Official Turnip Prices Thread

uhm are you still letting people in? I'd like to go with my game and my girlfriend's...
lillikay is it ok if a friend and i come over to sell our turnips?
or are your prices changed ?
thnx in ad

Hi Kira,

You and your friend can come over. You both need to add the Coco Bay FC not the Anubia one. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

uhm are you still letting people in? I'd like to go with my game and my girlfriend's...

Sure Kahzel, I have added you. I will need your girlfriend's FC. Add my Coco Bay FC: 3539-9251-5269.
Sorry people. I went out but time travelled back to keep the price at 526 bells and will time travel to enable those that need/want to sell.
If you are still interested please add my other FC which is 3539-9251-5269 ? Coco Bay and let me know. Do NOT add the Anubia FC. I will be checking the forum and emails periodically so no worries or panicking ? everyone will have a chance to sell. :)

May I visit as well?
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Rich and Sen, I will add you once the current visitor finishes selling. Will need to tt back for a bit.
Okay, Rich and Sen, I have added you. Sen you need to add 3539-9251-5269. Gates open. I am a bit busy in real life and will not be able chat much. Just get on with your selling :).
Okay, Rich and Sen, I have added you. Sen you need to add 3539-9251-5269. Gates open. I am a bit busy in real life and will not be able chat much. Just get on with your selling :).

Thank you so much c: Your paths are adorable!