coming back to this and seeing the poll, and damn y'all really hate lites lmao. my sister, girlfriend and i all own switch lites, and i'm the only one who briefly experienced drift which, as i mentioned previously, isn't an issue anymore. we all play daily and have since purchase -- hell, i must spend a good 12 hours on my lite everyday and have for almost 2 years. could you get that lucky? well, maybe not, but there's always extended warranties if you're that worried. i wouldn't discount the console entirely just because of the dreaded joycon drift when there's a decent chance rubbing alcohol or blowing air will fix it -- and that's if it even becomes an issue. not to mention that sending in a lite for repair would be cheaper than repeatedly buying new joycons unless you really distrust nintendo that much. but that's just me i hate the OG switch too much lol, and it's at least £60 more expensive here.
The Lite is perfectly fine. It's a Switch in the end. The issue is the joystick drift problems. Once you get it, you will have a heck of a time fixing it and have to rely on Nintendo's assistance... which can be pretty lackluster.
The OG Switch has this issue, sure, but at least you can replace the JoyCons or just use a Pro Controller in Tabletop Mode with the kickstand.