Official Turnip Prices Thread

Searching fo turnip prices 350bpt and up! I have a lot of Graciegrace clothing, Saharah items, fortune cookie items, and some legit artwork for trade. Just name your price! I can also get you a twelve-grape plate.
I too am looking for good turnip prices, if anyone knows if they're going for high price anywhere let me know thanks
Can anybody help me to sell my Turnips for a good price? 300 or above?

PM me and add me on 1375-8267-0554
and I will reply you as soon as possible.
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Doesn't look like anyone is on, but if there are any 200+ prices out there, I'd love to come by. 99k tip per trip to the store. :D
Looking for good prices on turnips, will be on late every night this week. Hope someone can help. I can offer hybrids or art.
I'm looking for good prices on turnips; preferably over 200, if possible. If anyone has good prices, let me know. Thanks! :D
Turnips are selling for 484 in my town, but I won't be available until around midnight est, if at all. Keep an eye out for me.
I'd like to sell my turnips. If anyone has good prices, let me know! :lemon:
Im also looking to sell my turnips for a high price, i will leave a tip if you want. =)
Also looking to sell turnips for higher than 200, ill tip you in blue roses <3 and/or mermaid furniture.
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