November Update Speculation thread

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Senior Member
Mar 16, 2020
So wanted to start a thread for the November update, which could be 1-2 weeks away now.

What are your top predictions, hopes, what don’t you want to see. Let’s share and get speculating

Few caveats
  • We know Franklin and Jingle are coming, fair to assume with the Harvest Festival and Toyday
  • We know the update is dropping late November
  • All thoughts opinions are welcome, please. be respectful
My Predictions
  • Franklin and Harvest Festival
    • So Franklin will bring with him a new Mechanic, cooking (seems a given at this point I know), along with new vegetables
    • Cooking with be an all new mechanic, using a new item the cooking pot. Maybe even existing cooking stoves etc can be used as well, same how dream suites updated beds.
    • Cooking will work slightly differently that diys, but keep the same core premise, we’ll find special cooking type diy cards and have a seperate nook phone app for recipes.
    • Cooking recipes can have different qualities or star ratings for example a 1 star and 5 star rating, Eating different recipes will give different benefits, and can be given to villagers too, each villager with have a favourite dish
    • Halloween will have been a bit of a warm-up to this so new vegetables will be introduced that can be grown same as pumpkins, nooks will also stock base ingrediants, such as wheat and milk.
    • The harvest festival will be about collecting ingrediants and cooking a big feast for everyone on the island, as you cook different rated dishes Franklin will award you parts of the harvest festival set, cooking will become a preeminent mechanic.
  • Jingle and Toyday
    • Toyday has arrived a big decorated Christmas tree is on the left side of RS plaza, so daily visitors can still turn up.
      For the month of December all villagers will have a new dialogue option what do you want for Toyday, they won’t give a specific answer only a vague hint, ‘something red and fun” for example, we’ll then need to go and find something of that description and wrap it up and put it under the big tree in RS plaza.
    • Jingle will appear on Christmas Eve, we”ll then need to dress as Santa and deliver all the presents under the tree, as well as our presents there will be presents form villagers to villagers.
    • As well as the above, there will be new items and recipes for special toys and decorations, these items will be available daily from nooks and found in balloons etc. New decoration items will include garlands, wreaths, mini trees. Toys will include new interactive items and musical instruments like maracas and a trumpet.
  • Brewster and the Roost
    • So I made a post before about why I think we could still get the Roost in November, and while nothing would make me happier, I’m putting it here as a hope, because if all the above does come it would be a chunky update to also get the roost. Still it’s not impossible as April was a big update and we could round off 2020 nicely.
    • The Roost would arrive as a stand-alone building, bringing Brewster and coffee, same mechanics as before in NL. We can work in the Roost and make coffee for our villagers, doing a good job earns rewards. Special NPCs would also appear daily so we can learn a bit more about their backstory sharing a coffee with them.
    • This is an extra hopeful, but cooking is integrated into the roost, so we can also cook snacks for villagers too as well as coffee.
    • I know Gyroids are tied to Brewster but could see gyroids coming later as an update to the roost and museum.
  • New clothing
    • I’m a sucker for new clothing and while I think we won’t see any major new clothing updates until a full year of game play so we see the full seasonal clothing lines, I do hope we get some more items outside of say Santa’s outfit for toy day. Maybe some themed jumpers etc, it it’s a push
  • Updates / mechanics
    • Some little tweaks would be nice but I’m not holding out, ability to buy more multiples from nooks or buy in bulk from the nookstop etc.

So that’s me what are your predictions / hopes
Honestly I would be super happy with everything you said! Of course it will be a big update but I really feel like a fancy cooking mechanic where you collect ingredients and possibly combine ingredients to make ‘secondary’ ingredients (putting art theory in this Haha) and then actually cooking the meal. The meal then would be used to give to villagers to earn special diys/furniture for the harvest festival. This all seems highly possible and I have learnt to hope for what might actually happen :)
I think the November update will be all about farming and food. I think we will get new vegetables to plant and we will get food recipes. I also think it's a possibility that they may introduce fertilizer (that we can get from Leif) that will speed up the growth of our vegetables. Anything that we need to "cook" we will just get a DIY for and use our DIY workbench as usual. It will be like how we craft the fruit baskets, only we will have the options to eat them as well as place the food items for decoration. On the 26th Franklin will want you to make all of the recipes for him, and will give you some sort of reward. I am not sure what he will give us, but I do not think he will give the same items he gave in previous games, just like how jack didn't give us the same items in previous games. What I honestly hope for the most are quality of life updates but unfortunately I don't think we'll get any. We might get one, but it will be one that nobody has really been wanting. I've become a bit pessimistic about those at this point lol.
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i hope we will get more vegetables but since it's the middle of the month and we still haven't even gotten any news, i think it's unlikely we will need to plant and harvest things in time for the harvest festival.

still, i hope the event is fun and has more gameplay than it did in say new leaf, i think i played harvest fest twice or something in new leaf and the second time it was just so i could get ingredients to decorate with. i hope they don't just copy the event, that's all.
SUUUUUUPER hopeful for Brewster. I miss it so much from my New Leaf town 🥺 It was by far my favourite building.
Maybe they'll bring back the police station too? Im not sure. But I see alot of people saying its gonna be unlikely for them to introduce new buildings in future updates because theres an abundance of people who already have full fledged and completed towns? And maybe it wouldnt make sense but Im still hopeful, not getting my hopes up though haha
Honestly all you think and hope for is the same as what I dream and hope for 😂 you just wrote it so precisely and perfectly !
So ill guess ill just emphasize what I cannot wait for, like i cannot wait any longer for, for me it would be the:

- Cooking, OMG!, yes bring it in, like all you said the different status, the rating and pls pls dont let it work like a DIYs i need new mechanic for the cooking !

- Harvesting new veg? again, OMG!, bring it in hahah I am so thrilled ! i like needed, it would be so cute to be able to use those to cook recipes and also like beverages like smoothies for the hot season and so on.

-Brewster, my old man, I just really need him in my ACNH life ! I also have big expectation for him, once again , like you i really hope he will sell hot/cold beverages but also like snacks. I know some people dont want to have a individual building for him, which is understandable as they would have to make a real mess in their islands, BUT! maybe the exterior design could be like tall and thin so it takes less space out. I personally wouldn't mind if it where as an expansion on Nooks upper part of the building with a terrace 😎

- If i had to disagree with you in one point would be the clothes, to be honest, before clothes i need more furniture styles, colors and types. But clothes is also cool.

And BTW now you have hyped me for toy day and the entire xmas event 🙈 now i just cant wait for that, expectations to the sky once again 🤣
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I think the November update will be all about farming and food. I think we will get new vegetables to plant and we will get food recipes. I also think it's a possibility that they may introduce fertilizer (that we can get from Leif) that will speed up the growth of our vegetables. Anything that we need to "cook" we will just get a DIY for and use our DIY workbench as usual. It will be like how we craft the fruit baskets, only we will have the options to eat them as well as place the food items for decoration. On the 26th Franklin will want you to make all of the recipes for him, and will give you some sort of reward. I am not sure what he will give us, but I do not think he will give the same items he gave in previous games, just like how jack didn't give us the same items in previous games. What I honestly hope for the most are quality of life updates but unfortunately I don't think we'll get any. We might get one, but it will be one that nobody has really been wanting. I've become a bit pessimistic about those at this point lol.

I really wish that it won't have the DIYs mechanics and that nintendo has upgraded that mechanics to fit the kitchen, i mean we have so many furniture featuring kitchen stuff, If we are getting cooking it would be really a shame they would not use the kitchen items for it and make its own little animation.

I would really like to use the cooking apron and actually go to my kitchen in my ACNH home and use it for something, like i never visit that room, if it is not to make a photo.
Amazing predictions and ideas there! I agree with everything but the café being a standalone building. I rather it be inside the museum for:

1. It be a nice nod to the older games where Brewster was tied to the museum.

2. Would not have to worry about island space with a café.

But all this aside, if Brewster returns, I rather want his café to be a pub or bar to fit the island theme. I also want Nook and other important characters be there sitting and you could ask them a lot of questions. Like you said, backstories.

Otherwise, yes let's hope what you said comes true OP!
I think cooking feels like a given, but I actually think that it would provide a good segue to Brewster in a January/Feb update during the winter months when coffee's on our minds. Hopefully November will bring an introduction to food!

I hope they take the time to consider important quality of life updates, just as much as new content. I think it would make sense to tweak the way crafting works (i.e. being able to craft multiple quantities of an item at once, etc.) or make improvements to the airport. I think people are expecting a holiday-ish update so I think most of the content will be harvest/Christmas-related. I do really hope there's some other surprises in there as well.
I really hope Nintendo’s target market isn’t “people who 100% completed their island within two months of release and now refuse to move so much as a single shrub and will be actively angry if new content is added.” That seems.....counterproductive? No shade to anybody who terraformed a lot and already feels happy with their island—I understand why fitting another building in would require work—but isn’t that the entire point of Animal Crossing? This installment is light on villager interaction and light on furniture, so clearly developing the island itself is the focus of the game. Why on earth should they refuse to expand upon that for all their players because some people would rather the game never receive any new content, for anyone, because they would personally rather not engage with core gameplay features like design any more? Aren’t players with finished islands who are upset by the prospect of having to fit a single 4x6 rectangle somewhere much less likely to actually continue playing for months or years as Nintendo desires, vs. players who will embrace new material from updates with open arms and keep coming back to redesign and rethink with each new update? I promise I’m not trying to be sarcastic, this just confuses me every time I see it.
I would love everything you said!! honestly it's been so long I totally forgot we were due a new update soon! I think a big chunky update would be incredible but I'm not staking any major bets on it because who knows what Nintendo has planned at this point. this would be a PERFECT time for cooking and a good segue to introduce more planting/farming mechanisms. Brewster would be absolutely ideal but I think if the update will be major enough for toyday and the harvest festival, along with the various additions that come with it, then they might try and push Brewster to a jan/feb update because god forbid we get a lot of new content at once.

all in all I just hope there's enough variety in the new content to get me playing more again! the pumpkin update kept me interested for a couple days but the burnout and boredom hit hard again before long. I keep getting tempted to reset but I'd much rather experience this new content with a more developed island and then be able to start over and do it all again.
I really hope Nintendo’s target market isn’t “people who 100% completed their island within two months of release and now refuse to move so much as a single shrub and will be actively angry if new content is added.” That seems.....counterproductive? No shade to anybody who terraformed a lot and already feels happy with their island—I understand why fitting another building in would require work—but isn’t that the entire point of Animal Crossing? This installment is light on villager interaction and light on furniture, so clearly developing the island itself is the focus of the game. Why on earth should they refuse to expand upon that for all their players because some people would rather the game never receive any new content, for anyone, because they would personally rather not engage with core gameplay features like design any more? Aren’t players with finished islands who are upset by the prospect of having to fit a single 4x6 rectangle somewhere much less likely to actually continue playing for months or years as Nintendo desires, vs. players who will embrace new material from updates with open arms and keep coming back to redesign and rethink with each new update? I promise I’m not trying to be sarcastic, this just confuses me every time I see it.
Unfortunately I'm on that side of the target market. But this is why I want a new area we can build upon besides our island. I dom't want the island to be packed with so much it isn't a getaway package anymore.

The island is our home. I prefer if we could feel like we had to travel away sometimes to reach certain places and then go back HOME after. Am I the only one who feels this way?

But no shade to all of you who have lot of space on your islands and waiting for content. More power to you.
Anyone have an idea when we will hear about the update? US Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away and we have not heard a peep.
One of the things I thought about with Brewster’s cafe was it would give K.K. Slider a place to perform inside that’s not blocking resident services.

brewsters’s can also be optional like it was in NL. Blathers suggests it to you and Tom Nook when you walk into resident services and then you just have to raise the bells of you want it. Heck, even if he just had a cart outside resident services I’d like it.
I really hope Nintendo’s target market isn’t “people who 100% completed their island within two months of release and now refuse to move so much as a single shrub and will be actively angry if new content is added.” That seems.....counterproductive? No shade to anybody who terraformed a lot and already feels happy with their island—I understand why fitting another building in would require work—but isn’t that the entire point of Animal Crossing? This installment is light on villager interaction and light on furniture, so clearly developing the island itself is the focus of the game. Why on earth should they refuse to expand upon that for all their players because some people would rather the game never receive any new content, for anyone, because they would personally rather not engage with core gameplay features like design any more? Aren’t players with finished islands who are upset by the prospect of having to fit a single 4x6 rectangle somewhere much less likely to actually continue playing for months or years as Nintendo desires, vs. players who will embrace new material from updates with open arms and keep coming back to redesign and rethink with each new update? I promise I’m not trying to be sarcastic, this just confuses me every time I see it.

Nintendo's target market is anyone willing to pay, let's face the truth.
Maybe island we have in ACNH is much bigger than any other AC games, but it's probably smallest comparing to other open world games. At some point limit of existing space would be a problem.
If we add restriction of having one, single "save" - problem getting bigger.
If we planting flowers / trees / shrubs / pumpkins - we can easily remove them and make a space for something else. If we adding another player with their house, it could be removed, maybe not as easy like other things, but it's achievable.
However if we would like to remove for example camping site - we can't.

Unfortunately I'm on that side of the target market. But this is why I want a new area we can build upon besides our island. I dom't want the island to be packed with so much it isn't a getaway package anymore.

The island is our home. I prefer if we could feel like we had to travel away sometimes to reach certain places and then go back HOME after. Am I the only one who feels this way?

But no shade to all of you who have lot of space on your islands and waiting for content. More power to you.

So am I. When I visited numerous islands, I saw "100% islands" where almost every single field is filled with something. I couldn't imagine playing in this environment, so unfortunately I have to choose between of activities. If I want to breed rare flowers, I had to sacrifice other project. If I want to make some creation (mostly items placement) - I need to give up other activities.
I'm not expecting ACNH will have a world with size of Minecraft - but in my opinion this is not enough.
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