Old School AC Week: Art Contest

I have been informed that tokens are out!

You won't receive a PM due to the method used to send out the tokens. If you look at your sidebar/check your transaction log you'll see that you have received 10 tokens. If you haven't received the tokens make a thread in Contact the Staff and either Jeremy or myself will look into it.
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Waiting for it to process is boring! :p

Indeed! Sadly it didn't even turn out how I wanted. I wanted purple to blue and it turned out all dark blue for some reason. >:
Indeed! Sadly it didn't even turn out how I wanted. I wanted purple to blue and it turned out all dark blue for some reason. >:

Wow this is a weird coincidence. I was using a purple dye and it came out more blue than I wanted. :mad:
Can-t wait to see all the entries! Or atleast the ones the staff liked the most. How many entries were there this event and how many do you anticipate will be nominated?
Can-t wait to see all the entries! Or atleast the ones the staff liked the most. How many entries were there this event and how many do you anticipate will be nominated?

There were 38 accepted entries. It's hard to predict how many will make it to the poll at this stage.

First we each nominate a specific number of entries (this varies depending on turnout) and then the amount of votes each piece of artwork received gets tallied. The cut-off for how many staff members votes you need to make it into the poll depends purely on numbers. e.g. if we all have similar favourites and all seven of us participate in voting then you might need 4-5 votes to make the poll. Whereas if our nominations are scattered and only four or five of us vote then this would be taken into account and the number of votes needed for an entry to go to the polls will be lower. It's just a lot of math really! This information is all disclosed (how many of us voted/how many votes you needed) when the poll goes live.

I would've submitted something if i was allowed to animate it.

Unfortunately this would've been unfair for our traditional artists because they can't mimic it on paper.

Staff nominations are in, the results have been tallied, and we know which entries are going to the poll. As mentioned before there will be a little delay in the poll itself going live but we'll do our best to get it out as fast as possible.

Does anyone else want to see the entries that didnโ€™t make it? I will post mine here if anyone else does :rolleyes:
Yes! I want to see them all. I already posted mine in my art thread.

I did my art themed around Gulliver's UFO spaceship ... I could never manage to get my slingshot out and shoot him down ... I planned my routes and tried when he made his 2nd fly over too but just was too slow or clumsy i guess ...
here is my art ... I called it ?What the Animal Crossing City Folk Mayor and Villagers Found on the Beach?

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Just saw this, sorry if this question was answered but am I allowed to enter a custom design i made on ACNH?