Ω Axel's Overworld Shop Ω CLOSED Ω CHECK OUT mew THREAD


Jul 30, 2013
Carnival Coins
Axeler137's Creature:
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Please go and check out my mew thread:

Axel's Graphically, Pixelated Shoppe


Credits to WonderK

Welcome, welcome to the Axel's Overworld Shop. This shop is probably different than anything else on this site. I make Pokemon Overworlds. What are Overworlds? You will find out soon enough! Anyone and everyone is free to request for one, as long as you have more than 200+ posts. Because these are free, and it takes a bit of time to make them, I only ask those who actually exist and are active on the site. Other than that enjoy!


What are Overworlds?
A little bit of history for you! Nintendo released a reboot game for the DS back in 2010 called HeartGold and Soulsilver. It included a Pokewalker and everything. It was brought in many different elements to the game and a wonderful reboot to its Gameboy forerunner. It included the feature to always have a Pokemon walking behind you as you battle trainers and became the Pokemon master. These sprites in the game were dubbed Overworld Sprites and were a big hit. Well, someone got a hold of these sprites and now they are available online for people's usage.

What do you do?
I simply take those sprites and make a little GIF out of them. They walk back and forth, along with their trainer. I do not own anything and simply just make the Overworld Sprites. That's all I do.

How do I request one?
All you have to do is fill out the request form at the bottom and fill out all the information. Plain and simple.

What if I want a custom sprite of my mayor/OC walking with my Pokemon?
That is where it gets interesting. I can definitely make your Mayor/OC into a little custom sprite, but it will cost you because I have to do a little more. Please provide a reference of your Mayor/OC, I will try and make one to your liking. I will definitely PM you a couple ideas before I officially finish the requset. For this, I will have to charge at 40 TBTB to make it worth my while. And, if you are requesting one, please send in your monies till after I complete your order (just in case you want changes or anything of the sort.
What Pokemon are available?
From the actual game, all Pokemon from Gen I-IV are available. Additionally, a community on Deviantart created Overworld sprites for Gen V. But, nothing has been provided for Gen VI (except for a couple, more popular Pokemon). If you find a Gen VI Overworld sprite that I can use, I would love to use it.

What if I wanted it over a tag/banner/etc. or something special?
I can. But, only under a couple conditions. First, you must have consent from the creator of the tag/banner/etc. for me to make something over the tag/banner/etc. I'd rather not get in a bind with whoever made it. Second, there will be a small charge (probably 15-25TBTB), since it is a little extra work. And, this also includes something special, like a bunch walking in a line or something crazy like that. Just ask and I'll get back to you. There is an example in the banner at the top.

Can you do other spriting other than this?
Unfortunately, no. I'm not that good. I made this thread just in case someone want to request something like this. If there is little interest in it, I will simply close down and move on with my life. No harm, no fowl.


I. Only request if you have more than 200+ posts.
II. Don't take credit.
III. I have the right to deny your request.
IV. Respect myself and others here.
V. You can only request one overworld at a time.
VI. No need to pay, unless otherwise specified. Donations welcomed and recognized!


Request Form:

- Shiny?:
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?:



Normal Requests
1. PokeCam420 [X]
2. J o s h

Special Requests:
1. Gregriii
2. RJtheACPlayer


Thanks to WonderK for the idea.
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Ooh! This is cute! I would love to request!

Pokemon: Jirachi please!
Shiny?: No thanks.
Trainer: The female trainer (Lyra) from HG/SS please!
Direction: Can they be walking to the right?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Pokemon: Piplup, mudkip, squirtle, torchic,bidoof, chicorita, jirachi, shaymin (I wanna request more, how many would it take to make a 400 pixel one?)
Shiny?: No.
Trainer: Dawn (the best one ever)
Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: no.
Direction: Either
These are too adorable for words. I would love one of my OC walking with a couple of my favorite Pok?mon, and I'm more than happy to pay you in TBT. :)

Pokemon: Spiritomb, Pachirisu, and Jirachi
- Shiny?: Yes please, for all
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: OC please, reference is below
Direction: Whatever you feel is best


The reference is a half body, but I'm fine with improvising on the lower half. :)

I realize that I requested more than one sprite, but will definitely compensate you with whatever TBT price you feel is fair. Thank you in advance, and I do hope that you accept my request!
This is a wonderful idea and it makes me very excited!

Pokemon: murkrow, umbreon, houndour, sneasel, and gengar at the back of the line
- Shiny?: Umbreon
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: Could it be my gym leader oc and if so how much would it cost? :> thank you
Direction: uhhh left pls
ahhh this is so cool!

Request Form:

Pokemon: Raichu, Mew, Swampert, Latias, Lucario, Torterra
- Shiny?: no thanks
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: my mayor: [x] [x]
Direction: to the right

I'll pay you 35 tbt! would you like it now?
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oh god i have so many dokis of excitement
i just woke up so ill have to fill out a form/figure stuff out later
@BerryPop: I went Left if that's okay.

@Luckypinch: That should be fine. I'll PM you when I find a good sprite base for her.

@Oblivia: I'm thinking about 30-40 TBT and using Cynthia's B2/W2 sprite. I'll PM you!

@Mayor Lark: Yeah, about the same, unless it gets technical. Just send me a picture/reference.

@Jollian: That should be fine. I'll PM you.


Update: All payments received after requests are completed.

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Oh myyy this us so amazing :D
Pokemon: Mew, Lucario, Jirachi, Torchic, Mareep,Bulbasaur, Shaymin, Furret, Shinx
- Shiny?: No thank you~
Trainer: Dawn
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: nope~
Direction: left ~!

Thank you very much!
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Pokemon: Dragonite
- Shiny?: No thanks
Trainer: N/A
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: Yes please, ref below (she has short hair xD)
Direction: right



I can pay 50 tbt as well unless otherwise stated for the mayor<<3 Oh gosh these are cute<3
Pokemon: Pachirisu, Luxray, Manectric, Zigzagoon, Shiny Pichu, Spiky-Eared Pichu, Raichu, Braviary
- Shiny?: Only one of the pichu
Trainer: None, thanks
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: N/A
Direction: Whichever way you can see the spiky-eared pichu's ear better!

Thank you!! These are so cute :)
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Pokemon: Braixen (if possible?), Vaporeon, Ampharos, Typhlosion, Houndoom, Lugia, Froslass, Roserade, Charizard (if no Braixen, then replace her with Scolipede)
- Shiny?: Braixen (if possible) and Charizard
Trainer: v
- Custom Trainer/Mayor/OC?: Yes, if possible? I'd like Ichigo: http://ichigo-kun.deviantart.com/art/Ichigo-357902937
If she's too difficult to work with, Bridgette is fine too: http://ichigo-kun.deviantart.com/art/Bridgette-Color-Ref-443391186
Will pay accordingly.
Direction: Left

thank you so much for this omg///////////////// yells
if there are any problems let me know! idk how many are allowed lmfao
it was rly hard to pick these out i like too many pokeymans

found shiny braixen sprites! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/197/f/4/712s_by_othienka-d7qxjfo.png
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Update: Finished all the Mayor/OC sprites tonight and got everything together to make the final products. But, I'm getting rather sleepy so I'll finish them all (up to this post) by sometime tomorrow! It was a wonderful first day. Thanks for ordering guys!

Also, for all of those who do have a mayor/OC sprite. I'll set the price for 40 TBTB and send me the money once I have completed the order (just in case you want something change. Have a good night everyone!
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Update: Finished all the Mayor/OC sprites tonight and got everything together to make the final products. But, I'm getting rather sleepy so I'll finish them all (up to this post) by sometime tomorrow! It was a wonderful first day. Thanks for ordering guys!

Also, for all of those who do have a mayor/OC sprite. I'll set the price for 40 TBTB and send me the money once I have completed the order (just in case you want something change. Have a good night everyone!

But I thought it was 25? :(