Pokémon On the fence about getting Sun. I love pokemon but I'm conflicted.


slave to the vaporwave
Nov 15, 2016
Poptart Easter Egg
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Peach (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Mother's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
I'm unemployed/disabled due to health reasons, so when I got a little bit of Christmas cash, I'm cautious on what to spend it on. I really love Pokemon. I absolutely loved XY (favorite Pokemon game) and I enjoyed ORAS but not quite as much. So I'm wondering if I should gamble 60 bucks on something that may just be 'meh' for me.

Basically what I loved in XY was the ability to change outfits and accessorize. I also loved amie and the minigames. Breeding post-game was fun too and easy rollerskating around Lumiose city. I also got the shiny charm, so shiny hunting was fun too. The atmosphere and interesting towns was also part of what made it so special for me.

Based on those interests, would anyone recommend SunMoon for me? I dunno, I just want some opinions. I'm sure I wouldn't dislike it- it's Pokemon! But, I just want to be sure I only pay for something I'm gonna truly enjoy.
$60 for a Pok?mon Game? Yikes.

I definitely think this is one of the best Pok?mon games in history, the game has a plot from the very beginning (in terms of story), the characters are fresh as well as the overall new mechanics (which will be a huge surprise if you haven't been keeping up with the Sun&Moon news.)The Pok?mon this gen have really interesting gimmicks and really nice designs.

I really think you will like this game, so try it out. \(•w•)/

As for ratings I'd give it a 9/10. Its overall very fresh so yeah...
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$60 for a Pok?mon Game? Yikes.

I definitely think this is one of the best Pok?mon games in history, the game has a plot from the very beginning (in terms of story), the characters are fresh as well as the overall new mechanics (which will be a huge surprise if you haven't been keeping up with the Sun&Moon news.)The Pok?mon this gen have really interesting gimmicks and really nice designs.

I really think you will like this game, so try it out. \(•w•)/

As for ratings I'd give it a 9/10. Its overall very fresh so yeah...

Yeah, all I've been hearing about is the new pokemon and their evo's, but nothing about the new mechanics. Thanks so much for the review!
I like this gen a lot. I think Sun & Moon are definitely a lot closer in comparison to XY as opposed to ORAS, so either version should be right up your alley. I was really happy that we got the chance to have trainer customization again too, and on top of that the addition of new Pokemon + Alolan forms was incredibly appealing to me as well. Go for it!
Sun/Moon lets you customize your trainer. Amie is also back, but it's called Pokemon Refresh. It's actually better than Amie was, in the sense that you get to cure negative status ailments (poison, paralyze, etc) for free after battles by petting your Pokemon. It also increases the exp gained if you get the affection high enough in Refresh. They don't have roller skates anymore. Instead there's a Pokemon Ride function. It replaces HMs too. Fly, rock smash, roller skates, and all of those other things that you would do outside of battle are now done with Ride.

I honestly like Sun/Moon more than any Pokemon game so far, and I've been playing Pokemon since Blue came out for the Gameboy in 1998. It's not a perfect game. No Pokemon game has been yet. But it's really, really good, and IMO fixes a lot of problems that were present in previous games.
Pokemon Sun/Moon is probably my current favorite in the franchise. The customization is still there, except that you get to see a full-size character all the time. Super Training is missing, unfortunately, but there's a lot of features that help make up for it, and Pokemon Amie is still there in the form of Pokemon Refresh. This time around, you only need to complete the in-game Pokedex to get the Shiny Charm, too! It's actually what I'm working on right now. If you're an IV-checker kind of breeder, that can now be done through the PC once you reach a certain point in the game and hatch 20 eggs.

If you can only get one game and you love Pokemon, I'd highly recommend this one. The dialogue made me laugh out loud a number of times.

That aside, I hope you get better soon! I don't know what it is, but something made my anxiety flare up a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to work, so I kind of know the feeling. Normally, I just get a bit anxious but can push through the day just fine. Hopefully it will go back to being sort of normal soon. I miss having a stable income.
Pokemon Sun/Moon is probably my current favorite in the franchise. The customization is still there, except that you get to see a full-size character all the time. Super Training is missing, unfortunately, but there's a lot of features that help make up for it, and Pokemon Amie is still there in the form of Pokemon Refresh. This time around, you only need to complete the in-game Pokedex to get the Shiny Charm, too! It's actually what I'm working on right now. If you're an IV-checker kind of breeder, that can now be done through the PC once you reach a certain point in the game and hatch 20 eggs.

If you can only get one game and you love Pokemon, I'd highly recommend this one. The dialogue made me laugh out loud a number of times.

That aside, I hope you get better soon! I don't know what it is, but something made my anxiety flare up a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to work, so I kind of know the feeling. Normally, I just get a bit anxious but can push through the day just fine. Hopefully it will go back to being sort of normal soon. I miss having a stable income.

Yoooo, only the in-game for the shiny charm? That pretty much sold me! I love shiny hunting.
Oh gosh yeah. I'm hoping to be able to work in the future, but it's just not a possibility right now. Thanks a ton for your empathy and the input on SunMoon!
Holy cow I miss the old days when my mom could just buy Pokemon Red and Blue for me and it wasn't $60 bucks haha