Whether you like Raymond or not, that's your subjective opinion. Raymond is objectively one of the most popular villagers in NH based on the insane prices people pay for him (including real money) and the high ratings he gets in most villager popularity polls. Some if it may be because he's the shiny new toy in AC, but he's a lot more popular than most of the other new villagers. A lot of people on this site really like him, and I don't think "12 year old girls" are a very high percentage of TBT members. Every villager is unique to some extent, but unique doesn't necessarily mean good. A kindergartner's art project may be unique, but chances are no one will be impressed except maybe the parents. Your favorite book, movie, or any other work of art may not be very popular or famous and there's nothing wrong with that, but most popular/famous books, movies, etc. appeal to diverse audiences. Raymond has widespread appeal while a lot of other villagers have only niche appeal. That doesn't make Raymond good or bad, but he's indisputably popular among ACNH players.