Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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Anyway, it's quite late, so I'm saving Kabuki for one of the people that asked because I know she's been checking this thread a lot and well
Giving it away to someone like that is what I made this thread to avoid tbh
So yeah, no more cycling tonight but shdfugdfugdgf

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REALLY? REAALLY?? LOOOOOOOOOL Ok I should not laugh but GOD so hilarious

It's been a years worth of cycling and he only just decided to leave (I started with him)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone enjoyed the Harvest Festival :D And, of course, Thanksgiving in real life :p
Could you put me one the list for Beau, please? :) My little sister's got an open spot again, so I'm back to lurking for her dreamies :3 (Only three to go! <3)
Is aurora still available?

Aurora didn't even move in I'm afraid, as nobody asked for her to be taken in at the time :/

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Could you put me one the list for Beau, please? :) My little sister's got an open spot again, so I'm back to lurking for her dreamies :3 (Only three to go! <3)

Will do! ^_^

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If Squeaky doesn't want Beau, I'd LOVE to add him to my deer town <3

There are tons of people on the list for him already ahah :")

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Hi! If you happen upon Zucker, could you please let me know?

Unfortunately I did tell Kellybear I'd save Zucker for her if she still needed him, but I'll try to remember to get in touch with you if he moves in and she no longer wants him ^_^

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SO I GOT RID OF HANS . and got Pango as a random well great. -.-

I got sylvia out wahey *high fives*
yaaay Lady Di got a nice place to swoop her house down on too <333 Now I only need Bam and to cycle back my Lopez ;u;
aw yis cant believe i was that lucky to have her camping ;u; awwwww yea.

yeah, kinda need to get either pango or genji out now before i can take in bam tho
Ik this is a really old post but WHAT!!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!

clay is cool but I'm kinda eh about the rest :")

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I got your vm , Thank you for kabuki ! I am ready to pick him when you ready :)

I'm ready!
I've already added you, my I ask what the name of the town if you're coming from?
I'll open my gates, just follow me when you arrive! ^_^
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