Official Turnip Prices Thread

My turnips are 644 bells today!
I'm keeping this day open for a while as I'm giving away a villager too, so I'll hang around for a few hours so lots of people can take advantage of my bad luck (I've been TTing so have no turnips!)

PM me your FC if you want to come sell ^^
Please don't run in my town, and don't talk to any villagers. It's also June in my town so don't be surprised by the lack of snow =P

PMed you, but my Friend code is also on my sidebar!

I'd love to come over to sell!:)

- - - Post Merge - - -

My turnips are 644 bells today!
I'm keeping this day open for a while as I'm giving away a villager too, so I'll hang around for a few hours so lots of people can take advantage of my bad luck (I've been TTing so have no turnips!)

PM me your FC if you want to come sell ^^
Please don't run in my town, and don't talk to any villagers. It's also June in my town so don't be surprised by the lack of snow =P

EDIT: The queue is really long now so not accepting anymore for a minute. Will reopen when it calms down.

I'd love to come over and sell when it isn't as busy!:) I will pm you..
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My turnips are 644 bells today!
I'm keeping this day open for a while as I'm giving away a villager too, so I'll hang around for a few hours so lots of people can take advantage of my bad luck (I've been TTing so have no turnips!)

PM me your FC if you want to come sell ^^
Please don't run in my town, and don't talk to any villagers. It's also June in my town so don't be surprised by the lack of snow =P

The price is gone. Managed to serve 23 people before it went though!

What is the price now?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm new at turnips.

How high can they go?

I found last week buying them @ 109k and then selling them Friday (5 p.m.) @ 419k.

This 644k is mind-blowing.

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What is the price now?

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm new at turnips.

How high can they go?

I found last week buying them @ 109k and then selling them Friday (5 p.m.) @ 419k.

This 644k is mind-blowing.


I've only seen turnips go as high as in the 600's, like 644! But the lowest I've seen is 26 bells! :) A tip is to check this forum and the Reddit turnip forum throughout the week to get a high as price as possible! Happy turnip-ing :) :blush:
With no disrespect folks, please limit posting here with only high Turnup price posts. Asking for a specfic range of Turnup prices won't do you any justice, hence that's why this thread exists. It's distracting for folks like me to constantly check this thread having "new" posts just to see people posting requests for Turnup price ranges. When someone has a high Turnup price, they'll post it here. Until then please don't bomb this thread. I too want to sell my Turnups badly.
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