My gate is open 
Sorry I missed that, if you are still available let me know, I would like to buy a full pocket.
Aww, that was almost 24 hours ago. I'm in Korean time, so it's 8 in the morning right now on Monday.
Hi! I was wondering if anyone had turnip prices above 300? I bought 1000 and each time I visited retail the prices were only 87 a lot cheaper then my buying price. I time traveled many times but can't seem to find an amount that could make profit pls help
461 here
461 here
Hi is it still 461 because if so can i come over?
Yup! Come over, it's open!
I wanted to do some TTing this week but I impulse bought some turnips, anyone online right now who has a good selling price?
Reese is buying for 497!