Official Fire Emblem: Awakening Thread 2.0

Morgan is such a monster, lmao.



Started work on the decal I'm going to use for my New 3DS XL.

Hopefully I finish it this weekend so I can get it printed urgh.

I swear, if I could, I'd put Awakening on everything.
As much as I love Virion, I don't think I used him much during the later chapters. I can definitely give it a shot though, he's one of my favorites.

I think in one playthrough I married Virion with I think Panne (or maybe Cordelia?) and maxed him out as a deadscroll user (forgot the offcial title name). With magic Virion became quite a monster, defensively also very solid. I think Virion is a bit underrated.

I married Gaius with Nowi, they made a cute couple. Also very quite powerful, but mostly they match well. Candy loving Gaius with playful kiddylike Nowi.

I need to get the DLC back so I can play again. Sigh.
Haha, same. I have two NNIDs since the New 3DS XL came out here, and one of them doesn't have the DLC license. My now main one. 8(


Finished the thing.
Your artwork is beautiful.
I can imagine fire Emblem to be quite the inspiration, it has very detailed artwork and great costumes.
Really need some help here, I just did the side story to recruit Morgan but he died in the battle before I could recruit him and I accidentally saved after finishing the story so is there another way I can get Morgan? :(

EDIT: nvm, I had a save from the middle of Chapter 11 I'll just restart from since most other sources are saying I don't get another chance to recruit him. Bit annoying but oh well....
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Really need some help here, I just did the side story to recruit Morgan but he died in the battle before I could recruit him and I accidentally saved after finishing the story so is there another way I can get Morgan? :(

EDIT: nvm, I had a save from the middle of Chapter 11 I'll just restart from since most other sources are saying I don't get another chance to recruit him. Bit annoying but oh well....

There's never a second chance to recruit anyone.
There's never a second chance to recruit anyone.

I know, but in going back to my past save I changed a few things with my units so they are a bit better now so it was a win-win either way :p I'm just going to have to be more careful with the side stories from now on...
I always opt not to save until I've checked that I have the right amount of units still, haha. Even when I'm grinding, juuuuust in case.
I found another one that had their M.U.'s name as "Weed".

All the possibilities...

So I married Maribelle to Henry this time, since he's a magic parent, but has a good physical branch-off for Brady, too, in terms of skills I want my Street Pass units to have.

Plus the conversation's actually cute. I can't put a couple together if I don't like their conversation. See: Chrolivia.
I came across this on google and laughed way too hard

Reminded me of this one moment from Zelda: Link Between Worlds where Hilda says "We need a hero, and your Link is amazing."
Now replace Link with a word of your choice. Have fun.
TFW: I want to play the game but when I play I want to draw fanart, and when I'm drawing fanart, I want to play the game. ;;

I'm pretty sure this game is what pulled me out of my art rut when I got it, too.
It does! It doesn't get much use nowadays. Same for the If/Fates thread, though I imagine that'll pick up once the game is actually out over here.

I guess I'll leave this here: