Official Turnip Prices Thread

Hope you're having a wonderful holiday turnip hunters!
I'm not entirely sure how this works, but my town of Finch has turnips selling for 510 bells!
If you would like to sell, send a PM to me! I'm going to be emptying all of the messages in my inbox, so I can take in any many requests as possible... I'll let you know when you are able to enter the town!

Just send me your character name and town, and friend code. My friend code is on the side!

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Hope you're having a wonderful holiday turnip hunters!
I'm not entirely sure how this works, but my town of Finch has turnips selling for 510 bells!
If you would like to sell, send a PM to me! I'm going to be emptying all of the messages in my inbox, so I can take in any many requests as possible... I'll let you know when you are able to enter the town!

Just send me your character name and town, and friend code. My friend code is on the side!

Sent PM as well. Let me know if there's a spot open.
Three more people will be coming into town! Thanks for everyone who has come in so far by the way!

Gonna be emptying my PM box! Turns out I was full lol
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In case some people were confused, my town is Finch, and my character's name is Jane! Profile not big enough for two character names/towns!
Thanks again!
Sorry for taking so long, I don't like running in other towns.
I've only seen turnips go as high as in the 600's, like 644! But the lowest I've seen is 26 bells! :) A tip is to check this forum and the Reddit turnip forum throughout the week to get a high as price as possible! Happy turnip-ing :) :blush:

My lowest was 7 bells :/