperity and comfort for the rest of Kanagawa's days.
Now Kanagawa is a peaceful town overrun by red and white carnations and Lazy villagers, but dont let this fool you, The cranky villagers ( or village elders *wink wink*) Know all about Kanagawa's past and keep it's history alive to all who will listen. On cold nights, they gather around the campfire after a quick stop at the Roost and listen as Fang and Kabuki regale the attendants with tales of The battle of the first Pink Carnation ( bonus points of you can find where it is !) or The Race to the ancient bell! ( Which is to name a few of their favorite tales)

( yanno if you have time )

The Zen Bell
Was the first ever bell built by Ma to tell the villagers when it was safe to come out of hiding during the early battles! but now it's to tell the Lazy villagers that GaJi's Soup is hot and ready ( try the soup its sopu-er good!... sorry about the pun).

The Geyser
Oddly enough a few days after Mayor Haji arrived the group just opened up and out popped water! The villagers knew this had to be a sign that the new mayor was the one they've been waiting for!

The Windmill
First built to make grain but now is solely used to generate electricity for the town's inhabitants!If it's warm enough you can even sit beside it and catch a cool breeze on a hot day.

The Well
Though it is now unused, the well still holds significant historical value to the town as the first source of water during the early years.
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Genji_lvr, no need to be nervous at all. I visited your town tonight and thought it was lovely. A couple of highlights:

- I loved the path designs you used as well as the natural clover paths.
- I loved the way you used tree stumps of different sizes and bamboo cut at different levels of growth to create a really natural look.
- Your color scheme is beautiful. I've always been a fan of the red/black/white color combination, and the gold worked nicely with it.
- Your villagers are cool and fit your theme. It seems like you've swapped out a few villagers since you had your signature made.
- Your backstory is awesome and I loved seeing a PWP or something in your town and knowing exactly what it meant and why you placed it there.
- I did find the first pink carnation and dug up the special items as well. :)
Genji_lvr, no need to be nervous at all. I visited your town tonight and thought it was lovely. A couple of highlights:

- I loved the path designs you used as well as the natural clover paths.
- I loved the way you used tree stumps of different sizes and bamboo cut at different levels of growth to create a really natural look.
- Your color scheme is beautiful. I've always been a fan of the red/black/white color combination, and the gold worked nicely with it.
- Your villagers are cool and fit your theme. It seems like you've swapped out a few villagers since you had your signature made.
- Your backstory is awesome and I loved seeing a PWP or something in your town and knowing exactly what it meant and why you placed it there.
- I did find the first pink carnation and dug up the special items as well. :)

did you find the first carnation! Im glad you like it. I always find it nerve wrecking ;;
I'm glad you liked it! I hope you had a chance to choose one of the character outfits to roam with :D
did you find the first carnation! Im glad you like it. I always find it nerve wrecking ;;
I'm glad you liked it! I hope you had a chance to choose one of the character outfits to roam with :D

I did find the first carnation and I used the paper parasol, white tights and kimono sandals. I have a QR kimono so, with the pieces I picked up in your plaza, I was able to walk around your town in pretty much my normal outfit. :D
šŸMoriyo, a town embedded with magic.

Here lives a witch, a baker, a moon temple guardian and a magician with a magic general storešŸ


I updated my town of Moriyo Village again; however, it's still a mess but it is on the season I would like to keep it at.
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Narnia's dream address has changed, it's now 6C00-0120-5AC6.
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If anyone would like to give feedback on my Asian themed town, it would be appreciated! I've completely reworked my town recently and I think it's looking good.

5A00 - 0016 - 2EC9

If I missed pulling up any random plants or dig sites, please ignore that, haha.
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So I've finally reached a stage where I feel comfortable submitting my dream town. I know you've been busy, so you can add it whenever you have time.

ā˜¾ Sakura ā˜¾ 5A00-00AC-E8E9 ā˜¾ Destani ā˜¾

I still consider it a work in progress, but I guess it's about 80-85% done, so you can place it where you think it makes the most sense. I'll continue updating the dream address as I make more progress.

A couple of notes for anybody who visits:

- I don't have 'dreamies' per se so I'm enjoying cycling through villagers and seeing new random faces. Only about 4-5 of my current villagers are what I consider permanent and the rest will be cycled out at some point.
- I don't time travel so my town is currently set in winter. I tried to landscape with all seasons in mind, but I do think my town looks best in the spring/summer so that is when my final DA will be set.
- There are a few areas that I'm still working on landscaping. They may have random trees or flowers as place-holders for the time being until I come up with a definite plan. I'm also just holding onto some non-hybrids that I think I may use in a couple of areas, but they will eventually be moved or removed depending on what I decide to do.
- The beach is currently my hybrid breeding/holding area so it is not yet landscaped at all.
- I definitely want more clovers for my paths.

Keeping all that in mind, I still very much appreciate feedback. I would like to place the Resetti Center somewhere, but I'm not sure where it would fit best. I'm currently torn between the space behind town hall or to the left of Kazuo's house, but if anybody has any suggestions, I'm open to them.

Thanks in advance to anyone who visits! I hope you enjoy it! :)
After a really long time, I finally updated my dream address! :D With this update, winter has come to PARADISE and many beach goers have vacated home because of the frigid temperatures on the beach (so the beach doesn't have beach towels, etc.)... With this lack of bustling from tourism though, there is a tranquility that comes with just the peace & quiet while the snow falls from the sky with a gentle sea breeze... :) Additionally, I have winterized all of my path designs so they blend in better with the winter wonderland that PARADISE has become this season! I hope everyone enjoys this update and I look forward to hearing any feedback y'all may have! :D

So I've finally reached a stage where I feel comfortable submitting my dream town. I know you've been busy, so you can add it whenever you have time.

ā˜¾ Sakura ā˜¾ 5A00-00AC-E8E9 ā˜¾ Destani ā˜¾

I still consider it a work in progress, but I guess it's about 80-85% done, so you can place it where you think it makes the most sense. I'll continue updating the dream address as I make more progress.

Went ahead and added it to the main list since itā€™s 80-100% complete! :>