Official "I Got A Wii!" Thread!

dragonflamez said:
Duke said:
JJRamone2 said:
Duke said:
In your face! I got the Wii! :evillaugh: :rofl: :eh: :lol: :mad:
why are you being mean about it? got a wii, so did alot of people, you aren't special no matter what your mom tells you. Honestly you could have said that in a nicer way, like...y'know, "hey guys I got one too, wanna share friend codes?"

Sorry for acting a little mean myself but I have to get my point across.
I have all nintendo machines! :gyroidgrin: :gyroidtongue:

B) :eh: :yes: :mad:
:yawn: :evillaugh:
:rofl: :llama:
Really? So you have a Virtual Boy?
What's that?
well, i dont think nintendo wants to admit the vb existed either...go easy on him guys.


p.s.-any more flaming in here and very very bad things happen.
DarthGohan1 said:
well, i dont think nintendo wants to admit the vb existed either...go easy on him guys.


p.s.-any more flaming in here and very very bad things happen.

:p lol...sorry. I forgot how young he was for a second... :rolleyes:
By the way, Darth, I dont think your WiiConnect24 is set up correctly or something, cuz' it never lets me Wiimail you...

Gengar said:
DarthGohan1 said:
well, i dont think nintendo wants to admit the vb existed either...go easy on him guys.


p.s.-any more flaming in here and very very bad things happen.

:p lol...sorry. I forgot how young he was for a second... :rolleyes:
By the way, Darth, I dont think your WiiConnect24 is set up correctly or something, cuz' it never lets me Wiimail you...

i know...isaid were not online yet...but that should change rly soon.
got one on my birthday (26th) turns out my mom pre ordered it. I got all the network stuff up and running, 40 miis, LoZ twilight princess, first Loz for virtual consol, 3500 points left, and Wii sports.
JJRamone2 said:
got one on my birthday (26th) turns out my mom pre ordered it. I got all the network stuff up and running, 40 miis, LoZ twilight princess, first Loz for virtual consol, 3500 points left, and Wii sports.
So that's why you haven't been on recently.


Congrats on the nice package. That's a great starter kit. Speaking of which, let's detail what I got for launch... Just for fun. >_>

Wii Console (With Wii Sports)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
5000 Wii Points (before spending 800 points on F-Zero)
5 Miis

That's what I was with on day one... As of right now, I have...

Wii Console (With Wii Sports)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
500 Wii Points (I'll add more once I get money on Christmas... still saving for Ice Hockey though!)
Bonk's Adventure
Bomberman '93
The Legend of Zelda (NES)
50 Miis

...Yeah... >_>
I finally got a Wii this morning after an 8 hour wait in Wal-Mart. The console is awesome and it felt like I'd been playing for a long time. Some action like moving the Wiimote away and close to you are difficult to master. My parents LOVED Wii Sports and it's hard to get them to stop playing which is awesome!

I just got mine yesturday Christmas eve. When I got it, I let out a little "Wheee!"

My parnets think its the best system ever, becuase my mom, and my grandma, and my sister all fan FUN playing together.

I'll write an article on it later.


( BTW, its Christmas morning, and im waiting for my parnets to get up :D)

I got Wii Sports, TP, Monkey Ball and Truma for Christmas! :santagyroid:
Fanghorn said:
I just got mine yesturday Christmas eve. When I got it, I let out a little "Wheee!"

My parnets think its the best system ever, becuase my mom, and my grandma, and my sister all fan FUN playing together.

I'll write an article on it later.


( BTW, its Christmas morning, and im waiting for my parnets to get up :D)
hey, you got one? Awesome

I got TP, red steel, and CoD 3. I also got an extra controller and SD card, so I can put pictures on it now.

And, I have 51 one miis now

Fanghorn said:
I just got mine yesturday Christmas eve. When I got it, I let out a little "Wheee!"

My parnets think its the best system ever, becuase my mom, and my grandma, and my sister all fan FUN playing together.

I'll write an article on it later.
Meh, so yesterday, when we were opening presents, my sister got A WII!!!!

My mom, dad, sister, and I play it all the time.