Official Turnip Prices Thread

Can I come over?
I'll be free in about 20 to 30 minutes. I'll check then. Please add me and I'll come over... 1 1/2 trips is all I need.
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272 over here

nothing special but high enough for a big profit

P.S - its 12:30 PM in my town right now
Sorry people. I went out but time travelled back to keep the price at 526 bells and will time travel to enable those that need/want to sell.
If you are still interested please add my other FC which is 3539-9251-5269 – Coco Bay and let me know. Do NOT add the Anubia FC. I will be checking the forum and emails periodically so no worries or panicking – everyone will have a chance to sell. :)
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I'd be interested (Mirage FC 5129-1688-5267). It's getting a little late here, but I'll be up a while. I don't know if you mean for right now or later today, though.
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totally interested, would very much appreciate if i could come!!

PS - i have no problem TTing to sunday so you can come buy turnips in my town to cash in on some profits yourself as well!
I have added you if you are able to come now. If not, I will add the next person and you can come later today :)
Sure, I have added you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

totally interested, would very much appreciate if i could come!!

PS - i have no problem TTing to sunday so you can come buy turnips in my town to cash in on some profits yourself as well!

Sure, you can come after Ras and Wabty. I will add you as soon as they are done.