Cycling Offline! - 15TBT each! - Free add ons included! (Please see opening post!) Over 400 villagers!

  1. TBT Bells
Hello! Could I place an order:

Username: Snuggie

Villager: Molly

Time zone/Available: Whenever you are.

Add on: 50 NMTs
Sorry for the delay, I was in bed. I will start on Molly now and notify you by DM once she's ready. Approximately 45-60 minutes. 😀
Username: Ash
Villager: Mathilda
Time Zone/Availability: CST/ Available this Friday(21th) starting at 6pm-10pm. Will send update if I'm not available at a certain time

For material stack I'm not sure what I need atm. Surprise me!
I will DM you later with pick up details.
Thank you both for your orders! 😀
Username: The Pennifer
Villager: Faith
Time Zone PST available now for a short window of time
I don’t really need material or NMTs 😊
Username: The Pennifer
Villager: Faith
Time Zone PST available now for a short window of time
I don’t really need material or NMTs 😊
I can have Faith ready for you in approximately 30 minutes if that suits you? I'll DM you once Faith is ready for collection. Thank you for your order! 😀
Awesome!! Thank you so much … ❤️
I will be ready!
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Thank you so much I am delighted to have Faith as a little friend for Melba
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Username: Spooky.
Villager: Tom the cat
Time Zone/Availability: EST, all day on weekends and after 5pm on week days. I'm free the rest of today and am going out for a little while tomorrow but still mostly free.

Username: Spooky.
Villager: Tom the cat
Time Zone/Availability: EST, all day on weekends and after 5pm on week days. I'm free the rest of today and am going out for a little while tomorrow but still mostly free.
Hello, I can get started on Tom right away and have him ready in approximately 45-60 minutes, if that suits? Please let me know if you would like 5 material stacks or 50 NMTs. Thank you for your order! 😀
Timezone: Central (6 hours behind you)
Availability: anytime today's good but if other times needed, 5 to 9pm your time is good too.
Hello @WhiteLily210 , I have started on Marina and she should be ready in under 60 minutes. Please let me know if you would like 50 NMTs or 5 material stacks as your add on. I will DM you when Marina is ready for collection. Thank you for your order! 😀
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Hello, is it okay to order two at a time? I have the space, I restarted my island and I'm at the point where I have to lay out plots and fill them and I still have 3 slots left to fill. @themysterybidder

Username: Spooky.
Villager: Katt and Kiki
Time Zone/Availability: EST. I'm free the rest of tonight and after 5pm weeknights.
Hello, is it okay to order two at a time? I have the space, I restarted my island and I'm at the point where I have to lay out plots and fill them and I still have 3 slots left to fill. @themysterybidder

Username: Spooky.
Villager: Katt and Kiki
Time Zone/Availability: EST. I'm free the rest of tonight and after 5pm weeknights.
Sorry, for the delay in replying, I was in bed. Of course you can order 2 at a time. I don't know if you're still available as it's 11.30pm your time, if not I will have your orders ready by 5pm for you. Thank you for your order! 😀
Edit: With 2 orders, you can have 10 materials stacks, 10 NMTs or mix and match 5 material stacks and 5 NMTs. 😀
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Sorry, for the delay in replying, I was in bed. Of course you can order 2 at a time. I don't know if you're still available as it's 11.30pm your time, if not I will have your orders ready by 5pm for you. Thank you for your order! 😀
Edit: With 2 orders, you can have 10 materials stacks, 10 NMTs or mix and match 5 material stacks and 5 NMTs. 😀

Perfect! Are you free now by any chance? I'm on my lunch break and can pop on to pick up one of the villagers, and maybe get the other at 5?
Perfect! Are you free now by any chance? I'm on my lunch break and can pop on to pick up one of the villagers, and maybe get the other at 5?
Hi, I'm in the process of preparing your villagers for 5pm, so I don't think I'll have one ready by the end of your lunch break. I will DM you 2 Dodo codes later, if that's ok? Also, do which materials/NMTs would you like? :)
Hi, I'm in the process of preparing your villagers for 5pm, so I don't think I'll have one ready by the end of your lunch break. I will DM you 2 Dodo codes later, if that's ok? Also, do which materials/NMTs would you like? :)

That's fine, no worries. Two dodos will work, since I'll have to time travel in between to put down the second plot anyway.

Any kind of wood is always super useful
Username: PuellaMagiMe
Villlager: Kabuki
Time zone: British GMT. Ready whenever you are :)

Just saw slots r full woops. Pls let me know when they’re open again :)

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Username: PuellaMagiMe
Villlager: Kabuki
Time zone: British GMT. Ready whenever you are :)

Just saw slots r full woops. Pls let me know when they’re open again :)

Slots will be available tomorrow! 😀
Edit: @PuellaMagiMe - Slots are reopened, I should be available anytime from 11am - 9pm (BST) if you're still looking for Kabuki. :)
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Hi again.

Username: PacV

Villager: Gala the Normal Pig

Available: Whenever you are.

Add on: 50 NMTs.

Thank you so much.