Statistically speaking Lucina!Morgan is one of the more mediocre pairings. If I have my +defense MU paired with my Manakete Morgan, she becomes almost unkillable, having pavise, aegis, and sol. Aether is useless when you can't live long enough to actually use it. Defense in general is more important than offense in this game.
Statistically speaking Lucina!Morgan is one of the more mediocre pairings. If I have my +defense MU paired with my Manakete Morgan, she becomes almost unkillable, having pavise, aegis, and sol. Aether is useless when you can't live long enough to actually use it. Defense in general is more important than offense in this game.
Manaketes are realllllllyyyyyy bad in this game ungrinded.
they only have one weapon, so no x4 hits
They use stength as their attack. ahahaha no
they are extremely slow, I think about or slightly fasted yet as slow as a knight or a general...
but they ARE really tanky, so yeah
Once, I think I saw a guy did a thing on max defense possible for Morgan and on hard mode the final boss did 0 damage to him.
But Lucina!Morgan is really good, you just have to take the time to learn how good it is. Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan is so godlie as sage..
But Emmeryn!Morgan much better. #BlondeIsTheNewBlue
I cant really argue about defense in this game (You need it for Lunatic anyways, lul) but offense is important too! Whats the point if both you and your opponent deal no damage...
I swear I'm being a idiot right now and neglecting the point of this..
Just beta chapter 9 in Cute Couples, NO EMMY Y U DO DIS TO MEEEE!!!!?!?
No srsly i luv hr so much I feel like its game over if I dont crit gangrel on Chapter 11..and I never recruit him. I give him a sword to the face!
Manaketes are realllllllyyyyyy bad in this game ungrinded.
they only have one weapon, so no x4 hits
They use stength as their attack. ahahaha no
they are extremely slow, I think about or slightly fasted yet as slow as a knight or a general...
but they ARE really tanky, so yeah
Once, I think I saw a guy did a thing on max defense possible for Morgan and on hard mode the final boss did 0 damage to him.
But Lucina!Morgan is really good, you just have to take the time to learn how good it is. Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan is so godlie as sage..
But Emmeryn!Morgan much better. #BlondeIsTheNewBlue
I cant really argue about defense in this game (You need it for Lunatic anyways, lul) but offense is important too! Whats the point if both you and your opponent deal no damage...
I swear I'm being a idiot right now and neglecting the point of this..
Just beta chapter 9 in Cute Couples, NO EMMY Y U DO DIS TO MEEEE!!!!?!?
No srsly i luv hr so much I feel like its game over if I dont crit gangrel on Chapter 11..and I never recruit him. I give him a sword to the face!
The point is that you have a lot of defense AND a lot of strength as well. Yes, I have high defense, but my strength is also high at around 63 thanks to dragonstone+, not including support bonuses. Tharja!Morgan Emmeryn!Morgan Aversa!Morgan are all much better mages than Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan. And no, Manakete is not a bad class this game. If you want to see a bad class, take a look at Taguel. Also not sure why you think strength as a whole bad?
The point is that you have a lot of defense AND a lot of strength as well. Yes, I have high defense, but my strength is also high at around 63 thanks to dragonstone+, not including support bonuses. Tharja!Morgan Emmeryn!Morgan Aversa!Morgan are all much better mages than Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan. And no, Manakete is not a bad class this game. If you want to see a bad class, take a look at Taguel. Also not sure why you think strength as a whole bad?
The weapon triangle sucks is what I mean by strength is bad.
magic can hit 1-2 NO MATTER WHAT. Most weapons dont have that, and the throwing weapons are often weak, though some ares trong. Magic is the key.
Yeah Taguel is bad as well Its manakete except faster, weaker in defense and strength, and have 1 range no matter what.
Pretty much weaker Ninja Manakete.
Ricken!Laurent!Morgan > Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan > Emmeryn!Morgan > All Other 3rdGen!Morgan > All other morgan
Magic is god in this game. People solo Apotheosis with only 2 units and rallies. Both using magic.
Actually, Morgan CANNOT be bad along with brady, they are so good they cant be screwed up at all, as long u have Galeforce for Brady and M!Morgan..
Defense and Offense are important, though IMO Offense is the better option. Combine both and you have a hot plate of PUN-ishment.
The weapon triangle sucks is what I mean by strength is bad.
magic can hit 1-2 NO MATTER WHAT. Most weapons dont have that, and the throwing weapons are often weak, though some ares trong. Magic is the key.
Yeah Taguel is bad as well Its manakete except faster, weaker in defense and strength, and have 1 range no matter what.
Pretty much weaker Ninja Manakete.
Ricken!Laurent!Morgan > Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan > Emmeryn!Morgan > All Other 3rdGen!Morgan > All other morgan
Magic is god in this game. People solo Apotheosis with only 2 units and rallies. Both using magic.
Actually, Morgan CANNOT be bad along with brady, they are so good they cant be screwed up at all, as long u have Galeforce for Brady and M!Morgan..
Defense and Offense are important, though IMO Offense is the better option. Combine both and you have a hot plate of PUN-ishment.
...well yo ucan if you study..hard. like real hard. but why would anyone want to do that
But Aether Sage with high Magic PLUS 2 good couples-Chrom x Maribelle is a Magic > Strength hit como marriage. And Lucina x MU is godly in every freaking way, as long as she has galeforce
OMG Had so much deaths, like 5 in chapter eleven..Thanks chrom for critting gangrel hard.
I did MU!Lucina on my first playthrough, and it was godly. Since it was my first playthrough, Chrom married Sully, but it's still a crazy good set! And then I married Morgan to Henry!Owain reclassed to Dread Fighter. They're virtually impossible to kill. On my second playthrough, I married Olivia, but that's all I've gotten to so far. Plan on making a Sorcerer Inigo With Aversa's Night to be... tanky? idk. Morgan will probably be Sage or Dark Flier or something like that.
Counter is the best choice I think since it's from a Male-only class. The only other Male-only skill that's useful is Axefaire, but I've never seen anyone give their FMorgan an Axe...
So I'd say Counter.
Counter is the best choice I think since it's from a Male-only class. The only other Male-only skill that's useful is Axefaire, but I've never seen anyone give their FMorgan an Axe...
So I'd say Counter.
Speaking of skills, I have a hard time picking them.
I have two "sets" for her. Her in-game set and her Street Pass set.
Skills that require an enemy to die are not really ones I want Street Pass peeps facing, since I don't think they'd keep playing on a street pass map if they lost a unit in battle (at least, I wouldn't). Fat lot of good Galeforce will do MU if someone resets before she goes after the second person in the first place, haha.
oh my godddd im so happy this thread exists!!
right now im currently deciding if i should continue playing the game w/ my unit being a girl named grace or if i should play more on a side file as a boy named elliott?? is it worth catching up to my main game on my side file or should i just continue playing as grace? i messed up pretty bad and made my unit a grandmaster at only level 10. im married to gaius currently on my main file, and on my side file i plan on marrying lucina or olivia (if i go further on it).
If you're not playing on Lunatic that shouldn't be much of a problem. Grinding a bit for the extra levels isn't too hard. If you're worried about Master/Second seals and you don't have access to freely buying them, check the Annas that spawn on the maps as often as possible. They have seals pretty often.
thanks!! i just cant decide as id really like to marry olivia or lucina, but my current main file my unit is a girl. im also not a huge fan of the way i designed her to look? sigh.. just not sure, as she is pretty great in battle and im not sure if i feel like playing all the way up to where i am now again.