November Update Speculation thread

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At a guess I'd say we may get a trailer next Tuesday or Wednesday dropping Thursday Friday with a little time for Thanksgiving
At a guess I'd say we may get a trailer next Tuesday or Wednesday dropping Thursday Friday with a little time for Thanksgiving
Yeah, I definitely think it’ll be sometime next week, I kind of wish it was this week though.
I’ve been refreshing my newsfeed for AC (and other video game) related news and it sucks to not see anything worth noting.
how about "it's cold, do you want an escape? Come to tortimer's island"

that's what I'm hoping for but cooking seems more likely
As much as I love everything that was written, I will keep my expectations low. But yeah, I'd love to have new veggies, the cooking mechanic, Brewster, and Gyroids for this update. If not, then meh.

Oh, and Nook's Cranny's upgrade, along with the return of missing furniture. It's not too much to ask, right? /s
Hm. I was disappointed when I realized the update was late November. I don't see how involved Harvest festival could be when there won't be much time for it. I was really hoping to get to grow new crops and craft new placeable food objects. I hope we still get some cute harvest themed items. I have always liked the cornucopia.

As for Toy Day, there are already lots of holiday decorations in December, so I will be curious to see what they do. We don't have any holiday clothes, so maybe that will be part of it.
What if we have to craft so many diys with the new crops we get in order to get Brewster's building built?
As much as I love everything that was written, I will keep my expectations low. But yeah, I'd love to have new veggies, the cooking mechanic, Brewster, and Gyroids for this update. If not, then meh.

Oh, and Nook's Cranny's upgrade, along with the return of missing furniture. It's not too much to ask, right? /s

I think, it this situation low expectations is the best solution, especially if we talking about Thanksgiving Day. I will tell why.
Today is 14th November 2020, Thanksgiving Day will be 26th November 2020 (US) - so we have less than two weeks. Update release is not announced yet, so we can't expect it within hours. TT players weren't found anything, so it's mean whatever will may happen must be related to upcoming update, which was promised at some point in late November.
In my opinion, any hopes about new vegetables prior to Thanksgiving Day should be abandoned. Please note, preparation for Halloween was a month before the date, so players had enough time for planting and harvesting pumpkins as well as buy candies from the store.
For now, we have only mushrooms and recipes for different things, but nothing has indicating those mushrooms could be cooked... but if this will happen, for some reason - many players already consumed their mushrooms and decorate their islands. My question is: what we can cook? Answer is simple - nothing.

Hm. I was disappointed when I realized the update was late November. I don't see how involved Harvest festival could be when there won't be much time for it. I was really hoping to get to grow new crops and craft new placeable food objects. I hope we still get some cute harvest themed items. I have always liked the cornucopia.

As for Toy Day, there are already lots of holiday decorations in December, so I will be curious to see what they do. We don't have any holiday clothes, so maybe that will be part of it.

I do believe in more than one event in December, which makes perfect sense, if we may expect update at some point in November, but later than sooner. From tomorrow (is I remember correctly) season will change and we may expect something new (not spoiling - so if someone want to be surprised, be my guest, if someone is curious - find it independently).
It looks, like it's still something to do in November prior the update.

Short announce of upcoming update clearly shows two characters, and Brewster is not amongst them. As I don't have a knowledge more than you do, I may just say I don't believe in any extra building or in any existing building upgrade.
There is of course an assumption that for harvest festival we would be growing vegetables for cooking on the 26th, but if it was similar to new leaf it could be a combination of foraging and speaking to villagers.

Just to play devils advocate a bit, new mechanics in the game so far have not been "dependant" on season events. So a new mechanic can be introduced separately from a seasonal event. No doubt for players who miss the actual date.

Planting and growing pumpkins are not tied to Halloween, dreamsuites, swimming, art, shrubs. So a cooking/vegetables mechanic does not have to be tied to harvest festival. It may be that simply on the day itself (26th) we use the new mechanic to help Franklin cook, but we collect the ingredients in the usual way.

Then as part of the new mechanic, cooking, more ingredients are added. Those ingredients can be planting and grown same as pumpkins.

This is all speculation based on datamines, though if cooking is added as a mechanic, I'd look back to swimming and diving and art collecting as a kinda of what's the point to would make sense to have some kind of purpose to cooking or reward system. With redd you fill art in the musuem, same with diving, so maybe there will be somewhere cooking has a home a cafe......again speculation.

Of course cooking may not come at all, although Nintendo has shown a love for it a lot recently, breath of the wild, Pokémon both had pretty great cooking mechanics.

Let's hope we get something special.
There is of course an assumption that for harvest festival we would be growing vegetables for cooking on the 26th, but if it was similar to new leaf it could be a combination of foraging and speaking to villagers.

I must admit, I have not much experience in New Leaf, and as I'm planning to play in the future, I don't really want to spoil myself. Whatever I "predict" is not solely based on NL whatsoever.
What I wanted to say, comparing to Halloween - we had more time than less than two weeks for Halloween preparation. This is a fact.
Of course I don't know what may happen in Thanksgiving Day, if anything will happen - because this day in the game may be just like any other days.

Just to play devils advocate a bit, new mechanics in the game so far have not been "dependant" on season events. So a new mechanic can be introduced separately from a seasonal event. No doubt for players who miss the actual date.

Sure, you may be right.

Planting and growing pumpkins are not tied to Halloween, dreamsuites, swimming, art, shrubs. So a cooking/vegetables mechanic does not have to be tied to harvest festival. It may be that simply on the day itself (26th) we use the new mechanic to help Franklin cook, but we collect the ingredients in the usual way.

I'm not sure, maybe I don't understand what you meant, bud if I did, I must disagree with you, and ask for more explanation. Why do you think "Planting and growing pumpkins are not tied to Halloween"? I can agree, after Halloween, whoever wanted, kept pumpkins and they probably will grow until the end of times ;-)

Then as part of the new mechanic, cooking, more ingredients are added. Those ingredients can be planting and grown same as pumpkins.
Sure... everything is achievable if developers will implemented in the game.

This is all speculation based on datamines, though if cooking is added as a mechanic, I'd look back to swimming and diving and art collecting as a kinda of what's the point to would make sense to have some kind of purpose to cooking or reward system. With redd you fill art in the musuem, same with diving, so maybe there will be somewhere cooking has a home a cafe......again speculation.

So... swimming + diving, I can call "daily activity", something what is a part of daily life. As addition, like a fishing - it's a source of goods, we can sell (but not trade), give to museum, and have some achievements for miles.
Art collecting - I can call "event" with higher rarity. It has multiple purposes, like filling museum gallery, making wrong decision and buying fake art, using those as an addition for decorating house / island, sale / trade, and finally achieve more miles.
Sure... those above serving as a purpose.
But we still have fruits - starting from just one, native fruit - and in time we can get all available and some may say, it serves no purpose, as mainly we just selling those fruits. I will not spoil everything, as whoever playing ACNH already seen the beginning... and one of our first missions was gather some fruits to prepare juice / drink, do you remember? So some "cooking" feature is already mentioned... however abandoned or not explored yet.
Quite often we may observe like villagers walking with drink (not canned) or sandwich. Of course it could come from wending machines (if placed) - this could be logical explanation, but many of villagers really like food. Cooking could be a really nice addition.

Of course cooking may not come at all, although Nintendo has shown a love for it a lot recently, breath of the wild, Pokémon both had pretty great cooking mechanics.

Let's hope we get something special.

As I never played any Pokémon games, I will not say anything, but BotW gives a really good cooking mechanics, but in there we rely on anything can be gathered and there's absolute lack of farming. I may agree it's sufficient as the world in this game is huge enough and we constantly have fresh supplies of almost any ingredients.
Hm. I was disappointed when I realized the update was late November. I don't see how involved Harvest festival could be when there won't be much time for it.
I was disappointed in this as well . It seems they are waiting a long time before giving any more information. The longer the wait makes me think they will focus more on Jingle then Franklin. Even if we get a trailer next week the update could still come just a few days before thanksgiving.
I’m SO excited for this holiday season in the game but I have a feeling getting our hopes up for something big is just going to leave us disappointed.
I feel that with Halloween, Harvest Festival, and Toy Day back to back to back, they are probably rushing to get it all ready. Halloween was basically a month long event, so I feel like that’s where most of their time went.
Harvest Festival I have a feeling won’t be more than three days at most and is where all the “cooking” info from the datamine came from, but I don’t think it will be the cooking we hope it will be.
Lastly I have a feeling that Toy Day they knew they’d be in a time crunch for because of the other two holidays, which is why so much seasonal furniture already exists in the game. I feel like this will be similar to past games where you get villager gifts ahead of time based on what they say they want throughout the month and then on the event day you give it to them. Giving them the right gift awards you a few new items.
If we are very lucky we’ll get ceiling furniture and if we are very very lucky then villagers will be able to come over our houses.
I think anything more than that such as Brewster, gyroids, Nook expansion, mini games, and actual cooking are highly unlikely.
Lastly I have a feeling that Toy Day they knew they’d be in a time crunch for because of the other two holidays, which is why so much seasonal furniture already exists in the game. I feel like this will be similar to past games where you get villager gifts ahead of time based on what they say they want throughout the month and then on the event day you give it to them. Giving them the right gift awards you a few new items.
If we are very lucky we’ll get ceiling furniture and if we are very very lucky then villagers will be able to come over our houses.
I think anything more than that such as Brewster, gyroids, Nook expansion, mini games, and actual cooking are highly unlikely.

I'm not sure where I find this info, but if it's true - I want to warn about possible SPOILERS!

From December 1 to 23, each villager will give two clues on a desired item for Toy Day. Every villager will mention a certain color in one conversation, while in another conversation, the type of item (carpeting, clothes, electronics, food, furniture, instrument, lamp, toy, umbrella, or wallpaper). These clues are then used to correctly identify and deliver the desired item during Toy Day.

For Toy Day, the player must dress up as Santa, wearing the Santa Hat, Santa Beard, Santa Coat, and Santa Pants, all available from Able Sisters. The Santa Boots, available from Kicks, is optional. Only one of these articles are sold in Able Sisters and in Kicks from December 1 to 23; however, on Toy Day, the entire outfit can be bought at once.

If this will be true, we will have similar situation as we had prior to Halloween. We will have less time, but every single day activity will prepare us for Toy Day.

And finally, as I mentioned before... we had a clear message from Nintendo about two characters coming into game in late November update. It could be sad for many, but Brewster never been mentioned.
As I don't know what Nintendo may planning for 2021 - I will wait until this update and then I may start making any assumptions for later.
All I know is I have a feeling the update's gonna be a big one with lots of neat stuff in it for us to do for the next month and beyond. I have a feeling it'll be out next week.

OMG! i really hope so, i cant wait for them to release more info about it 🤩
Not to be pessimistic but cooking and new buildings seem unlikely to happen. I know a lot of people want to buildings and so do I but I doesn't look like it's gonna happen ;;;;. For "cooking" I actually think we'll get food recipes for the harvest fest which I'm totally excited about, maybe we can cook up the mushrooms and pumpkins we got the previous month along with additional vegetable materials!

Also I actually don't think gyroids are impossible to implement? They're considered furniture for the most part right? It's definitely a doable upgrade.

Hoping Toy Day will be similar to New Leaf where you talk to each villager and they give hints as to what they want. Ahhhhhhh that would be so cute.
Not to be pessimistic but cooking and new buildings seem unlikely to happen. I know a lot of people want to buildings and so do I but I doesn't look like it's gonna happen ;;;;. For "cooking" I actually think we'll get food recipes for the harvest fest which I'm totally excited about, maybe we can cook up the mushrooms and pumpkins we got the previous month along with additional vegetable materials!

Also I actually don't think gyroids are impossible to implement? They're considered furniture for the most part right? It's definitely a doable upgrade.

Hoping Toy Day will be similar to New Leaf where you talk to each villager and they give hints as to what they want. Ahhhhhhh that would be so cute.
I know I’m so excited.
@Monokuma73 What you wrote is exactly what Toy Day was in New Leaf, it’s not a spoiler for New Horizons. We still don’t know what Toy Day will be like in New Horizons as there hasn’t been any info officially released or in the datamines.
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