Nsider - Status

I don't go to NSider anymore. Not only because I'm doing stuff here, but as I posted earlier, I just think that it has just gone downhill from when I was there in early-middle 2004.
PikMino42 said:
You guys are all crazy.

Yeah they are. nsider is a grat place and fun to be at. I don't know where you get these ideas...Te Ts and Pool are some of the greatest places to be. I catch p with old friends, meet new ones. I get to enter in competitions like POTW, and get to do a bunch of cool things. I love Nsider.
BAMBAM! said:
I am almost hammer
A hammer?

Oh, you mean a Hammer-head shark? Hmm... interesting....

I'm a Pianta, and more than half my posts were in the Crossing Guardian.
most of my posts now are at crossing guardian, which is why i have more posts here at tbt than nsider.
Bastoise99 said:
What kind of work do you do?
All things (past and present):
TBT Times and it's offspring
Gulliver's Travels
Fauna Fashion