Haha not very much at all. My apologies for any insensitivity!
Haha no problem. Thank you for accepting my request
Haha not very much at all. My apologies for any insensitivity!
That's fine and it's really good! Thank you so much!
@Colour Bandit:
Couldn't find Pyror F or Mega Aggron. My apologies.
I'd like an Overworld!
Pokemon: Dragonite, Gallade, Typhlosion, Scizor, Kingdra, Gengar
- Shiny?: Just Gengar
Trainer: N/A
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: N/A
Direction: To the right, please
Thank you so much!
That's fine and it's really good! Thank you so much!
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Render/Stock: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/...es-d6lsurm.png
Color: One that fits?
Text: Ultimate Affluent Progeny
Size: Normal one??
Other: Stock some king related???
I thought I gave you one of Pyroar FCompleted Reqeusts:
Only had a little time to complete some Overworlds...
Hope you like it!
@Colour Bandit:
Couldn't find Pyror F or Mega Aggron. My apologies.
@Mayor Lark:
Awaiting Mark Up Approval!
@Everyone Else:
If you have any changes you want to make, please let me know!
And, if you ordered a Custom Overworld Sprite, and haven't paid me yet, 40 TBTB is the price!
Thanks again guys!
I thought I had! Heres a pyroar femalehttp://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/354/8/3/mega_lucario_sprites_by_getsuei_h-d6ymrdw.png
Mega Lucario sprites
Mega Blaziken. I am gonna keep editing this post as I find mega sprites for ObeseMudkipz
'Dont know if anyone will want it, but Primal Dialga
Just because I came across it, Diantha
Mega Charizard X
http://pokeargentum.deviantart.com/...9774384?q=sort:time gallery:PokeArgentum&qo=0
idk if you have it, but Pyroar female
I thought I gave you one of Pyroar F
I'd like an Userbar!
Text: The Great Bell Bank
- If Overworld, post here: I have one of my mayor :3
Colors: Blues and purples
Position: Text Left, Mayor right
Other: no
Hi Axeler~ Could I please request another signature? Take your time, though ^^
I'd like an GFX!
Signature/Avatar: Signature / Avatar / Both
Render/Stock: <3 Background? Totally up to you. c:
Effects: Heavy / Medium / Light
Colors: Red/black please~
Text: Kazunari. In a smaller sized font: IGN: Debonair Jayce (NA)
- Font: Up to you x3
Size: 500x150
Other: I can request some other time if you have a certain time limit that you want me to wait for~
Talon is so... hnnnggg.
He's the best. ;3;