Now I know why Raymond is so popular

Raymond is a cutie pie and idc what ppl say. I liked him when he was first revealed as the new cat villager so my love for him isn’t driven because of popularity. It’s sad when people post pictures of him and they get a bunch of comments like “Raymond is overrated”, “I like (insert another cat villager) more”, or “Another Raymond post...”. This mostly happens on other sites than this one but damn is it hard to just scroll and ignore? Let people enjoy things. Jeez you don’t have to like him but respect those that do. Anyway I’m glad you like him!! Welcome to the club I guess. 😅
I just wonder sometimes, why they introduced a new cat, and left out an older one like Felyne, who was my favorite.

I don't have a cat villager at all now because of it.
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I’m so glad you’re enjoying him! Thanks for sharing some positivity with us! It’s always nice to hear about other player’s positive experience and interaction with certain villagers ^.^.

I just got Raymond not too long ago as well, though through a trade. I had no idea why he was popular and honestly I don’t care; popularity of anything never has interested me or concerned me. I wanted him because to me he’s cute and he’s a cat & I love cats. ^.^ I seriously love his toothy grin. The minute I saw him smile, I knew I made a good investment. That may sound silly to some, but I really mean it. :)
I seriously love his toothy grin. The minute I saw him smile, I knew I made a good investment. That may sound silly to some, but I really mean it. :)

Ooh, me too! I love his smile! :D

Raymond's default look is such an aloof one. Serious eyes. Downturned mouth. So when he does actually smile, it just totally lights up his entire face, it's something like magic to behold. I visit him at home every day just to talk to him because I always look forward to seeing his reaction when I leave, when he waves at me with both hands, with an uncharacteristically big grin on his face. I love it.
I feel the same way! I thought he was overhyped (he still kinda is lol)
BUT when he visited my campsite unexpectedly I knew I had to have him.
I think he's so cute now, and I think he fit's in my town after all! I was worried about him not fitting in with my cute/pink island,
but it's actually kinda funny to see him walk around being mostly grey-black-white, and he's a cutie after all ^-^

I was thinking 'if I don't like him I'll do a giveaway' but I think I'll keep him for myself c:

the first day he was on my island I had just finished my musical beach area (I can't think of a proper name for it)
and he just knew to walk around there and pose for pictures! a true celebrity in the making lol
he also started singing into the microphone which I found so adorable! we sang a duet afterwards ^.^



I spent hours doing the campsite trick to get this ridiculous cat but gave up halfway through and decided he was not worth the effort. Still want him though. Make him an amiibo already!
oh fun, a cat that reminds us of the mundane, dreary 9-5 40 hour work week in a game about escaping reality. I had raymond because i found him on an island during another hunt and took him basically to make nook mile tickets. I think its cool he has heterochromia and the white forelock like people with Waardenburg syndrome, but I can appreciate that without needing him on my island.

his hype is only because he is new, he is popular, and he got put in a maid costume. While he is no where near the bottom of my list of villagers due to aforementioned nod to a genetic condition, I still think he's not as fun as other smug villagers for myself. And all the hype and people feeling like they need him on their island just gives me more of an eye roll
Well, each to their own!

I'm not saying everyone who has him does, but I think its fair to say a considerable amount of people do. Sad they would think they need one of the most popular villager to make their island feel complete.

It's hard for a simple video game character to live up to the enormous amount of hype heaped upon them by throngs of rabid gamers.A lot of people jump on the hype train and go for the ride.It's just something that happens in any form of popular entertainment.By the looks of some of the responses on this thread,I'd say that it bothers some people more than others which surprises me a bit since most of us went through the same thing with Marshal in New Leaf.Anyways,Raymond's popularity doesn't surprise me at all.He filled a large void in the Animal Crossing universe just by being a smug cat,a thing that had never existed before in AC.And he's a good looking guy on top of that,so yeah...he's going to be popular.My copy of Raymond is in the screenshot seen above.I thought it would be cool to have him on my island before New Horizons was released but I wasn't going to be upset if I couldn't get him.He was my "mandatory" first camper so I had no choice but to move him in.He's not my favorite villager but he's been a very good addition to my island.I've been a big fan of the smugs since they were introduced in New Leaf and Raymond is a proper smug,balancing out that flaky/goofy/smart smug personality.Would I have paid a butt load of NMT's and/or bells for him now knowing what kind of villager he is?No,but now I have a better understanding of why some people would do that.
The one thing that amazes me is his lines. Everything he says corresponds with his real life popularity. Do the developers already expect he will be a massive hit among fans? That is why I love talking to him, and of course, to see his vampire fang hehe
I don't see why he couldn't be in NH, since he was in NL.

Because Monster Hunter is owned by Capcom. Capcom and Nintendo struck a deal where he was added just for NL. NH wasn't even on the table then. For Felyne to come back, they have to make another deal because Felyne is ultimately the property of Capcom. It's how licensing works and why the Sanrio villagers aren't back for NH. Sanrio agreed for the posters and that's it.
Because Monster Hunter is owned by Capcom. Capcom and Nintendo struck a deal where he was added just for NL. NH wasn't even on the table then. For Felyne to come back, they have to make another deal because Felyne is ultimately the property of Capcom. It's how licensing works and why the Sanrio villagers aren't back for NH. Sanrio agreed for the posters and that's it.
I know how it works.

If they did it once, they can do it again.

It's dodgy to bring in a character for people to get attached to, then take them away.
I like Raymond. I don’t think he’s a dream villager of mine since he has a different aesthetic than what I’m hoping for but he’s not so bad! He kind of reminds me of an anime protagonist (the heterochromia, blonde hair, and a bunch of people having crushes on him lol).
The one thing that amazes me is his lines. Everything he says corresponds with his real life popularity. Do the developers already expect he will be a massive hit among fans? That is why I love talking to him, and of course, to see his vampire fang hehe

all smugs are full of themselves tbh, it's their standard dialogue. it does fit for marshal & raymond though.


on OP topic tho: i'm glad we finally have a smug cat! i like having him on my island but ehh. my favorite part of his design is his fang, but cute isn't necessarily the appropriate word i'd describe him. but i guess "cute" is just the common word in acverse for something they like. the best thing about having him around is his different style and how looks so serious and aloof, but then you talk to him and you see his little fang.
Incorrect lol, hes nothing special among the others and by my taste he looks plain boring, just cat with glasses lol. Only reason hes so popular is cuz cringy 12 yr olds on tik tok make random videos of him and thats how it grew. Hes a fav among the young kids, especially girls. But yea, imo theres so many more unique looking villagers aswell as better cats. Again thats just my opinion on him, never liked him.
Lets be honest, if u showed a person who has no idea about who the most liked villager and ask them to guess who by their mind is number 1. Just by apperance most wouldnt pick him at all.
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Variety is the spice of life. Not had him yet, but I like to have different personalities in my town/island even when they are snooty. I like that he has heterochromia but other than that don’t know much about him
Incorrect lol, hes nothing special among the others and by my taste he looks plain boring, just cat with glasses lol. Only reason hes so popular is cuz cringy 12 yr olds on tik tok make random videos of him and thats how it grew. Hes a fav among the young kids, especially girls. But yea, imo theres so many more unique looking villagers aswell as better cats. Again thats just my opinion on him, never liked him.
Lets be honest, if u showed a person who has no idea about who the most liked villager and ask them to guess who by their mind is number 1. Just by apperance most wouldnt pick him at all.
Whether you like Raymond or not, that's your subjective opinion. Raymond is objectively one of the most popular villagers in NH based on the insane prices people pay for him (including real money) and the high ratings he gets in most villager popularity polls. Some if it may be because he's the shiny new toy in AC, but he's a lot more popular than most of the other new villagers. A lot of people on this site really like him, and I don't think "12 year old girls" are a very high percentage of TBT members. Every villager is unique to some extent, but unique doesn't necessarily mean good. A kindergartner's art project may be unique, but chances are no one will be impressed except maybe the parents. Your favorite book, movie, or any other work of art may not be very popular or famous and there's nothing wrong with that, but most popular/famous books, movies, etc. appeal to diverse audiences. Raymond has widespread appeal while a lot of other villagers have only niche appeal. That doesn't make Raymond good or bad, but he's indisputably popular among ACNH players.