Eep, Sully is the only Shepherd mother that doesn't grant Galeforce to Lucina. ;; Though if you don't care about that as much, it won't really matter. Her conversations with him are nice.
I have a lot of issues with Awakening due to changes and plot quality compared to the older games, but it's a fine game to show you the general idea of the series. It has Casual mode which means you can play without fear of your units dying.Would you guys recommend this game to a person hoping to get into the FE series?
Yes, it's a great place to start and has a lot replayability with different ways to tackle the game each time. If you enjoy turn based strategy type combat you'll probably like it because that's the entirety of the gameplay. There's also a lot of character bonding as you get to know each of your units better with support conversations, and a lot of ways to customize how your avatar and children work on the battlefield.Would you guys recommend this game to a person hoping to get into the FE series?
Would you guys recommend this game to a person hoping to get into the FE series?
Both Path of Radiance for the GameCube and its Wii sequel Radiant Dawn have cutscenes. For the older handheld games, instead of cutscenes, there are pictures. But you shouldn't really expect amazing looking cutscenes on a GameCube or Wii anyway. They look fine and serve their purpose for what they are.Yes. This was the first FE game I've played and I'm obsessed with it. I don't usually like strategic RPG/turn-based combat games (pokemon and earthbound are pretty much the only exceptions), though I loved how the story was told and how engaged with the characters and storyline I felt when I played the game.
Not to mention the cut scenes are amazing, and if you play an older FE game (I think the Wii one has cutscenes, but they're ugly) then there aren't any "real" cutscenes. Just dialogue being thrown back and fourth.
Both Path of Radiance for the GameCube and its Wii sequel Radiant Dawn have cutscenes. For the older handheld games, instead of cutscenes, there are pictures. But you shouldn't really expect amazing looking cutscenes on a GameCube or Wii anyway. They look fine and serve their purpose for what they are.
Well, everyone has their own tastes. I will say that I feel you're robbing yourself of a great experience by not playing Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn since they have really interesting stories, settings, characters, and battle mechanics.I have exceptionally high standards when it comes to animation, and finding a game that has decent cutscenes is crucial for myself.
If awakening's cutscenes were to the same quality of the GC/Wii's then I definitely would have deleted FE from my 3ds.
Well, everyone has their own tastes. I will say that I feel you're robbing yourself of a great experience by not playing Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn since they have really interesting stories, settings, characters, and battle mechanics.
It just seems sort of like refusing to watch a classic black and white movie just because it's not in color. The cutscene quality is a product of the time and machines they were running on. More power to you regardless.
The Fire Emblem game that was given out to 3DS Ambassadors is Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. It is the most similar to Awakening compared to all of the other games in that you can free roam on the map and grind against enemies. It's a fine game and I recommend you try it out sometime.I remember I have a GBA virtual console fire emblem game on my 3DS from back when I got given that nintendo embassador thing where you could download like 20 exclusive GBA/GB/NES games on your 3DS. I played it for probably 20 minutes before losing interest, though this was before I had played fire emblem. I may revisit it sometime before fates gets released.
The older games also have character interaction. From the sounds of it, you just didn't get far enough into the other one to come across it.It seems like the older games have less character development as well. Do the older games have similar interactions between characters like in awakening?
Would you guys recommend this game to a person hoping to get into the FE series?