Official Fire Emblem: Awakening Thread 2.0

I was busy with this elaborate plan to make like the perfect army, with like crazily overpowered units, but I haven`t played for so long I have no vlue anymore who was supposed to marry with whom. This is a problem, because you can`t progress really without knowing this on beforehand, if you have certain pairings at mind.


I'll shoot you a pm and we can brainstorm.
I fear its to long ago, I searched it all out with help of the internet and now I am so out of touch, I don`t really remember what skills I wanted to pass on, etc. Especially with the kids. I could look up which marriages I got going on so far though, that might help. I decided to quit that playthrough after many hours of grinding. There is a lesson in it. don`t overplay it, but keep up with it, so you remember the plot without needing a break from the game. :)
Do you remember what made them overpowered, exactly?

I know there's people that focus on making as many Galeforce units, for example. So was it skill-based? Stat-based? Even if we can't get to the specifics in terms of skills and all that, we might be able to get started on the right path.

Me? I just want to make units that are annoying to deal with for people that street pass. Not so much looking to optimize, but still, annoying skills to deal with to at least provide some challenge.

I also forgot to pick up the easy to get boots in my last playthrough, and since we can only get two of those, I need to fix that. Ahhh...I wish I was playing right now. My playthroughs all eventually turn into a bit of a grind, but the look on my friends' faces is so worth it.
Do you remember what made them overpowered, exactly?

I know there's people that focus on making as many Galeforce units, for example. So was it skill-based? Stat-based? Even if we can't get to the specifics in terms of skills and all that, we might be able to get started on the right path.

Me? I just want to make units that are annoying to deal with for people that street pass. Not so much looking to optimize, but still, annoying skills to deal with to at least provide some challenge.

I also forgot to pick up the easy to get boots in my last playthrough, and since we can only get two of those, I need to fix that. Ahhh...I wish I was playing right now. My playthroughs all eventually turn into a bit of a grind, but the look on my friends' faces is so worth it.

Galeforce is really a mediocre skill. It's just not very useful when you compare it to other skills that a unit can have. I optimize for stats and good skills, but not really galeforce. If it's one of the better skills they have I'll use it but otherwise no.

An example of an optimized unit would be Kellam!Nah!Morgan, with the MU having assets in defense and flaws in magic. That way, you have a manakete Morgan who is pretty much unkillable and still really strong.
I find Galeforce pretty useful, especially since I tend to bait huge mobs towards my unit.

I also find it handy for killing off enemy mobs in difficult DLC maps more quickly, especially when I'm trying to get a bunch of Limit Breakers. The more monsters I kill earlier on, the less damage they can do to me, which actually becomes more relevant when the enemies actually manage to make significant damage.

I remove Galeforce for street pass, though. Stuff that requires killing to activate is probably not the most handy.
I like Galeforce. It helps to hit healers on remote locations. Kinda like hit and run attacks on units who are vulnerable, yet powerful. Magic users, healers or maybe certain flying units. It can also help when trying to rescue units I believe, but its long since I played. Kill a close unit to the one you want to rescue then either pick up unit or fly to safe area and use a rescue staff with your Galeforce unit. It comes in handy in that level where you save Morgan I believe. Doesn`t necesarrily have to be part of the ultimate skil list, but its nice to fall back to if it tactically gives advantages.
Maxed out my Morgan today. She has 74 defense with pavise, aegis, armsthrift, limitbreaker, and sol or luna whichever one I decide to use.
Am I the only one who thinks Chrom is really attractive? Like, seriously? I'm being serious.
"I'm going to try lunatic!"
*Frederick dies on the prologue by a critical hit.*
Okay, this is pretty tricky. I'll just try again.
*Chrome dies by a critical hit.*
Okay, this crazy. Third time's the charm?
*Robin dies by a critical hit.*
Am I the only one who thinks Chrom is really attractive? Like, seriously? I'm being serious.

I find him attractive. And that booty. XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I'm going to try lunatic!"
*Frederick dies on the prologue by a critical hit.*
Okay, this is pretty tricky. I'll just try again.
*Chrome dies by a critical hit.*
Okay, this crazy. Third time's the charm?
*Robin dies by a critical hit.*

Literally me when I try Lunatic or hard
i am not brave enough for lunatic-classic oh man
i've done lunatic-casual and lunatic+ -casual but that's it.

so who's everyone's "choice waifu" for this game then? i've got three tbh; tiki, henry and inigo (especially chrom!inigo i love him with that blue hair yes).
ok i tried lunatic + classic and like, first few moves my percent was like 63%-78% vs 89%-100% bYE
Oh gosh, Lunatic. Don't think I'll be ever trying that. Hard is challenging enough for me. Classic just breaks my heart whenever someone dies but I did play through it once to try it out.

so who's everyone's "choice waifu" for this game then? i've got three tbh; tiki, henry and inigo (especially chrom!inigo i love him with that blue hair yes).

I've played through four times and have married Lon'qu, Panne (mainly due to wanting a cute taguel daughter), Chrom and Gaius. I was originally going to marry Stahl in my first playthrough but then Lon'qu popped up and everything changed. (I also really really wanted to marry Priam but Morgan is too precious to wait till the end to get) And I have to agree with you on Chrom!Indigo the hair suits him so much~
Chrom. Literally every time. The first time was an accident, the rest, not so much. If I ever picked someone else it would probably be Lon'qu, Gaius, or Priam.
oh man im glad there are still active people in the fandom! even though i finished the game a year ago and didnt play it for a looong time, i picked it up again last december to support grind because my fire emblem feels randomly returned lol

and sooo hyped for the new game even though it'd probably take a long time to be released lol
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"I'm going to try lunatic!"
*Frederick dies on the prologue by a critical hit.*
Okay, this is pretty tricky. I'll just try again.
*Chrome dies by a critical hit.*
Okay, this crazy. Third time's the charm?
*Robin dies by a critical hit.*

You need to use only Frederick and pair him with preferably an MU with asset in speed and pair them up for the first 5 chapters. Once you can use DLC you have to start grinding.
On Lunatic, I paired Frederick with Sully or Vaike a lot for the first few chapters.
On Chapter 4, it was just Freddie and Chrom paired up.

Hammer guys...hammer guys are the enemy...

I've got about 7 hours on my current Lunatic file. I think the Chapter 11 Confession and the S-Support confessions are both cute for Chrom+MU. It's so hard not to do the S-Support, I'd really like to do the Chapter 11 confession myself this time.

Most of those hours have been grinding, though. I still have 2 chapters to go before I get to that point.
After that, I have to start picking pairs.
Okay, I've decided I'll do a new playthrough.

I literally liked this game so much I bought two copies for one DS filled with all DLC. xD But I'm doing my "cutest couples
as the theme. I'll marry who is cutests in dialogue and supports. And I'm playing as 100% Default Robin.wish me luck in not messing up on a marriage xD

On Lunatic, I paired Frederick with Sully or Vaike a lot for the first few chapters.
On Chapter 4, it was just Freddie and Chrom paired up.

Hammer guys...hammer guys are the enemy...

I've got about 7 hours on my current Lunatic file. I think the Chapter 11 Confession and the S-Support confessions are both cute for Chrom+MU. It's so hard not to do the S-Support, I'd really like to do the Chapter 11 confession myself this time.

Most of those hours have been grinding, though. I still have 2 chapters to go before I get to that point.
After that, I have to start picking pairs.

in Lunatic there is no such thing as Fredrick, his name is 'shield'

And Hammers destroy shields. I tried playing on Lunatic once, beat prologue barely. Chapter 1 I was destroyed. literally. PAY. ATTENTION. TO. THE PURPLE. AND RED. SQUARES.

omg Chrom x F!MU is like god lucina and morgan, I did it in one of my classic profiles, and i dont regret it. Besides, Lucina gains access to everything. Armsthift as well, god skill and a musthave for me (Except for
Emmeryn, I once married her. Too lovey 4 me
omg Chrom x F!MU is like god lucina and morgan, I did it in one of my classic profiles, and i dont regret it. Besides, Lucina gains access to everything. Armsthift as well, god skill and a musthave for me (Except for
Emmeryn, I once married her. Too lovey 4 me

Yeah I'm also a huge fan of armsthrift, I use it whenever I can. It's great with limit breaker too for unbreakable weapons. I haven't really done Chrom x MU but I know it would be great, It's just that I needed the unkillable tank Morgan.
I really wish I could like Inigo a bit more. Sometimes I hate him and sometimes he's just kind of there. Occasionally I like him, but never enough to actually make use of him. His general attitude is the main problem for me. While him and Virion have similar things going on, Virion is far more respectful towards the people he bothers, and there's way more of an underlying character.

Anyway, the reason I'm complaining is because I think Olivia+Lon'qu could be really cute based on their supports, but I don't want Lon'qu to be Inigo's dad. Admittedly, the irony would be pretty funny, but not quite worth it for me.

The only reason I'm okay with Virion being Inigo's dad is because the Olivia and Virion support is cute. She shows hints of liking him even before S-Support, and Virion is legitimately respectful of her boundaries and comfort zone, and still manages to help her out with what she needs.

Then there's Nah. I didn't realize how many of her male supports were really annoying to me. Her support with Morgan is about the only one I like. While my image of her character is kind of ruined now, she has Manakete Privilege. ;;
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