Devoted to Buck! (UK)
Hello and welcome back! Sorry for the delay in replying little Blossom takes up a lot of my free time at the moment! I can certainly have Annalise ready for you and we can arrange a time suitable for us both.Long time no see~~ I’m back with another request! I hope you’ve been well ^^
Username: spicedb
Villager: Annalise the snooty horse
Time Zone/Date and Time availability: I’ll be around for the next 2-3 hours but if you’re not available we can try the next morning in your timezone.
I'll be available (24 Feb) 6pm - 9pm (GMT) or basically all day (25 Feb) from about 6am until about 9pm (GMT). Hope this helps! Would you like any add ons to your order?
Thank you for your understanding, hope to be back to open full time in a few weeks!