Turnips Official Turnip Prices Thread! (Old Version)

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Hey all, if anyone desperate turnip price is 158 here. PM me for code.

NMT or 15k tip would be appreciated
Turnips 453
Please join the queue here:
the rat babies buying for 371 and saharah is here! s-black design kitchen mat, m- white rose rug, l- green Kilim style carpet, berry chocolate flooring, and city scape wall. no tips required, but I do have a wishlist in my sig if you wanted to take a look. pm me with your sign name and town for a dodo code and please be patient. ill only be taking one person at a time.
My turnip price is 179 bells today. It’s not loads but if anyone is interested then give me a PM :)
There is no entry fee but a NMT would be greatly appreciated <3
[Closed for now]

Sell price 408 Bells

Tips are highly appreciated thank you for your generosity

Tipping options, just to avoid extra clutter:

2x 99k bell bags = 500 Turnips, about 10% from sell price

equivalent to 1NMT

equivalent to 1 gold

equivalent to 1 rusted component

Private message the time you see on this clock https://time.is/New_York + your in game name and island

Follow the fences and leave through the airport, multiple trips allowed but you have to send a new Private message with a new time and wait until i say you can come again

i will be taking a max of 3 people at a time
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Turnips selling at 449
DODO given by pm due to unexpected traffic
Tips are appreciated, you can leave them on the space just right of the entry/exit

Thanks everyone!
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