Looks like you got one in! How exciting!
Accepted! And I can work with that. I've done so many Mayors, its perfectly fine!![]()
Thank you! Take all the time you need!
Looks like you got one in! How exciting!
Accepted! And I can work with that. I've done so many Mayors, its perfectly fine!![]()
Signature/Avatar: Signature
Render/Stock: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/231/b/e/dangan_ronpa_png_by_bloomsama-d6iu1h9.png and stock whatever fits
Effects: Heavy??? idk
Colors: Red White his color hair...
Text: Ultimate Moral Compass
Size: Idk the normal one???
- - - Post Merge - - -
Signature/Avatar: Signature
Render/Stock: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/231/b/e/dangan_ronpa_png_by_bloomsama-d6iu1h9.png and stock whatever fits
Effects: Heavy??? idk
Colors: Red White his color hair...
Text: Ultimate Moral Compass
Size: Idk the normal one???
Signature/Avatar: Signature
Render/Stock: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/231/b/e/dangan_ronpa_png_by_bloomsama-d6iu1h9.png and stock whatever fits
Effects: Heavy??? idk
Colors: Red White his color hair...
Text: Ultimate Moral Compass
Size: Idk the normal one???
- - - Post Merge - - -
Signature/Avatar: Signature
Render/Stock: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/231/b/e/dangan_ronpa_png_by_bloomsama-d6iu1h9.png and stock whatever fits
Effects: Heavy??? idk
Colors: Red White his color hair...
Text: Ultimate Moral Compass
Size: Idk the normal one???
Type: GFX
Render: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb...-image-kiyotaka-ishimaru-36497590-721-787.png
Background Image: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/340/b/2/school_hallway_by_benjamin_the_fox-d6x0s84.jpg
Text: Ultimate Moral Compass (Different fonts maybe?)
Color(s): Red, White... his color hair...
Overall Theme: IDK Something that fits
Other: Nein
Different renders xd
Lol I guess. I don't have anything against this. But that's a little strange.
I'd like an Overworld!
Pokemon: Dragonite, Sylveon, Ninetails, Aurorus, Absol, Venusaur.
- Shiny?: The Ninetails if possible.
Trainer: Skyla, but if that's too difficult then a trainer isn't necessary.
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: Nope!
Direction: To the right.
Thank you so much! Let me know if you'd like anything.![]()
Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: yes!![]()
But I would like to be in the outfit shown in my sig {My sig says Mercedes <3 Danny then is a picture}
I'd like a user bar!!!
Image/Overworld: http://s284.photobucket.com/user/goldflareon/media/PikachuMDsprites.png.html <- pikachu put right to custom sprite of Danny. http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2014/183/1/f/1f12335163f4d4fc4234dfcf6b97b249-d7oy8yi.png <- Fennekin over world Put right to Mercedes over world.
- If Overworld, post here:
- If Overworld, Style: PMD
Colors: red yellow pink
Position: (text left/image right, .)
Other: can you make them like spin in place?
- - - Post Merge - - -
Also I can pay 200 TBT? :3
Alright. First You will have to fill out an Overworld request first. Then, You can request an userbar.
Second, I don't exactly know what you mean to spin in place. Like on its center axis or all of them together spinning?
all of them spinning together spinning and I am filling out the fourm now
- - - Post Merge - - -
I'd like an Overworld!
- Custom Trainer:Direction: spinninghttp://www.i-cosplay.com/images/cosplayoutline2.jpg
I'd like an Overworld!
- Custom Trainer:Direction: spinning]![]()
But I would like to be in the outfit shown in my sig {My sig says Mercedes <3 Danny then is a picture}
Accepted. It's gonna cost more because you want them spinning (I still don't know exactly what that means but I'll figure that out. Also include the Pokemon you want spinning (Pikachu and Fennekin in PMD Style?).