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Can you do a time overworld? (You go adding pok?mon in each gif) If you can do it, I want to rqeuest and overworld :3

Eevee Taillow
Eevee Taillow Chikorita Abra
Eevee Taillow Bayleaf Abra
Eevee Taillow Bayleaf Kadabra
Eeeve Swellow Bayleaf Kadabra
Eevee Swellow Bayleaf Kadabra Ghastly
Eevee Swellow Bayleaf Kadabra Haunter
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Haunter Chimchar
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Haunter Monferno
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Gengar Monferno
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Gengar Infernape
Drakeon Swellow Meganium Kadabra Gengar Infernape

(But I will ask you to continue that gif cause I haven't completed the game, so save the file)

- Shiny?: Nope

Trainer: Yes.
OC/Character Special: Maizono with that dress

Direction: <-

Drakeon Sprites

Btw, can you add names of the Pok?mon? If you can:

Eevee/Drakeon = Chops
Taillow/Swellow = H?ctor
Chikorita/Bayleaf/Meganium = Anabel
Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam = Houdini
Ghastly/Haunter/Gengar = Boo
Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape = Inferno
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Can you do a time overworld? (You go adding pok?mon in each gif) If you can do it, I want to rqeuest and overworld :3

Eevee Taillow
Eevee Taillow Chikorita Abra
Eevee Taillow Bayleaf Abra
Eevee Taillow Bayleaf Kadabra
Eeeve Swellow Bayleaf Kadabra
Eevee Swellow Bayleaf Kadabra Ghastly
Eevee Swellow Bayleaf Kadabra Haunter
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Haunter Chimchar
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Haunter Monferno
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Gengar Monferno
Eevee Swellow Meganium Kadabra Gengar Infernape
Drakeon Swellow Meganium Kadabra Gengar Infernape

(But I will ask you to continue that gif cause I haven't completed the game, so save the file)

- Shiny?: Nope

Trainer: No, thanks.

Direction: <-

Drakeon Sprites

Btw, can you add names of the Pok?mon? If you can:

Eevee/Drakeon = Chops
Taillow/Swellow = H?ctor
Chikorita/Bayleaf/Meganium = Anabel
Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam = Houdini
Ghastly/Haunter/Gengar = Boo
Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape = Inferno

Are you talking about like an evolution overworld sprite? Or like a separate gif for each stage?
An evolution sprite xd

Oh goodness. After two evolutions, it will cost you 30 TBT for each consecutive evolution after, plus 10 TBT adding a Pokemon in the same gif.

So, that's 9 Evolutions and 5 additional pokemon, with a grand total of 260 TBT.
Ahh hello! I'll order a GFX sig!

I'd like a GFX!
Signature/Avatar: Signature / Avatar / Both
Render/Stock: [x]
Effects: Heavy / Medium / Light
Colors: Blue and red.
Text: -
Font: -
Size: 400x150
Other: Nope! Thanks!
Ackk, how much would a 715x200 bump banner cost? :eek: Sorry, I'm a bit scatterbrained to do the math.