Even though the games are disconnected, I'd really like to see FE: If have some sort of Awakening support. I'd be fine if it comes in the form of free or paid DLC characters or maps the same as Awakenings. Or possibly importing certain save data to impact your game in some form. Either would be awesome.
Me too, hahaI'm still really hoping for something Schism-related.
I'd love to see the return of Awakening characters as well. Considering their popularity and the fact that Awakening had tons of characters from other games, this is definitely a possibility.
...I like that I'm already preparing to spend on DLC.
The one thing that I've been really not sure about is the inclusion of children in the next FE because when you think about it, I doubt they will include time travel as a major part of the story if at all. I think marriage will return with supports but I'm not sure about the whole kids system. I'm hoping they fill that gap with something nice.
You should be able to at least share data of your team ONLINE instead of only being able to when you pass someone on the street.
Also, these are my planned pairings optimized for the best units for this run through.
Ricken x Lissa
Maribelle x Libra
Gregor x Panne
Vaike x Sully
Frederick x Cherche
Harry x Miriel
Virion x Olivia
Nowi x Kellam
Ezra x Nah
Lon'qu x Cordelia
Stahl x
Donnel x
Gaius x Tharja
Chrom x Sumia
I find it upsetting that Male Morgan doesn't have supports with Brady. I think they'd be pretty fun to see as friends.
Also, Gaius and Anna not having a support together is a tragedy. I can imagine them trying to out-sass and out-sell each-other.
no supports with anna apart from m!robin is the worst thing for me oh my god //: making me wanna make a male unit just so i can marry her
(but i also wanna marry other females but at the same time i feel really iffy about anyone else flirting with chrom lmao) (apart from anna like i ship her with everyone bye)
I normally pair units based on stats and optimization so I don't have a lot of opinions on the supports otherwise, haha.
I try to do a bit of a combination. I wouldn't say I optimize them, necessarily? But my units tend to survive Lunatic in any case, so I don't think it matters too much. I do try to get the children wider sets of skills though, so I try to avoid parings whose skills overlap too much (especially mages/healer combos, those can be difficult to work around).
I'm not going to lie though, Tharja+Henry is really hilarious, especially with Noire's personality and crit.
I once had them skill/crit in order. They all laughed. In order of crazy laugh. Tharja's more subdued laugh came first, then Henry's too-happy-about-killing laugh, and then Noire's crazy laughter. I actually fell off the couch. I wish I'd had some way to record that right then.
I also find Miriel+Libra endearing. A man of religion and a woman of science who are at once rigid in what they believe, but also willing to learn from the methods of the other, and who do in fact gain some new understandings because of it.
Owain: I used Henry as the father, but Ricken could also work.
Yarne: Eh... Armsthrift could be used on someone better.
Kjelle: Good stats, but no Galeforce.
Gerome: I usually put Freddy with Cordelia, but that could also work well.
Laurent: You mean Henry, right? But he gets magic, and that's all, so it's good.
Inigo: I use that because stats are good and blue hair. That's all he needs.
Nah: I hear that's really good, but I've never used it so idk.
Morgan: Oh, so you're going for extremely broken Morgan? I should do that soon. XD
Severa: Yeah, that'd work well.
Noire: Okay, but I like Donnel as the father more.
Lucina/Cynthia: OTP.