Official Turnip Prices Thread

If any time travelers have prices at 400 or higher (500+ preferred) please let me know! I am more than happy to bring my a tip of a few NMT or bells.
My turnips are, unfortunately, a decreasing pattern. Does anyone have decent prices I could sell at?
*Theyve been sold! Thank you. <3
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Prices are 562! I tt quick so lemme know if you want to come over and sell.
[Prices gone now]
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HELP!!! I bought my Turnips for 93 bells each this week. Checked every day, the prices kept declining and now I only have Reese offering 37 bells and my store closes in 1.5hours!

I don't wanna lose that stalk market this week! If anyone's got good turnip prices, at least over 100, I promise I'll leave ya a lil tip to say "thank you" for HELPING ME NOT LOSE BELLS! lol

(but yeah, I'm new here. Still on New Leaf and it's hard to find fellow players!)
A question for New Leaf turnips!

I time travel a lot in both towns. I want to help out everyone, but if the date is significantly higher or lower to the other trader, does that mean the turnips will spoil?
A question for New Leaf turnips!

I time travel a lot in both towns. I want to help out everyone, but if the date is significantly higher or lower to the other trader, does that mean the turnips will spoil?
No they won't, what's important is the date of the town you bought the turnips in
I currently have a declining pattern and would appreciate if i could sell my turnips in someone elses town *sweats* Preferably for more than 300 bells per turnip but i'm desperate so everything over 130 is good haha :) If you want something in return I'll see what I can do!
Greetings and eternal thankfulness,
I currently have a declining pattern and would appreciate if i could sell my turnips in someone elses town *sweats* Preferably for more than 300 bells per turnip but i'm desperate so everything over 130 is good haha :) If you want something in return I'll see what I can do!
Greetings and eternal thankfulness,

My turnips are at 428. You're welcome to sell.
... I know? I'm waiting for you to add me and open your station so I can deliver the stuff you wanted from my giveaway thread ;)